GENERAL EDUCATION LEARNING OUTCOMES 2009-2010 REVISION Please only fill out the outcome assessments for the intended category. DO NOT fill them all in! CATEGORY I: Global Academic Skills A. Mathematics New Outcomes 1. Demonstrate ability to solve problems quantitatively. 2. Solve problems with various mathematical methods of the discipline. B. English 3. Communicate using mathematical terminology. 1. Demonstrate knowledge of and competence in the use of conventional written forms: mechanics, spelling, punctuation, syntax, grammar, etc. 2. Demonstrate ability to apply knowledge of writing strategies. C. Information Literacy 3. Demonstrate the ability to undertake and accomplish original work in written form. 1.Engage in hands-on research as a process of gathering, assessing, interpreting, and using data from multiple sources to express ideas. 2. Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose in oral or written form. 3. Understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information, and access and use information ethically and legally. CATEGORY II: Natural Sciences A. Life Science 1. Demonstrate an understanding of knowledge related to the life sciences. 2. Demonstrate the ability to synthesize knowledge from different subject areas concerning the life sciences. 3. Demonstrate the ability to use logical or quantitative Outcome Assessments B. Physical Science approaches to solve problems related to the life sciences. 1. Demonstrate an understanding of knowledge related to the physical sciences. 2. Demonstrate the ability to synthesize knowledge from different subject areas concerning the physical sciences. CATEGORY III: Social Sciences 3. Demonstrate the ability to use logical or quantitative approaches to solve problems related to the physical sciences. 1. Analyze human behavior, ideas, and social institutions for historical and cultural meaning and significance. 2. Gather information, analyze data, and draw conclusions from multiple hypotheses to understand human behavior. 3. Synthesize ideas and information with regard to historical causes, the course of events, and their consequences, separated by time and place. CATEGORY IV: History & Cultural Diversity A. History 1. Demonstrate an ability to use analysis of a variety of types of sources to construct historical knowledge. 2. Demonstrate an ability to organize a variety of historical sources and express them effectively in written form. B. Cultural Diversity 3. Demonstrate basic understanding of the historical context of events. 1. Demonstrate an ability to identify and solve problems relating to cultural diversity within the discipline. 2. Demonstrate the ability to communicate and analyze effectively concerning cultural diversity within the discipline 3. Demonstrate a basic understanding of the importance of awareness of cultural diversity within the various disciplines. CATEGORY V: Arts and Humanities A. Fine Arts 1. Demonstrate an understanding of insight in the fine arts i.e., the role that insight plays in the face of folly: stereotypes, cliché etc. 2. Demonstrate an awareness of the power of imagination and expression. B. Humanities 3. Demonstrate an appreciation for the fine arts and what that appreciation can mean as a quality of life issue. 1. Develop an awareness of the role that the humanities play in culture i.e., politics, philosophy, economics, science, math etc. 2. Create an awareness of how to cross-relate/reference humanities based information. 3. Demonstrate an awareness of issues surrounding life, death and morality.