Project Management Checklists Project Name/Topic: Project Manager(s): Project Sponsor/Funder: Project Customer: Project Definition Goals Yes Have project goals been defined and are they clear? Impacts Replace this text with a description of project goal 1 Yes Have project impacts been defined? Replace this text with a description of the project impact for goal1 Replace this text with a description of the project impact for goal 2 Replace this text with a description of the project impact for goal 3 Replace this text with a description of the project impact for goal 4 Replace this text with a description of project goal 2 Replace this text with a description of project goal 3 Replace this text with a description of project goal 4 Add rows as needed Objectives Have project objectives been defined and are they clear? Yes Outcomes Replace this text with a description of Objective 1. Replace this text with a description of Objective 2. Replace this text with a description of Objective 3. Have project outcomes been defined? Yes Replace this text with a description of the project outcome for objective 1. Replace this text with a description of the project outcome for objective 2. Replace this text with a description of the project outcome for objective 3. Replace this text with a description of Objective 4. Replace this text with a description of the project outcome for objective 4. Add rows as needed Methodology Yes Yes Will the project require primary data? If primary data is required, have the means for collecting the data been identified? Will the project require secondary data? If secondary data is required, have the sources of the data been identified? Will you conduct key informant interviews? Will you need to purchase data? Will you need to develop and conduct a survey? Team Members Yes Has a Project Manager been identified? Has a steering committee been put together? Have key stakeholders been identified? Has the core team been identified? (If necessary, list the types of skill sets needed for the project to help identify team members.) Will you need to conduct focus groups? Will you be holding a community meeting? Comments Use your project planning tool to detail the tasks associated with your methodology. For all of the data needs that have been identified, have data analysis plans been laid out? Yes Are all team members on board? Have team members been assigned tasks? Comments Use your project management tool to store contact details and assign tasks to team members. Project Planning Tools Yes Has a project management tool been selected? Have the task details been entered? Have the project contacts been entered? Replace this text with the location of your project management tool file. Project Implementation Monitoring Yes No Comments Yes No Comments Are you able to monitor your progress? Are there any complications with your methodology or analysis plan? Are you staying within your Budget? Communication Who will you be communicating with during the project? Who will you be communicating with after the project (i.e., to whom will you report the results?)? What communication methods are at your disposal? (e.g., website, local newspaper, listservs, PSA, email, mailings, etc….) Are there any costs associated with your proposed communication strategy? Have you settled on a communication plan? Is there a regularly scheduled team meeting? Is there a regularly scheduled steering committee meeting? Is there a plan for communicating with the funders/client? Record the file location of your communication plan here Project Completion Wrapping It Up Yes No Comments Yes No Comments Have you reviewed all of your tasks and completed all remaining tasks? Are you ready to write up your results? Evaluation Have you determined how you will evaluate your project? Does your project management tool provide a means for recording your results? Have you created a plan for recording and collecting mid and long term results? Writing up the Results Yes No Comments Yes No Comments Yes No Comments Have you determined what team member(s) will be compiling the report? Have you included graphs, photos, maps, tables, etc… to illustrate your results? Has the steering committee reviewed the report before it is sent to the client? Debriefing the Project Have you developed a list of internal debriefing questions? Have you set a meeting with your client to debrief the project? Have you set a Team meeting to debrief the project? On-going Maintenance Evaluating Impacts Do you have a plan for evaluating the impacts of your project?