ECE Revised 7/11/08 Page 1

ECE Revised 7/11/08
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EDT 472/528: Internship in Preschool Special Education
Observation Record
Dates X 3:
Dates X 3:
Dates X 3:
Instructions for Interns, Cooperating Teacher, and Campus Supervisors:
This assessment tool is intended to be an anecdotal record of the intern’s ability to implement the competencies stressed throughout the
Transdisciplinary Early Childhood Program. The competencies listed in this document have been identified by the National Association for the
Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the Division of Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children (DEC) as preferred practice for
teachers who work with young children ages birth through age 8. Instructions:
This document is designed to be an on-going collection of evidence provided by a variety of sources including the intern, the cooperating teacher,
the campus liaison and others who have knowledge of the intern’s performance in their current early childhood setting.
Documentation of the successful completion of each of the competencies can take many forms and varies from intern to intern.
This document is dynamic in that the evidence grows throughout the 5-week experience. Because the competencies to be demonstrated go beyond
what can be observed during an individual lesson, no one assessor will be able to observe all competencies. The document is to remain at the
intern’s work area. As observers witness and can provide evidence for all or part of a competency, they add their comments in the space provided.
The intern is required to provide evidence by describing how they addressed each competency in the allotted space and by providing supportive
documentation as needed. In most cases, anecdotal records are sufficient but if necessary supportive documentation can be included and can take
the form of lesson plans, pictures, student work, letters from or to parents and philosophy statements. This document should be secured with
staples (no binder clips) and should not include any coverings (folders, plastic covers or binders).
As observers or the intern notes areas of concern, they are documented on a Goals for Professional Growth Form also included in this packet.
Plans for addressing the area of concern are included as are descriptions of growth as it is observed.
The strategic planning involved in the Goals for Professional Growth Form can be a collaborative attempt to improve practice, which can involve
the joint efforts of other stakeholders in the program such as parents, therapists, administrators, co-teachers and paraprofessionals etc.
The campus supervisor will examine the document at the beginning of the internship, at midterm and at the end of the 5-week internship.
Progress, as well as areas of concern, will be noted and discussed with the intern and cooperating teacher. Overall scoring will be completed on the
attached Composite Score form as follows: 1= unsatisfactory, 2= basic skills, 3 = proficient.
At the end of the internship, the cooperating teacher and supervisor will review the intern’s performance with the intern, the document will be
turned in and a grade for the internship will be issued. Finally, the campus supervisor and cooperating teacher will prepare letters of
recommendation, which are submitted to the Educational Placement Office.
The document is to be submitted as a packet without being placed in a folder, binder, or any other form of covering. This document is placed in the
intern’s permanent file and will not be returned. Please secure with staples and do not include evidence that needs to be returned. The intern
should make a personal copy before it is submitted to the educational field office.
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Composite Score Sheet
Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning
The intern respects the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of each individual (child, family
member, and colleague) and when appropriate, the intern adapts his/her own behavior in
order to meet the needs of others.
The intern creates a learning environment that is fair, avoids discrimination and that
demonstrates the candidate’s belief that all students can learn.
The intern listens to children and adapts to the differing needs, interests, styles and abilities
of the children, including those with disabilities.
The intern constructs curriculm which builds upon what the children already know and
addresses all areas of the children’s development including: physical, emotional, social,
linguistic, aesthetic and cognitive.
The intern accommodates a broad range of individual differences in prior experiences,
maturation rates, styles of learning, needs, and interests.
Standard 2: Building Family and Community Relationships
The intern works in a collaborative partnership with families, establishing and maintaining
regular, two-way communication with children’s parents
The intern creates an environment where parents are welcome and provides opportunities to
participate in decisions about their children’s care and education
Standard 3: Documenting and Assessing to Support Young Children and Families
The intern uses exceptionality- appropriate assessment practices.
The intern uses a variety of data collection methods including systematic observation and
other naturalistic assessments as part of an ongoing system of assessment to inform
The intern communicates the assessment roles and responsibilities to team members.
ECE Revised 7/11/08
Standard 4: Teaching and Learning
The intern uses appropriate strategies to support positive, inclusive relationships among all
children and adults in the learning environment.
The intern selects and uses developmentally and exceptionality-appropriate approaches,
materials, interventions, and techniques to support the development and learning of all
young children including those with disabilities/special needs in order to access the rich and
engaging curriculum that is personally meaningful and socially relevant to all children.
The intern uses scientifically-based procedures to develop, implement, and monitor
Individualized Education Program (IEP) to ensure full participation and progress in the
general curriculum and address state and/or agency standards.
The intern uses medical care considerations for premature, low-birth-weight, and other
young children with medical and health conditions including nutrition plans and feeding
The intern collaborates with professionals and paraprofessionals and uses appropriate
resources to design, implement, and evaluate meaningful, challenging curricula that promote
comprehensive developmental and learning outcomes for children with disabilities.
The intern arranges an engaging environment and provides the children with a rich variety
of experiences, projects, materials, problems and ideas to explore and investigate, ensuring
that these promote each child’s learning and development.
The intern provides the children with opportunities to make meaningful choices, explore
through active involvement, and plan their own learning activities.
The intern listens to and acknowledges children’s feelings and frustrations, responds with
respect, guides children to resolve conflicts, and models skills that help children solve their
own problems and manages behavior by setting clear, consistent, and fair limits for
children’s behavior, holding children accountable to standards of acceptable behavior and/or
redirecting children to more acceptable behaviors, patiently reminding children of rules and
their rationale as needed.
Standard 5: Becoming a Professional
The intern upholds ethical practices that support the rights of all young children including
those with special needs to receive appropriate opportunities and services.
The intern demonstrates an understanding of recommended early childhood special
education research-based practices and relies on this understanding to critically reflect on his
or her own practice.
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Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning
1-1 The intern respects the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of each individual (child, family member, and colleague) and when
appropriate, the intern adapts his/her own behavior in order to meet the needs of others.
Intern comments:
Cooperating Teacher Comments:
Campus Supervisor Comments:
Documentation attached if applicable:
Overall Rating: 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____
1-2 The intern creates a learning environment that is fair, avoids discrimination and that demonstrates the candidate’s belief that all
students can learn.
Intern comments:
Documentation attached if applicable:
Cooperating Teacher Comments:
Campus Supervisor Comments:
Overall Rating: 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____
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The intern listens to children and adapts to the differing needs, interests, styles and abilities of the children, including those with
Intern comments:
Cooperating Teacher Comments:
Campus Supervisor Comments:
Documentation attached if applicable:
Overall Rating: 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____
1-4 The intern constructs curriculm which builds upon what the children already know and addresses all areas of the children’s
development including: physical, emotional, social, linguistic, aesthetic and cognitive.
Intern comments:
Documentation attached if applicable:
Cooperating Teacher Comments:
Campus Supervisor Comments:
Overall Rating: 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____
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The intern accommodates a broad range of individual differences in prior experiences, maturation rates, styles of learning, needs,
and interests.
Intern comments:
Cooperating Teacher Comments:
Campus Supervisor Comments:
Documentation attached if applicable:
Overall Rating: 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____
2. Building Family and Community Relationships
2-1 The intern works in a collaborative partnership with families, establishing and maintaining regular, two-way communication with
children’s parents
Intern comments:
Documentation attached if applicable:
Cooperating Teacher Comments:
Campus Supervisor Comments:
Overall Rating: 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____
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2-2 The intern creates an environment where parents are welcome and provides opportunities to participate in decisions about their
children’s care and education
Intern comments:
Cooperating Teacher Comments:
Documentation attached if applicable:
3. Documenting and Assessing to Support Young Children and Families
Campus Supervisor Comments:
Overall Rating: 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____
3-1 The intern uses exceptionality- appropriate assessment practices.
Intern comments:
Documentation attached if applicable:
Cooperating Teacher Comments:
Campus Supervisor Comments:
Overall Rating: 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____
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3-2 The intern uses a variety of data collection methods including systematic observation and other naturalistic assessments as part of an
ongoing system of assessment to inform instruction.
Intern comments:
Cooperating Teacher Comments:
Campus Supervisor Comments:
Documentation attached if applicable:
Overall Rating: 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____
3-3 The intern communicates the assessment roles and responsibilities to team members.
Intern comments:
Documentation attached if applicable:
Cooperating Teacher Comments:
Campus Supervisor Comments:
Overall Rating: 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____
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4. Teaching and Learning
4.1 The intern uses appropriate strategies to support positive, inclusive relationships among all children and adults in the learning
Intern comments:
Cooperating Teacher Comments:
Campus Supervisor Comments:
Documentation attached if applicable:
Overall Rating: 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____
4.2 The intern selects and uses developmentally and exceptionality-appropriate approaches, materials, interventions, and techniques to
support the development and learning of all young children including those with disabilities/special needs in order to access the rich
and engaging curriculum that is personally meaningful and socially relevant to all children.
Intern comments:
Documentation attached if applicable:
Cooperating Teacher Comments:
Campus Supervisor Comments:
Overall Rating: 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____
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4.3 The intern uses scientifically-based procedures to develop, implement, and monitor Individualized Education Program (IEP) to
ensure full participation and progress in the general curriculum and address state and/or agency standards.
Intern comments:
Cooperating Teacher Comments:
Campus Supervisor Comments:
Documentation attached if applicable:
Overall Rating: 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____
4.4 The intern uses medical care considerations for premature, low-birth-weight, and other young children with medical and health
conditions including nutrition plans and feeding strategies.
Intern comments:
Documentation attached if applicable:
Cooperating Teacher Comments:
Campus Supervisor Comments:
Overall Rating: 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____
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4.5 The intern collaborates with professionals and paraprofessionals and uses appropriate resources to design, implement, and evaluate
meaningful, challenging curricula that promote comprehensive developmental and learning outcomes for children with disabilities.
Intern comments:
Cooperating Teacher Comments:
Campus Supervisor Comments:
Documentation attached if applicable:
Overall Rating: 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____
4.6 The intern arranges an engaging environment and provides the children with a rich variety of experiences, projects, materials,
problems and ideas to explore and investigate, ensuring that these promote each child’s learning and development.
Intern comments:
Documentation attached if applicable:
Cooperating Teacher Comments:
Campus Supervisor Comments:
Overall Rating: 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____
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4.7 The intern provides the children with opportunities to make meaningful choices, explore through active involvement, and plan their
own learning activities.
Intern comments:
Cooperating Teacher Comments:
Campus Supervisor Comments:
Documentation attached if applicable:
Overall Rating: 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____
4.8 The intern listens to and acknowledges children’s feelings and frustrations, responds with respect, guides children to resolve
conflicts, and models skills that help children solve their own problems and manages behavior by setting clear, consistent, and fair limits
for children’s behavior, holding children accountable to standards of acceptable behavior and/or redirecting children to more acceptable
behaviors, patiently reminding children of rules and their rationale as needed.
Intern comments:
Documentation attached if applicable:
Cooperating Teacher Comments:
Campus Supervisor Comments:
Overall Rating: 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____
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5. Becoming a Professional
5-1 The intern upholds ethical practices that support the rights of all young children including those with special needs to receive
appropriate opportunities and services.
Intern comments:
Cooperating Teacher Comments:
Campus Supervisor Comments:
Documentation attached if applicable:
Overall Rating: 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____
5-2 The intern demonstrates an understanding of recommended early childhood special education research-based practices and relies on
this understanding to critically reflect on his or her own practice.
Intern comments:
Documentation attached if applicable:
Cooperating Teacher Comments:
Campus Supervisor Comments:
Overall Rating: 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____
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Goals for Professional Growth
Identified area of concern:
Describe the area of concern as observed.
Plan for professional growth
How plan was implemented
Summative evaluation of the intern’s performance