Jill McElligott 11-2-06 Share the Road PSA Play circus music in the back ground for the first half then play softer more serious/calming music in the background for the rest. Narrator: (spoken as announcing a circus) Come one come all! To the circus of the streets In the center lane, join the wise man using bicycle signals to turn with traffic. Now, take a moment to notice the fortune teller in the left lane estimating the cost of that accident. And now, in the far right lane catch a glimpse of the clown dodging in and out of cars and traffic. Narrator: (spoken with a serious but calm tone) Ever feel like this is your drive to work? Remember the three steps to safer roads: Give right of way to cyclists and pedestrians Give them at least 3 feet of space Always check before opening your door Narrator: (spoken with emphasis on “YOU”) It can save you Narrator: (spoken slowly to give emphasis) Time, Money and Heartache Be Safe, Share the Road