Flinn Scholarship Arizona’s most prestigious scholarship “Brain Gain vs. Brain Drain” Covers: 1. Full tuition & fees at AZ Public University, funds for room/board, books, and supplies 2. Three week overseas seminar +2 additional summers of international travel 3. Personal mentoring by faculty, community members 4. Public Policy Seminars 5. Field Trips 6. Opportunities to meet and work with community leaders 7. Fellowship in a community Value is estimated at more than $50,000 FLINN CRITERIA Profile of Flinn Scholars 1. Average SAT Scores of 1450/1600 2. Average ACT Scores of 31/36 3. 9/20 Selected are National Merit Scholars 4. Most graduated in the top 2% of their class FLINN loves DOBSON Students! Application Process Receive 600 applications (20 Scholarships available) 1st: Make the paper cut: meet all requirements, GPA, rigor of curriculum, test scores, essays and recommendations are spectacular-(notified during the end of December) 2nd: Attend 1st Interview (1st week in January) 3rd: Attend College Visits (Feb-March) 4th: Attend 2nd Interview (March) Interviews= Remain current on global, national and state news/events Selection notifications arrive in March/April What will you need? 3 Letters of Recommendation Resume Copy of Biography/Interview Questions Time to write and edit ESSAYS Recommenders Email addresses Official Transcript ACT/SAT scores Letters of Recommendation Meet with your Counselor for an hour long appointment Select Teachers: English, History, Math, Science, World Language, Music Update Resume Fill out Biography/Interview questions Fill out Teacher Recommendation Forms Allow at least 3 weeks for recommendations Send Thank You Notes Flinn Essay Tips Tell a story: find your center and learn how to describe it. What effect are you seeking? Drama? Action/Adventure? Comedy? Horror/Suspense? AVOID REMAKES Authenticity vs. Artifice: What do you most enjoy? What do you do best? How do others answer this question about you? Are these the centerpiece of your story? Autobiographer’s Oath: I solemnly swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth….but not necessarily the whole truth. Role playing: There is a bit of role playing to writing personal statements: the narrative autobiographical line you trace is inevitably more linear than your actual life and thought patterns, and there are never assurances that your focus will not shift in later years. Plan on writing several rough drafts Proof read and use spell check Have your English teacher critique Give yourself plenty of time to write these essays Essay #1 Innovative Thinker What makes you an innovative thinker? Contrast your approach with the thinking of another innovator whose ideas intrigue you. (300 words). Essay #2 Visitor From Another Culture A visitor from another culture arrives for the first time in your town/city. Playing the role of the visitor, develop a letter to family back home, in which you, the visitor, describe three characteristics (such as, but not limited to, social trends, local cuisine, architecture, marginalized groups) that seem to encapsulate the place and people of your town. (Limit 500 words). Essay #3 Nuclear Power Plants Should the US build new nuclear power plants? Explain why or why not. (Limit 500 words). Final Tips http://journalsparks.com http://www.writingfix.com/dailypromtgenerator.htm www.essayedge.com www.resumeedge.com Know your audience Be your “best” self Be selective – which stories? Find your voice –what tone? DEADLINE: October 21, 2011 ***Remember October Break is 10/10-10/14****