Saugus School Committee Time-Place: Regular Meeting Open Session August 14, 2014 An open session of the Saugus School Committee was held this date at the Roby School Building. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. The Open session was called back to order at 7:08 p.m. Roll Call: Mr. Grabowski present Mrs. Meredith present Mrs. Riley present Mr. Serino present Ms. Reed present Ms. Reed noted that the meeting was being recorded by SCTV. There were no other recordings. She also noted that the Superintendent was not present this evening due to a family commitment. Ms. Andrews and Ms. Howard were present. Public Comment: none Special Presentation none Student Representative’s Report: none Approval of Minutes: Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously VOTED: to approve the Minutes of July 24, 2014 Open Session as presented. Ms. Meredith moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously VOTED: to approve the Executive Session Minutes for the following meetings: July 24, 2014, May 22, 2014, May 8, 2014, April 3, 2014, March 27, 2014, March 13, 2014, February 20, 2014, December 12, 2013, October 24, 2013, October 10, 2013, August 22, 2013, Mr. Grabowski moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously VOTED: to take new business items out of order (SHS student handbook, athletic waivers, and user fees). New Business: NEASC Report: Ms. Howard read from the NEASC report. Mr. Hashem reported that he spoke with Janet Allison, from NEASC, and she is pleased with the progress. He noted that they are still in warning because of the building. They wanted to know about the SOI. Mr. Hashem will submit the follow up in January. Ms. Allison said the report was very positive. Ms. Reed would like a copy of the report submitted in January. Saugus High School Student Handbook: Principal Hashem noted that they made some significant changes to the handbook. Ms. Howard reported that they received 1 Saugus School Committee Regular Meeting Open Session August 14, 2014 advisement on discipline laws from the law offices of Murphy, Toomey, Lehane. They put out a template to follow. Mr. Hashem discussed discipline and noted that the law discourages in-school suspension. They have Saturday school session at the high school. The law is very student friendly regarding not losing school time. The child can’t be removed from school until a face-to face meeting with the parent. Ms. Howard discussed the law. They hope to reduce the dropout rate. Mr. Hashem reported on other changes: going back to two lunches instead of three and they increased the grade point average to 3.5 to be honor society eligible. Mr. Hashem stated that they are proofing it now and it will be put on the website. Ms. Reed asked that they add the policy codes. The signature page will be printed for the students to sign. Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously VOTED: to approve the new SHS handbook 2014-2015 pending policy approvals. Athletic Waivers 8th Grade: Mr. Hashem reviewed the list of teams to be included in the athletic waiver for 8th grade students. He noted that SHS students will not be displaced by an 8th grader and they will only use the 8th grader if needed. The MIAA waiver process does not need to be signed. Mr. Hashem will go on the MIAA website to click the button and an email will go to the Superintendent, principal, and Ms. Reed. A discussion was held regarding the wrestling program regarding weight and size. Mr. Hashem noted that the weight classes need to be filled and it evens the playing field. Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously VOTED: to approve the athletic waivers as outline by Mr. Hashem. (girls and boys soccer, x-country, boys and girls golf, boys and girls hockey, girls softball, varsity indoor track, varsity wrestling) Mr. Grabowski said that the recommendation is for the user fees remain the same as last year. He reported that the deficit will be $150,000 because the numbers did not include free and reduced lunch user fees. Mr. Hashem read a list of the user fees. There is no family cap and the middle school students do not get the free/reduced fee. Ms. Meredith has a problem with the fact that the BMS students do not get the free/reduced rate. She said that if a student at the high school gets a $75 break the same should hold true for the middle school. Mr. Hashem discussed the user fees. He did not account for free or reduced lunch fees so the deficit is not $134,000, it is $150,000. 2 Saugus School Committee Regular Meeting Open Session August 14, 2014 A discussion was held regarding the user fees. Ms. Meredith said they need to get creative to lower the fees and then maybe more kids would sign up. Mr. Grabowski said they need to set the fees since the season starts Monday. Ms. Andrews said the rebates went out today. They will need to subtract the rebates. Mr. Grabowski moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was VOTED: to set the user fees the same as last year. 4 in favor. 1 opposed (Ms. Meredith) Warrants for Approval: Ms. Andrews noted that the first warrant is to finish up the year. The other warrant was produced by MUNIS: $97,676.87. Mr. Grabowski asked if all the bills are approved by three members. Ms. Andrews said all bills are signed by three members. Mr. Grabowski asked what would happen if they did not vote the warrant. Ms. Reed said they would be cited in an audit. She noted that School Committee members have been called by vendors. Ms. Andrews noted that the carryovers have been submitted to the town. There is a lag right now because of MUNIS. Mr. Grabowski said they were told they would be voting encumbrances. Ms. Andrews said the list of encumbrances was given to the members of the School Committee. Discussion was held regarding encumbrances written to reduce other line items. Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously VOTED: to approve the bill schedule in the amount of $485,357.66 as outlined in the August 14, 2014 memo. Ms. Meredith moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously VOTED: to approve the bill schedule in the amount of $97,676.87 as outlined in the memo dated August 14, 2014. A discussion was held regarding the warrant (signatures and details). Superintendent’s Report: Ms. Lisa Howard gave the Superintendent’s Report. Tracey Ragucci is the New Principal of Veterans Memorial Elementary School: Ms. Ragucci has been selected and accepted the position of Principal at the Veterans School, effective August 1, 2014. Ms. Howard gave an overview of Ms. Ragucci’s accomplishments. A Meet the Principal night will be held on Thursday, August 28, 2014 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Administrative Institute II Planned for August 26 and August 27: The SPS administrative team will be holding its second two-day training institute on August 26 and August 27. 3 Saugus School Committee Regular Meeting Open Session August 14, 2014 The focus will be finalizing the draft of the DIP, finalizing the school safety plan, training on TeachPoint, CopSync, and highlighting our two texts for this year. They will also follow up on the legal training for 505’s and IEP’s. Fingerprinting: Fingerprinting will be available for SPS employees on September 5, 2014. Budget Update 2014-2015: It was reported that the Superintendent is confident that we will be recouping some funds from turnover savings as was planned in the budget as well as some funds from our supply budget freeze that began in January. This money will be reallocated for books, supplies, equipment and technology purchases that impact students educational progress the most. The next order of priority will be for student safety concerns such as adjustment counselors, health/wellness initiatives and other academic support and /or enrichment services needed by Saugus students. Athletic User Fee Rebates: The rebates were cut and mailed today. Ms. Riley said that last year they met regarding teacher evaluations. She wanted to know if they would be doing that again. Ms. Reed said the committee will be coming together in September to do that. Mr. Grabowski asked about the DIP. Ms. Reed reported that all five members of the Committee plus members of the public will meet. Report of Executive Director of Pupil Personnel Services: Ms. Lisa Howard reported on the following: Midcycle Review Extension. Due date is October 15. Ms. Howard will give the School Committee a copy. Medicaid Audit: Ms. Howard met with SHORE and Medicaid. Summer Programs are winding down. They consolidated services and lengthened the program. Staffing: There has been a lot of turnover due to career improvement, working closer to home, etc. They have nine new staff members and still need to fill positions. Mr. Grabowski asked about the posting of the positions. Ms. Howard assured him that they were posted. Report of Subcommittees: Finance Subcommittee: High School Class Accounts-close out: Ms. Riley said they met two months ago to regarding high school class monies. Discussion was held. Ms. Pola said the senior class should vote on what they would like to do with the money. The vote does not have to have a specific amount attached to it. They could vote to donate the money, give a class gift, etc. Policy Subcommittee: Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously VOTED: to approve the attendance policy JHABCD as read on July 24, 2014 replacing JHABC. 4 Saugus School Committee Regular Meeting Open Session August 14, 2014 Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously VOTED: that there would be no changes made to the Technology Policy. The new policy is JICJH replacing the old JICJ. Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and It was unanimously VOTED: to accept the Electronic Device Policy as read on July 24, 2014. Finger Printing: Mr. Serino asked if they needed a policy since it is a State law. Ms. Reed said they did not need a policy but they do need procedures in place. Class Monies: It is up to the class how to spend the money. If anything is left over it can be donated to a charity, to another class, or spend it on a class gift. It is up to the class. Ms. Reed asked if they would take a vote. Mr. Serino said they are working on that now. Not everyone was at the meeting. They have a good outline of what to do. Previous classes will be given their money and we are going to move forward. Mr. Grabowski is concerned that they have had opinions from auditors on this. Ms. Reed said it is between the high school principal and the town treasurer. It is the students’ money. Ms. Andrews noted that the classes of 2009, 2011, 2012, and 2013 have been caught in the middle. They were told that they could use the money for reunions. A discussion was held regarding the funds. Mr. Grabowski moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously VOTED: that the classes from 2009 – 2013 must register and set up a non-profit to be used for reunions. Then the money can be disbursed based on their providing the documentation as proof of setting up a non-profit account. Obligation Collection: They are working on a new policy. There are several steps and then they will go to a collection agency to collect athletic fees, book money, lunch money, etc. The policy will be ready for the next meeting. Food Service: Ms. Riley noted that they are submitting a recommendation of food service to policy. The recommendation is that any outstanding debt of $25 or more by the last day of school be sent to an outside collection agency. These are individuals that do not come for assistance. This is the last resort to collect funds. Sign Policy: A discussion was held regarding signs to generate revenue. There needs to be a lot of clarification on this. Ms. Reed stated that bylaws would need to be amended by getting signatures and go to a town meeting. The schools would receive the money generated. Student Discipline: Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously VOTED: to waive the second reading of the student discipline policy. Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously 5 Saugus School Committee Regular Meeting Open Session August 14, 2014 VOTED: to adopt the policy on student discipline file JK as amended with references to 37H, 37H ¾, 37H 1/2. School Visitation: This policy was reviewed and does not need to be changed. Ms. Riley suggested that new principals get a copy of the policy. Old Business: Evans School Rental and Lease: Mr. Grabowski would like a copy of the lease and what they had received before and place it on the next agenda. BMS Repair Project Update: Ms. Reed noted that this had come up and she had asked everyone to go by the tennis courts at the BMS. A discussion was held regarding the condition of the courts and the amount of the grant the town received to upgrade the courts. The work was not completed as to what was on the proposal. The committee was not happy with what they saw. Ms. Riley received complaints from parents as well as kids. If Ms. Riley hears anything about the work done, she will have it put on the next agenda. BMS Project Update: Ms. Reed said the punch list is down to one item. It will be completed by Monday or Tuesday of next week. Ms. Riley asked who would do the final walk through. Ms. Reed said that the head custodian and the architect. Mr. Grabowski is disappointed that the school dept. did not receive reimbursement for custodial overtime. Ms. Reed said the plaque for the middle school has been ordered and the company will install it. New Business: Gifts: Ms. Howard read letters from the following gifts: SBEC Letter Mr. Lawrence Letter Curtis Estate Mr. Grabowski would like to see copies of every letter. Every letter should be in the packet. Vending machines in our schools: Mr. Grabowski had a request for a report of collections. Mr. Hashem reported that there are two machines at the high school and the money goes to the athletic revolving account. It is between $100-$200 per year. Mr. Grabowski would like to see the vending machines go out to bid. It will be put on the next agenda. 6 Saugus School Committee Regular Meeting Open Session August 14, 2014 Mr. Grabowski would also like to find out about the vending machines at the Veterans and the Waybright. Collaborative Programs in our Schools: Ms. Howard spoke with SHORE. The money goes into the SHORE reserve account. It is $5,000. This is used by SPS for students. Mr. Grabowski would like to get more information on that and would like to see the contract. A discussion was held regarding the benefits of having a SHORE classroom at the middle school. Mr. Grabowski asked for the agreement. He said they need to get everything in writing for future school committees. Ms. Howard will get back to the Committee with answers. Saugus Education Fund on Saugus Tax Bill: Ms. Reed noted that this is a separate account. There is $9,073 in the account. Class Flags: Mr. Grabowski said that it is a state law that all classrooms have an American Flag and they need to be made in America. He would like to get a list from the principals of what is needed. Superintendent’s Evaluation: Ms. Meredith moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously VOTED: to table the evaluation. Ratification of Cafeteria Unit contract: Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously VOTED: to table this item to the next meeting since they do not have ratification. Correspondence: Correspondence was received regarding polling locations on September 9. Mr. Grabowski asked for a report of outstanding obligations. Ms. Andrews will get it. Mr. Grabowski asked for new contracts. Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously VOTED: to adjourn the meeting at 9:54 p.m. 7