Syllabus for Geometry (MA 30) Spring 2016 Page 1

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Syllabus for Geometry (MA 30)
Instructor: Dr Shbeer
Spring 2016
Phone: 480 4724522
Course Description: The course is designed to explore mathematical concepts that include
Inductive/Deductive Reasoning and their proofs, Perpendicularity/Parallelism, Triangle
congruency and properties, and Polygons. The emphasis of this course will be placed on the
conceptual understanding, problem solving, and practical applications of mathematical principles.
Books: Big Ideas Geometry by Ron Larson/ Laurie Boswell. (book/ digital copy)
Online login:
Materials: Spiral Notebook, Compass, Ruler, Pencil, Laptop (will be checked out first week of the
Group Expectations
Much of the instruction given in the class will utilize groups that students will be placed in. With
that in mind there are certain policies that students need to abide by when they are working as
members of these collaborative groups:
Respect the ideas of all others in the group even if they are different from your
A student’s responsibility is to compare work with an emphasis on understanding
how the other person was thinking and not simply sharing answers.
Students will need to come to class daily prepared with their homework done and
ready to engage in a discussion of the mathematics.
All students should be involved equally in the work that is done in their group. No
one person should do more than any other member.
Classroom Expectations:
All students will be expected to live up to these classroom expectations in addition to the group
expectations previously listed.
Speak with Meaning
Listen for Understanding
Be in your seat when the bell rings
Come to class prepared to learn
Consequences for Classroom Expectations:
Verbal warning given to the student. (Minor Incident Report)
Conference with the student. (Minor Incident Report)
Phone conversation with the parent/guardian regarding the student’s behavior in
class and office referral. (Minor Incident Report)
Conference with Parent/Guardian, Teacher, Student and Principal. (Referral)
Technology Usage Policy
Many students use technology devices in their personal lives and one goal of this course will be to
show students how those tools can be used to better help them learn content and about the world
around them. Individual student technology will be used in class but is not a requirement. When
technology is used in class it is expected that the students will be using it to inform their
understanding of the mathematics. Any use outside of this will be seen as a misuse and will lead to
the steps already listed in the consequences section of the syllabus. Some of the resources that
students will be expected to use in this course are:
Canvas (free online with trainings provided in class)
Here all homework assignments will be assigned by the teacher and posted
by the students. This will also function as a discussion board for when students have questions
outside of class. This will be a useful tool all teacher, students, and parents to communicate.
Online Videos (free and available online)
These videos will reinforce the concepts that have developed in class. These
will give the equivalent of the notes portion of a traditional classroom. Students will be expected
to watch a video on the night that it is assigned and come to class the next day prepared to
practice the skill taught in the video. Good video viewing techniques would be to pause and
resume the video where you have questions. This is a benefit that students don’t have in a
normal class.
The internet is going to be used as a medium for instruction in this course. The tools described
above can be accessed through a computer connected to the internet or through smart phones. If
students need help getting access to the internet outside of class they can speak to the teacher who
will have a listing of local places where the internet can be accessed for free. On campus the best
locations are in the library on lunch, before and after school. If students have a connected device
such as an iPod Touch they can access the internet over the schools wifi while on campus.
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Grading System
Homework: 20%
Homework will be assigned on the nightly basis. These assignments will be posted in the class’
Canvas account or be assigned in class. These may vary from watching videos and commenting on
them, see the commenting rubric, to traditional calculation assignments. Other assignments will be
reflections on day’s tasks. These will be posted in Canvas and students will be expected to respond
to the questions or reflect on the day’s study in Canvas itself, see the reflection rubric.
Classwork: 10%
Throughout the year students will be responsible for maintaining a portfolio which will be a
record of student learning. The teacher will provide a list of topics as the class progresses through
a unit and it will be the student’s responsibility to place evidence in their portfolio that they have
mastered this topic. This evidence can vary from a completed homework assignment to a
screenshot of construction on a geometry application. If parents or students have any questions
regarding what will constitute evidence of mastery they may contact the teacher.
Quizzes: 30%
There will be quizzes given over the course of the semester, mostly announced, and these will be
designed to measure how well the students understand the concepts that have been covered in
class. These are individual quizzes and are to help show how each individual student is
performing so fellow group members or notes, unless otherwise directed, will not be allowed
during these quizzes.
Exams: 40%
Exams will be regular and announced. Each exam will focus on the one specific topic with a
few review questions added on later exams. The exams will be comprised of free response
questions. The exams will be designed in accordance to the homework assignments and quizzes.
Retake Policy
Students are encouraged to retake any quiz or test that they perform poorly on. A student can
retake a quiz only after all homework and classwork assignments have been turned in. A student
can retake a test after all quizzes have been turned in and the student earned a C or higher on
each quiz.
Final Exam: 20% (Overall Grade)
There will be a cumulative semester exam given at the end of the semester.
Course Grade = 80% Letter Grades: A
Final Exam = 20%
Below 60%
Although grades may be posted in canvas or through their online textbook only the
that appear in the student portal are the official grades
I believe that the best decisions for managing student behavior are based on a value system that
maintains the dignity of each student in all situations. Behaving responsibly and self-discipline are
valued. In order to guarantee the student and their peers the learning climate they need for a good
education, I advocate the following guidelines for student behavior:
1. Be prepared, in your seat, pencils sharpened, and ready to begin class as soon as the tardy
bell rings. Always check the whiteboard/front screen for any additional instructions.
When the devices are to be used shown by a colored green laminated sign, it is school
policy that each student will:
a. Log in to the machine and follow other posted directions. (Log into Canvas, Khan
2. Stay in your assigned seat.
3. Listen at all appropriate times.
4. Keep the classroom and desks clean.
5. Sunglasses/electronic devices are not to be worn in the classroom. They will be confiscated.
6. Adhere to all WHS standards/rules including those relating to food and drink in the classroom
and dress code.
Failure to act in an adult manner will result in the discipline procedure outlined in the student
handbook. Attached is a receipt indicating that this syllabus was made available to parents and
students in my Geometry Class. Students must read this document, discuss with me any
information it presents that they do not readily understand, and present the syllabus to their
parents for their inspection and signature as an assignment in this course. If there are questions
you may still have regarding the contents of this document, please contact me by phone or email.
Have a Great and Successful Year!!!
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Your Name: ---------------------------------------------------
Pd: ---------------
Subject: -------------------------------------------------------The instructor reserves the right to make any necessary changes to the syllabus, if needed
the changed will be announced in class with a written copy to be sent home. Please sign
below to acknowledge that you are aware of the information above.
Thank you
Parent/Guardian’s Signature
Student’s Signature
Parent/Guardian’s Name
(Please Print)
Student’s Name
Parent/Guardian’s email
(Please Print)
Student’s school email
Daytime Phone_____________________ Evening Time Phone____________________