COURSE SYLLABUS C Programming CS320 1. Contact Information

C Programming
1. Contact Information
I can be reached at the contact number or email address listed below. I do travel
on business from time to time. When I travel I will forward all calls to my cell
phone. Note that I may not be able to return calls until after business hours.
Please leave a message and I’ll return your call as soon as possible. I will make
every effort to return emails within 24 hours. If the matter in urgent, please call
and leave a voice mail message.
I will respond to forum questions Sunday through Thursday, but may respond on
Friday and/or Saturday depending on my availability.
Facilitator: Philip Fees
Phone: 303.838.9332 9 AM – 9 PM Mountain Time (+2 hours Eastern)
2. Grading Criteria
Labs 1 & 2 @ 12 %
Labs 3 & 4 @ 13 %
Quizzes 3 @ 15%
Weekly Forum
100 - 93%
89 - 87
79 - 77
69 - 63
59 - 0
92 - 90
86 - 83
76 - 73
62 - 60
82 - 80
72 - 70
I/grade = Incomplete - The grade accompanying the incomplete will
become permanent if the work is not completed within eight
weeks from the final class.
To receive a passing grade, the student must score 70% or higher on the
mid-term and final exam, all lab assignments must be completed, and the
student is expected to participation in forum discussions.
CS320 – C Programming
3. Lab Assignments
Each lab assignment involves writing programs using the concept covered in the
course text and in the forum. You may use any ANSI C compile. I recommend
Microsoft’s Visual C++. Another option is the Borland (Insite) C++ compiler.
Student versions are available at the Regis Bookstore. Optionally, you may be
able to get an evaluation copy from Microsoft/Borland. Securing evaluation
copies can take several days or weeks, so please plan your schedule
appropriately. Note that since C++ is a super set of C you may get more use
from a C++ compiler than a C compiler.
Grades will be assigned based on the following requirements:
• Completing the lab assignment as it specified in the problem
• Adherence to the concepts of a modular (i.e., use of functional
modules) structured (i.e., logical sequential processing, no spaghetti
code) programming design.
• Accuracy and completeness of the program including testing.
• Software readability will count. Therefore, select a style and use it
consistently (chaos will not be considered a style.)
All lab assignments due dates are specified in the week-by-week area of
WebCT. All assignments received after that date and will result in a 10%
reduction in maximum allowable points (for example, 20 points maximum
becomes 18 points maximum). No lab assignments will be accepted more
than one week late and you will receive zero points for the lab assignment.
This class, like any other programming class, requires students to spend a
significant amount of time outside of the class. If you are not willing or able to
spend the necessary time please reconsider if this is the correct time to take this
4. Exams
Automated online tests using objective type questions which may include
multiple choice, true or false, short answer, or fill in the blank will be available at
the times stated in the Week-By-Week area of WebCT.
5. Additional Class Policies
Cheating or plagiarism on tests, labs and other graded assignments will not be
tolerated. Students who engage in such dishonesty may be zero points for the
assignment, dropped from the course, and/or recommended for expulsion from
the college. NEVER share your entire lab solutions with your classmates and
please be sure that the final product of each graded assignment is your own
The copying of commercial software is both unethical and illegal. Therefore,
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CS320 – C Programming
"sharing" of commercial software in this class will not be permitted. For those
students who wish to purchase software, the Regis bookstore carries most major
software packages at student discount rates.
6. References
Johnsonbaugh, Richard & Kalin, Martin (1996). Applications Programming
in ANSI C (3rd edition). Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall. ISBN: 002-361141-3.
Deitel, H. M., & Deitel, P. J. (1994). C How to Program (2nd ed.).
Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.
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