University of Dayton Early Childhood Program Required Coursework and Experiences 2/7/09 Undergraduate Program Coordinator: Dr. Joni Baldwin ECE Diversity Proficiencies Undergraduate Courses Graduate Program Coordinator: Dr. Shauna Adams Graduate Courses Assessment EDT 313 Family Culture Study EDT 510 Diversity Case Study EDT 528 Internship Observation Record EDT 313 Family Culture Study EDT 510 Diversity Case Study EDT 528 Internship Observation Record EDT 313 Family Culture Study EDT 510 Diversity Case Study EDT 528 Internship Observation Record EDT 473 ECE Student Teaching Addendum EDT 528 Internship Observation Record 1. Cultural Understanding – recognize one's own culture and the cultural characteristics of others. I EDT 211 C EDT 313 I EDT 510 C EDT 528 2. Awareness –recognize how biases and assumptions impact perceptions and interactions with others. I EDT 340 C EDT 313 I EDT 570 C EDT 513 3. Cross-Cultural Communication – communicate with people of all cultures in ways that build trust and respect. I EDT 340 C EDT 313 I EDT 510 C EDT 513 4. Conflict Resolution –resolve conflicts that arise as a result of biases, assumptions, and cultural misunderstandings or misinterpretations. I EDT 212 C EDT 473 I EDT 510 C EDT 528 5. Inclusion –create a learning environment that is fair, avoids discrimination and that demonstrates the candidate’s belief that all students can learn. I EDT 340 C EDT 473 I EDT 570 C EDT 528 EDT 473 ECE Student Teaching Addendum EDT 528 Internship Observation Record 6. Legal Knowledge – demonstrate an understanding of laws related to diversity and inclusion. I EDT 340 C EDT 473 I EDT 570 C EDT 528 EDT 473 ECE Student Teaching Addendum EDT 528 Internship Observation Record I=introduced Where proficiency is demonstrated EDT 313 EDT 510 EDT 528 EDT 313 labMVCDC or DPS EDT 513 labHead Start or MRDD if diverse EDT 313 labMVCDC or DPS EDT 513 labHead Start or MRDD if diverse EDT 473 KPrimary Student Teaching EDT 528Preschool Special Education Internship EDT 473 KPrimary Student Teaching EDT 528Preschool Special Education Internship EDT 473 KPrimary Student Teaching EDT 528Preschool Special Education Internship C=competence demonstrated Description of Lab Experiences with Diverse Student Populations: Undergraduate: Undergraduate students complete the Family Culture Project during EDT 313 and EDT 313 lab which is a 30 contact hour supervised field experience in an urban preschool setting where they have the opportunity to work with children and families in poverty and with teaching teams comprised of professionals from a diverse ethnics and cultural backgrounds. Undergraduates also demonstrate and are assessed on the conflict resolution, inclusion and legal knowledge proficiencies during their full time supervised student teaching experience. Graduate: Graduate students complete a Case Study analysis during EDT 510 where they demonstrate cultural awareness and communication across culture. Graduate candidates will have at least one of their field experiences with student populations who differ in terms of race, ethnicity and/or socio-economic status. Graduate students demonstrate and are assessed on the conflict resolution, inclusion and legal knowledge proficiencies during their full time supervised internship (EDT 528) in a pre-kindergarten special needs classroom. Early Childhood 2 4a part 2: What required coursework and experience enable teacher candidates to: a) Adapt instruction to different learning styles -EDT 211 Child Development and EDT 508 Child and Adolescent Development -EDT 340 and EDT 570 Educating Diverse Learners in Inclusive Settings -EDT 415 Working with Learners with Mild to Moderate Learning Needs and EDT 513 Developmentally and Individually Appropriate Practices b) Connect instruction or services to students’ experiences and cultures -EDT 340 and EDT 570 Educating Diverse Learners in Inclusive Settings -EDT 313DAP Preschool and EDT 573 Collaborating with Families, Professionals, & Agencies c) Communicate with students and families in culturally sensitive ways -EDT 313DAP Preschool and EDT 573 Collaborating with Families, Professionals, & Agencies -EDT 473Student Teaching Primary Grades and EDT 528 Internship in Preschool Special Education d) Incorporate multiple perspectives into teaching -EDT 344/573 Collaborating with Families, Professionals, & Agencies -EDT 313 DAP Preschool and EDT 511 Integrated Curriculum and Instr. for Preschool e) Develop a classroom and school climate that values diversity -EDT 344/573 Collaborating with Families, Professionals, & Agencies -EDT 313 DAP Preschool and EDT 511 Integrated Curriculum and Instr. for Preschool f) Demonstrate behaviors consistent with the idea of fairness and the belief that all students can learn -EDT 340 and EDT 570 Educating Diverse Learners in Inclusive Settings -EDT 344 & 573 – Collaborating with Families, Professionals, & Agencies (Sensitivity to Families) -EDT 313 DAP Preschool and EDT 511 Integrated Curriculum and Instr. for Preschool -EDT 473Student Teaching Primary Grades and EDT 528 Internship in Preschool Special Education 3. What data from key assessments indicate that candidates demonstrate proficiencies related to diversity, including English language learners and students with exceptionalities? EDT 341 -> Language Analysis Project EDT 313 -> Family Culture Project EDT 510-> Case Study Analysis EDT 211/ 508 -> Developmental Case Study EDT 344/573 -> Parent Interview EDT 473/528 -> Praxis Assessment (scripting); Internship Observation Form