Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal Communication
Adler & Towne say that nonverbal communication involves messages without
So, this lesson becomes a continuation of the last chapter in that they both focus on
the message part of the model.
Whole worlds of meaning can be created without words, just think of silent films.
Ex. The Husband of Irma
Ex. The Gambler
Some say that there are three message codes:
-the verbal code=7% of message meaning
-the body language code=55% of message meaning
-the paralanguage code=38% of message meaning
What do you think?
Ex. Yellow Stonie, my pup
Hall and the Silent Language
Anthropology and the study of nonverbal comm.
Hall’s three kinds of nonverbal:
Hall’s Iceberg:
Above waterline: Technical Nonverbal
Waterline: Formal Nonverbal
Below waterline: Informal Nonverbal
Some Illustrations
Formal—Ms Manners
Characteristics of Nonverbal (NV)
A Review of Adler and Towne, but of course with Dan’s
twist on things:
•NV exits
•NV has value
•Primarily Relational
Differences Between V &NV
•Single vs. Multiple Channels
•Discrete vs. Ambiguous
•Verbal vs. Nonverbal Impact
•Deliberate vs. Unconscious
Types of Nonverbal (NV)
Eye Contact
-participate or not
-flow of control
Body Movements
-me and officers
-intimate distance--18” or closer
-personal distance--3’?
-Social distance--3’ or more
-public distance--12’
Physical Environment
-German home
Some Concluding Thoughts/Questions Concerning
Nonverbal Communication
Do you think we can write a grammar of NV?
Do you think that we really gather the vast portion of the
meaning of a message from the NV aspects? Any
Do you think there are any universal nonverbal symbols?