Directions to the Pretoria Campus of TUT

Directions to the Pretoria Campus of TUT
The Campus is situated at the corner of Staatsartillerie Road and Technikon Road in Pretoria West.
Directions – when coming from Joburg:
 Enter Pretoria using Potgieter Street
 At the corner of Potgieter and Skinner, turn left into Skinner
 At the corner of Skinner and DF Malan, turn right into DF Malan
 Proceed along DF Malan (passing Marabastad on your right.
 Pass an overhead railway bridge.
 Immediately after the overhead railway bridge, take the Staatsartillerie offramp to the left.
 At the robot, turn left into Staatsartillerie Road
 At the next robot (corner Staatsartillerie and Technikon Road, turn right into Technikon Road.
 Technikon Road will lead you straight into the University.
Directions – when coming from Pretoria CBD:
 Use Skinner Street going to the West.
 At the corner of Skinner and DF Malan, turn right into DF Malan
 Proceed along DF Malan (passing Marabastad on your right.
 Pass an overhead railway bridge.
 Immediately after the overhead railway bridge, take the Staatsartillerie offramp to the left.
 At the robot, turn left into Staatsartillerie Road
 At the next robot (corner Staatsartillerie and Technikon Road, turn right into Technikon Road.
 Technikon Road will lead you straight into the University.
See campus map below for further directions to the Theunis Bester Hall, Building number 7