Box and Whisker Plots To the tune of:

Box and Whisker Plots
To the tune of:
Verse 1
So, sit right back and I’ll tell a
A tale of a guy named Scott.
He figured out the way to draw a
Box and Whisker plot
Repeat (A box and whisker plot)
Verse 2
He said, “Take your pencil and write the numbers
In order from least to great.”
Then find the number in the middle and draw a line
through it.
Repeat: Yes, draw a line through it.
10 19 25 28 29 29 30 32 32 34 34 35 36 40 45 55 58 72
Median: 33
Verse 3
This number is called the median
It splits the data in half.
We call the left the lower half
And the right the upper half.
Repeat: The right is the upper half.
10 19 25 28 29 29 30 32 32 34 34 35 36 40 45 55 58 72
Median: 33
Verse 4
Now, concentrate on the lower half.
It takes a little while.
Circle the number in the middle.
It’s called the lower quartile.
Repeat: (It’s called the lower quartile)
Verse 5
Now, switch your attention to the other half.
And do it with a smile!
Circle the number in the middle,
It’s called the Upper Quartile.
Repeat: (It’s called the Upper Quartile)
Verse 6
This is so exciting now.
Because we’re almost done.
We need to write four numbers in a row
On a number line.
Repeat: (on a number line)
Verse 7
Start by plotting the two quartiles with the
median in between
Then draw a box around the three
With the median in between.
Repeat (With the median in between)
Verse 8
So, something that will make you feel
Like an intelligent person.
Is if you can remember that
The box is 50 percent.
Repeat (The box is 50 percent)
Verse 9
Hey, did you forget the whisker part?
My teacher said, “That’s a sin!”
You have to draw a line from the box
That goes to the max and min
Repeat: (A line that goes to the max and min)
Verse 10
Next, we need to remember that
The data on each whisker part
Makes 25 percent of the plot
And now we’re truly smart.
Repeat (Yes, now we’re truly smart)
Verse 11
So, that’s the end of our tale about
NO, he really doesn’t exist.
But now you can remember the
Without writing a list.
Repeat : (Without writing a list!)