Classroom Guidelines for SC50: Environmental Science

Classroom Guidelines for SC50: Environmental Science
Mrs. Moreland
Room SA-2
Phone: 472-7092
“Quality is the best you can do, completely finished & on time!”
This is an important concept that will be stressed throughout the year. I expect nothing less from you. If you learn
to do quality work all of the time, you will achieve success in this class while learning science along the way.
Course Description:
Environmental Science is a year-long science lab course. You will earn 1 credit towards graduation requirements
upon successful completion. This course offers a comprehensive overview of environmental issues. The emphasis
will be on: population studies, natural resources, pollution, and current environmental topics.
Textbook: Holt Environmental Science (Butterfly) Karen Arms: Students may choose a traditional textbook, or use
the free on-line version-this option is available to all students, and can be accessed on-line from any computer
with an Internet connection.
Inquiry Activities
 Develop critical thinking and problem solving skills using “hands-on” & “mind’s on” activities.
 Integration of technology
 Experimental and Modeling labs
 Elaboration of critical note taking skills and analyses
 Outside Projects are a required part of this curriculum.
Materials Needed: (by next Tuesday) if you cannot obtain any of these supplies by then please see me before
Composition book (quad ruled is preferred, but not mandatory)
Colored pens /pencils- for graphical representations of data (please do not use markers on graphs)
Simple calculator- for data computations
Blue or black pen – for completing assignments
Lined notebook paper- for short in class assignments
Creativity – to contribute to class discussions and work group collaborations
Have all materials out and be ready to work at the beginning of class. A daily agenda will be posted. Prepare as directed.
Written Work
 All work must be done neatly. Work that is not legible will not be accepted. For some assignments, typing is
required. (Computers are available for student use before and after school on campus)
 Late assignments are NOT accepted. All work are due on the due date. Talk to me before the due date, if
there are an extraneous circumstances.
 All assignments must be completely finished for full credit. If you need help, ask. “I don’t know” is not an
excuse for leaving answers blank. If the assignment is not completely finished it will not be stamped!!!!!!!
 Always use complete sentences.
 No Copying or Plagiarism is tolerated. Students will be submitting written assignments via
 All assignments will be given a point value. Point values will vary depending on the amount of work involved.
Letter grades are based on a percentage (%) of the total points possible.
Comp Book – 30%
Tests – 15%
Participation – 20%
Assessments & Labs – 15%
Projects – 20%
 The grading scale is as follows: 90-100%=A, 80-89%=B, 70-79%=C, 60-69%=D, and 59% and below=F.
*Disclaimer: Any of these guidelines are subject to change at any time at the discretion of the teacher.
A significant part of your grade in Environmental Science will come from your individual participation in class
and collaborative work; therefore attendance is important for your success in Environmental Science.
Absent/Make-up Work
 It is the responsibility of the student to take care of any missing work/tests immediately upon returning to
class. (General rule is 2 days for each days of absence).
 Labs and tests will be made up before or after school.
 Unexcused absences= no credit
 10 absences= an audit. You lose credit for the entire semester. (district policy)
Rules for Success
 Be on Time! (Students will be marked TARDY if they are not in their seat by the last bell rings.)
 Have necessary materials each day.
 Be respectful of all people and things at all times.
 Cell phones and other electronic devices are not allowed unless specified by the teacher. Students not
adhering to this rule will have their device confiscated by the teacher and submitted to their administrator.
 Use Environmental Science class for Environmental Science work only.
 Class is dismissed by THE TEACHER, not the BELL!
Your behavior should be considerate and should not disrupt or interfere with the education of other students.
Consequences for Your Choices:
Verbal praise
Phone call or note home
Late homework passes
Super science treats
Good grades
Verbal warning
Student calls parents
Conference with teacher
“Detention Study”
Removal from class
AVID strategies will also be used in class to enhance your learning.
The course curriculum has been developed in accordance to the Arizona Science Standards.
Extra Credit: Very few extra credit assignments are available. Most are worth 10 points or less. Do not expect “extra credit”
to help you pass this course. Please do not ask. I will tell you when they are available. Extra credit is not intended to replace
assignments that were not completed.
*Disclaimer: Any of these guidelines are subject to change at any time at the discretion of the teacher.