RT 201: “RELIGION AND THE HUMAN QUEST” THE PLAN FOUR SEGMENTS 1. BASIC PHILOSOPHY OF ‘RELIGION’ 2. ICONS OF COSMOS 3. ICONS OF RELATIONSHIPS, SOCIETY AND COMMUNITY 4. ICONS OF HUMAN DESTINY 2 THE “PLAN” FOUR SEGMENTS: 1. BASIC PHILOSOPHY OF “RELIGION History and etymology Definition: “Religion”= Intensive and Comprehensive Valuing Committed and holistic life-quest Vocabulary: holy, sacred, power, tradition... Plato’s Cave and Line 3 State of Mind EPISTEME ABSTRACT THINKING DOXA Knowing from direct experience Mental Activity Object/Outcome NOESIS ARCHAI Meta-physics First Principles DIANOIA MATHEMATIKA LEARNED CONCLUSIONS METHOD, LOGIC REASON, CALCULATION PISTIS ZOA Knowing from personal experience Knowledge of Particular Things EIKASIA EIKONES Imaging, Symbols, arts 4 RELIGION AND THE HUMAN QUEST… R=ICV DESIRE TO LIVE RECOGNITION OF CONDITIONALITY NEED FOR STRATEGIES RELIGION AND THE HUMAN QUEST… • PISTIS EXPERIENCE OF PARTICULARS • EIKASIA IMAGINING THE WORLD AND OURSELVES • EIKONES THAT RECORD OUR EXPERIENCE • DIANOIA THAT ALLOWS US TO STUDY HUMAN EXPERIENCE ICONS OF COSMOS • SIMPLE COSMOLOGICAL EXPRESSIONS – Chant, dance, and contingency • LAKOTA STAR COSMOLOGY AND LIFE STYLE – Directions, experience, value – Constellations, geography and seasons – Wakan – Tipi and Sun Dance • UNITY OF CHINESE EXPERIENCE • LAO TZE excerpts from TAO TE CHING 7 WHAT KIND OF WORLD DO WE LIVE IN? A HINDU RESPONSE (Smith 72): 1. A multiple world that includes innumerable galaxies horizontally, innumerable tiers vertically, and innumerable cycles temporally WHAT KIND OF WORLD DO WE LIVE IN? WHAT DO YOU THINK? WHAT’S YOUR pistis? HOW DO YOU KNOW?! 1. How vast is your image of the world? Does cosmic vastness have any meaning? Is it valuable? Does it matter to the human life search? WHAT KIND OF WORLD DO WE LIVE IN? 2. A moral world in which the law of karma is never suspended. WHAT KIND OF WORLD DO WE LIVE IN? 2. Is the cosmos indifferent to human action? Is human commitment (intensiveness) without meaning? Does human decision count? Why do we care if we or others are indifferent or fanatical? WHAT KIND OF WORLD DO WE LIVE IN? 3. A middling world that will never replace paradise as the spirit’s destination WHAT KIND OF WORLD DO WE LIVE IN? 3. What lies ahead for us? Individually? Collectively? How could we know? What’s in your pistis? What’s the ground of wanting more? What are the limits of life quest? WHAT KIND OF WORLD DO WE LIVE IN? 4. A world that is maya, deceptively tricky in passing off its multiplicity, materiality, and dualities as ultimate when they are actually provisional. WHAT KIND OF WORLD DO WE LIVE IN? 4. Can we humans be mistaken? What do we do to get it right? Are there absolute conditions or only temporary ones? Can anything we do have meaning if the conditions are only temporary? WHAT KIND OF WORLD DO WE LIVE IN? 5. A training ground on which people can develop their highest capacities WHAT KIND OF WORLD DO WE LIVE IN? 5. Can we learn? Can we secure and pass our learning experience on? How? Whom do we trust? What value does my individual experience have? Is 1 in 7 Billion an adequate sample? WHAT KIND OF WORLD DO WE LIVE IN? 6. A world that is lila, the play of the Divine in its Cosmic Dance—untiring, unending, resistless, yet ultimately beneficent, with a grace born of infinite vitality. WHAT KIND OF WORLD DO WE LIVE IN? 6. Do words like JOY, HAPPINESS, FULFILLMENT, SUCCESS have any lasting meaning? Is reality “gracious”? ICONS OF RELATIONSHIP, SOCIETY, COMMUNITY • INDIA: –VARNA/CASTE: work and social organization –HOLY COWS: Indian ecology and economy • CONFUCIUS: Deliberate tradition and social cohesion 20 ICONS OF RELATIONSHIP, SOCIETY, COMMUNITY • FIVE PILLARS: The architecture of community • Genesis 2-3: Cosmos and Community • SANTOS: Community of Holy Persons on Earth and in Heaven INDIA’S SACRED COW ICONS OF HUMAN DESTINY • YOGA: the quest/search and human differences • 4 NOBLE TRUTHS/8 FOLD PATH • ZEN & JODO • KINGDOM OF GOD: Holy Week 23 SIGNUP?