Mr. Cheff’s ELA 07 Class 2015-2016 Student Contract Smith Junior High

Mr. Cheff’s ELA 07 Class
Student Contract
Smith Junior High
The class will be studying the essentials of English: literature, vocabulary, spelling, research, grammar,
composition, effective writing and reading techniques, poetry and creative writing. These areas will be
practiced and stressed through a variety of writing/reading assignments. Students will take notes and
participate in daily oral and written class exercises. Students will end their study with a final test and/or
writing assignment.
Students must follow the class rules to ensure a positive, productive learning
1. Be in your seat when the bell rings. Your materials must be presented on the desk. You will
be in your seat with your pencil sharpened. All students need to immediately write the daily
objective and homework assignment into their planner upon arrival.
2. Get to work on your warm-up once the bell rings.
3. Have respect for everyone and everything in our classroom. Treat people the way you
would like to be treated.
4. Raise your hand when you need to ask a question or leave your desk.
5. Best attitude and performance in all that you do! Hand all work in on time!
6. No gum, food, or flavored beverages are allowed inside of the building.
7. I will dismiss the students when the bell rings.
If a student chooses to break a rule, there will be immediate consequences for their poor choices. No
one will distract others from learning and my teaching. Everyone has the right to a quiet,
productive learning environment.
ACTION PLAN for Successful Behavior and a Positive Learning Environment:
Step One: Verbal and/or written warning! Talk to the student about
inappropriate behavior, phone call home, and document behavior on discipline
Step Two: Contact parent/guardian, document behavior on discipline form,
logical consequences given by teacher.
Step Three: Contact parent/guardian, document behavior on discipline form,
logical consequences given by teacher. Usually a detention.
Step Four: Parents are notified and speak with the student about the behavior.
Usually two or more detentions.
Step Five: Administration will handle you and your problem.
1. Students are expected to be in their seats and working on the daily warm-up when the bell
2. All students must bring their supplies each day.
3. Students are expected to raise their hand during lesson time.
4. Homework and other assignments are to be completed on time. Students will be notified
of all assignments/tests. Students are expected to write down the assignment into their
5. Be prepared for a quiz and/or test each week.
6. Passes will not be abused in my class.
7. Students are to remain seated when the bell rings. I will dismiss you not the bell.
Homework is assigned each day. It may be to study vocabulary words or to
complete a worksheet/paper/project. In order to understand the course
material expect a combination of 30 – 60 minutes of homework, reading and
studying each night.
Major writing assignments will be handed in on time. NO EXCUSES!
Late work will result in a 30% drop.
Students having an excused absence will have one week to make up all
*If you will be absent for more than 2 days, it is your responsibility to
go to the front office and request make-up work.
During the school year, there will several writing assignments. Final
papers are to be presented neatly. *All finals are to be computer
generated (double spaced)
Extra Credit is available within my class. It is only given under the digression
of the teacher.
Grading Scale
100 - 90 = A
89 - 80 = B
79 - 70 = C
69 - 60 = D
59 and lower = F
Incomplete work=
No credit
Major writing assignments..................................................30%
Active reading and daily writing participation....................10%
1. *Paper
2. *Tons of regular #2 pencils or mechanical pencils
3. *Blue/black pens- erasable pens are great
4. Hi-lighters
5. Flash drive
6. Colored pens/markers
7. Scissors
8. White out
9. Arrowhead erasers
It is your child’s best interest that we work together in this matter. We will be
in contact regarding your child’s progress. If you have any questions, please call
me at 472-9979 or e-mail me at
I know that you will have a successful year!
“Good luck, good skill, may the force be with you and all that good stuff!”
CONTRACT AGREEMENT for _________________________
(Student’s printed name)
I have carefully read the student contract with my child. My child understands
the rules, procedures, and the expectations of the class. If for any reason my
student breaks a rule(s) I understand that they will he/she will be disciplined
for their actions.
Thank you,
Mr. Cheff
print name
print name