2/2009 AMY SUE FOX, M.D., M.S.

1972 - 1976 Barnard College, Columbia University, B.A. Biochemistry
1976 - 1980 Albany Medical College, Union University, MD
1998- 2000 Albert Einstein College of Medicine, M.S. (Clinical Research Methods)
2004- Present
Director, Virology Laboratory
Montefiore Medical Center, 111 E. 210th Street BX NY 10467
Director, Point of Care Testing
Montefiore Medical Center, 111 E. 210th Street BX NY 10467
Associate Professor of Clinical Pathology and Pediatrics
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Associate Director, Virology Laboratory
Montefiore Medical Center, 111 E. 210th Street BX NY 10467
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Section of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois 60637
1980 - 1981 Intern, Department of Pediatrics, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY
1981 - 1983 Resident, Department of Pediatrics, Montefiore Medical Center Bronx, NY
1983 - 1984 Fellow, Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago, IL
1984 - 1986 Research Fellow, Pediatric Infectious Diseases, University of Chicago
Medical Center, Chicago, IL
Diplomate, National Board of Medical Examiners
Diplomate, American Board of Pediatrics
Board Certified - Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Infectious Diseases Society of America
American Society of Microbiology
Fellow of the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society
Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics
HIV Medicine Association of the Infectious Diseases Society of America
American Association for Clinical Chemistry
Medical, New York State 1981- Present
Medical, Chicago IL
New York State, Laboratory Director Certification –HIV,
Diagnostic Immunology, General Virology 1990-Present.
1983 -1984 Oxford Bobby Award,Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Chicago
1985 - 1987 Johnson & Johnson Company, Institute Fellow
1985 - 1986 Children’s Research Foundation
1989 1989 - 1993
1990 - 1992
1992 -1996
1994 -2003
Member -Infection Control Committee, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx NY
Member - Hospital Quality Assurance Coordinating Council
Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY
Member - Quality Assurance Committee
Department of Pathology
Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx NY
Chairperson, Laboratory Quality Improvement Quality Assurance Committee
Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY
Member, Committee on Admissions, Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
Bronx, NY
1994 - 2004
Co-Editor and Founder, Lab Notes, The Scientific Newsletter of the
Department of Pathology
Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx NY
1996 - 2006
Chairperson - Combined Laboratory Quality Improvement
Quality Assurance Committee
Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY
Faculty Senate - Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY
Faculty Senate - Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx,NY, Alternate
1997 - 2000
2000 - 2004
1985 - 1986
1985 - 1987
Anchincloss Research Grant, Columbia University, NY, NY
Children’s Research Foundation at the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Johnson & Johnson Institute Fellow at the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
A study of the efficacy of measles vaccination in 6 month old infants in the
Bronx and its relationship to passively acquired maternal antibody.
Departments of Pathology, and Pediatrics, MMC/AECOM, Co-Investigator
Connaught Laboratories, Swiftwater, PA
Prevalence of Hepatitis B and C virus antibody in homeless adolescents.
Departments of Pathology and Pediatrics, MMC/AECOM, Principal Investigator
Abbott Laboratories, No. Chicago, IL
A comparison of diagnostic techniques for c. trachomatis in female adolescents.
Co-Principal Investigator, Syva Corporation, San Jose, CA, Roche Diagnostics,
Sommerville, NJ
Assesing the Interference Effect of Acetaminophen and Uric Acid on Blood
Glucose Monitoring Systems. Principal Investigator, Abbott Laboratories,
N. Chicago, IL
Grants…../ continue
Comparison of Two Point-of-Care Devices and Standard Laboratory Coagulation
System for Measurement of Prothrobin Time and INR. Principal Investigator
HemoSense, 600 Valley Way, Milpitas, CA 95035.
Sensitivity and Specificity of SurePath Liquid Pap Smears tested for GC and
Chlamydia compared to Endocervical Swab Specimens. Principal Investigator
GenProbe, San Diego, California.
The Clinical Utility of a Transcription Mediated Amplification Assay for
Trichomonas Vaginalis in HIV-1 Positive Women. Co- Principal Investigator
Genprobe, San Diego, California
1. Fox, A.S., Lepow, M.L.: Tuberculin Skin testing in Vietnamese refugees with history of BCG
vaccination. Am. J. Dis. Child. 137:1093-1094, 1983.
2. Fox, A.S., Kazacos, K.R. Gould, N.S. Heydemann, P.T. Thomas, C., Boyer, K.M.: Fatal
cerebrospinal and viceral larva migrans caused by raccoon ascarid, Baylisacaris procyonis.
New Eng. J. Med. 312:1619-1623, 1985.
3. Fox, A.S., Tolpin, M.D., Baker, A., Broelsch, C., Whitington, P.F., Jackson, T., Thistlewaite,
R., Stuart, F.: Seropositivity in liver transplant patients as a predicator of cytomegalovirus
disease. J. Infec. Dis. 157:383-385, 1988.
4. Fox, A.S., Boyer K.M. Sweeney, H.: Antibiotic stability in pediatric hyperalimentation
solution J. Ped. 112:813-817, 1988.
5. Fox, A.S., Saxon, E. M., Doveikis, S.A., Been, M.I.: Chlamydia - Parainfluenzae II - A
shared antigenic determinant? J. Clin. Microbiol. 27(6):1407-1408, 1989.
6. Alonso, E.M., Fox, A.S., Franklin, W.A., Whitington, P.F.: Post-necrotic cirrhosis following
varicella hepatitis in a liver transplant. Transplantation, 1990.
7. George, D., Arnow, P., Fox A.S., Baker, A.L. Thistlethwaite, J.R., Emond, J.C.,Whitington,
P.F.,Broelsch,, C.E.: Bacterial infections complicating liver transplantation: Epidemiology and
risk factors. Review of Infec. Dis. 13:387-96, 1991.
8. Arnow, P., George, D., Fox, A.S., et al: Patterns of infection after Pediatric Liver
Transplantation. Am. J. Dis. Child. 146(924-929), 1992.
9. Bryant, D.K., Fox, A.S., Childers, E., Gianella, P., Motyl, M., Spigland, I., Rosenfield, W.D.:
Comparison of Rapid Diagnostic methodologies for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in an urban
adolescent population. J. Adolescent Health. Vol. 16 #4:324-327,1995.
10. Alderman, E., Shapiro, A., Spigland, I., Bashir, M., Fox, A.S.: Prevaccination Screening for
Hepatitis B in sexually active adolescents. Clin. Inf. Diseases Vol.26 no.6 1459,1998
l1. Alderman, E., Shapiro A., Spigland I. Bashir, M., Fox, A.S.,: Are there risk factors for
Hepatitis B Infection in inner-city adolescents that justify pre-vaccination screening? J. Adol.
Health. Vol.22:389-393 April,1998
12. Edelman, M., Fox, A.S., Alderman, E. Neal, W. Shapiro, A., Suhrland, M., Cervical
Papinicalau Smear Abnormalities in “Inner -City” Bronx Adolescents: Prevalence, Progression
and Modifiers. Cancer Cytopathology;87:184-9, 1999
13. Iglesias, E. Alderman, E. Fox, A.S. Use of the Wet Smear in screening for Sexually
Transmitted Diseases. Infections in Medicine, 17(3):175-185,2000
14. Edelman, M Fox, A.S., Alderman, E. Neal, W. Shapiro, A Suhrland, M., Cervical Pap Smear
Abnormalities and C. trachomatis in Sexually Active Females. J. of Pediatric and Adolescent
Gynecology 13:65-69,2000
15. Webber MP, Chazotte C, Fox, A.S., Moskaleva G, Arnold J, Schoenbaum EE:
Implementation of Expedited HIV Testing of Delivering Women in a Large New York City
Hospital. Obstetrics & Gynecology 2003; 101:982-986
16. Neal, W., Fox, A.S., Spigland, I., Childers, E., Weiner, J., Shapiro, A., Alderman, E.:
Cervical Appearance: A predicator of chlamydial infection? (In submission).
17. Marinovich, A., Narlieva, M., Bashir, M., Zingman, B.S., Fox, A., False-Positive Result from
Bayer Versant Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Branched-DNA Viral Load Assay, with a
Possible Role for Light Leakage after Inadequate Maintenance of the Analyzer. Journal of
Clinical Microbiology, Nov. 2006. p. 4288-4289
18. Khine, H., Mayers, A., Avner, R. J., Fox, A. S, Herold, B. Goldman, D.L., Association
between Herpes Simplex Virus-1 Infection and Idiopathic Unilateral Facial Paralysis in Children
and Adolescents. The Pediatric Infections Disease Journal, May 2008. Vol. 27, p. 468-469
19. Weinblatt, E., Biro, D., Chang, T., Rand, J., Fox, A.S. , Correlation of the Roche
CoaguCheck to Laboratory Plasma International Normalized Ratio at High International
Normalized Ratio values. POC Journal Vol. 8 p.8-10 March, 2009
1. A. S. Fox, M.J. Suhrland.: Laboratory Methods in the Diagnosis of External Ocular Disease.
Burke, R.M., Slamovits, T.L., EDS: Advances in Clinical Opthalmology, Volume I, St. Louis,
Mosby Yearbook, 1994, P. 125-139.
1. Fox, A.S., Sweeney, H., Boyer, K.M.: Antibiotic stability in pediatric hyperalimentation solution.
(ABS) Twenty-fourth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapeutics, ABS
#852, P. 239, 1984. (A)
2. Drelich, J., Fox, A.S., Reese, E.E., Bermen, B.: Endogenous ethanol production in a child
with short bowel syndrome. (ABS) Pediatric. Res. 18:195A, 1984 (B)
3. Fox, A.S., Tolpin, M., Jackson, T., Baker, A., Whitington, P., Broelslch, C., Thistlethwaite,
R., and Stuart, F.: Seropositivity in liver transplant recipients as a predicator of cytomegalovirus
(CMV) disease. Hepatology 5:204, 1986. (A)
4. Fox, A.S., Broelsch, C., Baker, A., Whitington, P., Tolpin, M.: CMV disease in liver
transplant recipients: Is pre-existing antibody protective? Gastroenterologie 1987. Presented at
German Association for the Study of the Liver, Hanover, Germany, 1/31/87 (C )
5. Fox, A.S., Saxon, E.M., Doveikis, S.A., Beem, M.I.: Chlamydia-Parainfluenza II - A shared
antigenic determinant? Third Annual Clinical Virology Symposium, Tampa, Florida,
6. Fox, A.S., Tolpin, M.D. Whitington, P.F., Baker, A., Das Gupta, K., Williams, C., Broelsch,
C.: Prospective survillance for cytomegalovirus (CMV) in liver transplant recipients. Presented
at the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, Chicago, Illinois, 10/27/87.(D)
7. Cardo, L.J., Fox, A.S., Bashir, M., Spigland, I., Nagel, R.L.: The seroprevalence of antihepatitis C virus among patients with sickle cell anemia. Proceedings of the National Sickle
Cell Association Meeting. Mobile, Alabama. 1991; 1:25a.(D)
8. Cardo, L.J., Fox, A.S., Bashir, M., Spigland, I.: The seroprevalence and Epidemiology of
anti-hepatitis C virus among patients with sickle cell anemia. Blood 1991; 78(10) supp.
9. Cardo, L.J., Sayre, K., Fox A.S., Spigland, I.: Anti-hepatitis C virus among patients with
sickle cell anemia by second generation RIBA and ELISA. Proceedings of the National Sickle
Cell Association Meeting. Nashville, Tenn. 1992; 1:16a.(D)
10. Cardo, L.J., Fox A.S., Spigland, I.: The seroprevalence of anti-HTLV I/II among patients
with sickle cell anemia. Proceedings of the Fifth National Forum on AIDS, Hepatitis and Other
Blood Borne Diseases. Atlanta, Georgia. 1992; In Press. (D)
11. Fox, A.S., Childers, R., Bellin, E., Johnson, C., Zoloth, S., Spigland, I.: Can a DNA probe
test adequately reflect the prevalence of C. Trachomatis in a high risk population? American
Society for Microbiology. 1994 (A)
12. Alderman, E., Shapiro, A., Spigland, I., Bashir, M., Fox, A.S.,: Prevaccination screening for
Hepatitis B in sexually active adolescents. Ambulatory Pediatric Association. San Diego, May,
1995 (D)
13. Alderman, E., Shapiro, A., Spigland, I. Bashir, M., Fox, A.S.,: Are there risk factors for
Hepatitis B infection in inner-city adolescents that justify pre-vaccination screening? Society for
Adolescent Medicine. March, 1996, Recipient, semi-finalist award ( C)
14. Fox, A.S., Alderman, E. Shapiro, A., Bashir, M., Spigland, I.: Are there risk factors
associated with Hepatitis C in inner-city adolescents in New York City? (Tenth International
Congress of Virology, August, 1996) (A)
15. Fox, A.S., Alderman, E., Neal, W., Shapiro, A., Suhrland, M., Spigland, I.: Are there
Surrogate Markers for Chlamydia trachomatis infection in Adolescents? (37 the Interscience
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, September 1997) (A)
16. Edelman., M., Fox, A.S., Alderman, E., Neal., W., Shapiro.,A., Spigland, I., Suhrland, M., .
Cervical Papinicalau Smear Abnormalities and Chlamydia Trachomatis in Sexually Active
Adolescent Females. Presented at the American Society of Cytopathology Annual Meeting,
November 1997.(A)
17. Assessing the Interference Effect of Acetaminophen and Uric Acid on Blood Glucose
Monitoring Systems. Presented to: (EASD) European Association for the Study of Diabetes
18. Day, C., Nychka, A., Vuolo, M., Fox, A.S. Suhrland, M., Schlessinger, K., SurePathTM vs.
Conventional Pap Smears In The Detection Of Malignant Uterine Lesions. American Society Of
Cytology 2006. (C )
19. Golpanian., Sammy, Fox, A.S., Determination of the Efficacy of Point of Care Electrolytes,
Act and Blood Gases in the CVOR. Presented at CPOCT 21st International symposium, Quebec,
Canada. September 2006. (D)
20. Khine., H., Avner., J., Mayers., M., Fox.,A.S., Harold., B., Goldman., D., Association
Between Bell’s Palsy and Herpes Simplex Virus Infection in Children. Presented at the APA
annual meeting in San Francisco, May 2006.(C )
21. Biro., Daniel., Weinblatt., Ezra., Chang., Tylis, M.D., Rand., Jacob, M.D., Fox.,A.S., M.D.,
M.S., Correlation of the Roche CoaguCheck to Central Laboratory Plasma INR at High INR
Values: Young Investigator Symposium, Montefiore Medical Center, February 2008. (C ).
22. Kader, S., Fox. A.S, Schlesinger, K., Suhrland. M., Henry, R., Comparison of the
Aptima (Gen-Probe) Assay (CT/GC) on Endocervical Specimens to SurePath Liquid
Paps Facilitated by a Real time Database. Presented at the 24th annual PAN American
Society of Virology, Daytona Beach, Florida 2008 (D)
23. Broughel, D., Fox, A.S. Narlieva, M., Nisenbaum, G., Pawzdrovska, D., Comparison
of IgM CMV Assays on Bronx Patients: A Cause for Concern. Presented at the 24th
annual PAN American Society of Virology, Daytona Beach, Florida 2008 (D)
24. Hollman D, Coupey SM, Fox A, Herold, B. Prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis
genital infection in a clinical sample of sexually active adolescent females using the
APTIMA Trichomonas Assay (ATV). Presented at the Eastern Society for Pediatric
Research Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, March 2009 and at the Pediatric Academic
Societies Annual Research Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 2009, E-PAS 2009.
Codes for Abstract
A - Published and presented as poster session.
B - Published only.
C - Published and presented from the podium.
D - Presented as poster session.
1. CMV Disease in Liver Transplant Recipients: Is pre-existing antibody protective?
Presented at German Association for the study of the liver. Hannover, Germany, 1987
2. Are there risk factors associated with Hepatitis C in inner-city adolescents in New York
City? Tenth International congress of Virology, Jerusalem, Israel, 1996
3. Infectious Agents in the Mikvah (Ritual Bath) Fact or Fiction, First International
Congress on Womens Health and Halacha, Jerusalem 2003.
4. Assessing the Interference Effect of Acetaminophen and Uric Acid on Blood Glucose
Monitoring Systems. (EASD) European Association for the Study of Diabetes, Munich,
Germany 2004.
5. Correlation of the Roche CoaguCheck to Laboratory Plasma International Normalized
Ratio at High International Normalized Ratio Values. Presented at the POC International
Conference, Barcelona, Spain September 2008.
1. Prospective surveillance for Cytomegalovirus in liver transplant recipients.
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, Chicago, IL, 1987
2. Chlamydia- Parainfluenza II - A shared antigenic determinant. Third Annual Clinical
Virology Symposium, Tampa FL, 1987
3. Can a DNA probe test adequately reflect the prevalence of C. Trachomatis in a high risk
population? American Society for Microbiology, Atlanta, GA, 1994
4. Pre-vaccination screening for Hepatitis B in sexually active adolescents.
Ambulatory Pediatric Association, San Diego, CA, 1995
5. Are there risk factors for Hepatitis B infection in inner-city adolescents that justify prevaccination screening? Society for Adolescent Medicine, Washington D.C. 1996
6. AECOM/MMC Infectious Disease Board Review Course, Clinical Virology, NYC 2001
7. AECOM/MMC Infectious Disease Board Review Course, RNA Viruses, NYC, NY 2002
Point of Care Testing Update: CLS/CNE, Providence, RI, May 2004.
8. Comparison of the Aptima (Gen-Probe) Assay (CT/GC) on Endocervical Specimens to
SurePath Liquid Paps Facilitatd by Real time Database. The 24th annual PAN American
Society of Virology, Daytona Beach, Florida 2008
9. Comparison of IgM CMV Assays on Bronx Patients: A Cause for Concern. Presented at
the 24th annual PAN American Society of Virology, Daytona Beach, Florida 2008.
Invited Presentation……./continue
1. Measles: The Disease, Diagnosis and Epidemiology, SUNY, Health Sciences,
Department of Pediatrics, 1993
2. Congenital Infection: CMV, AECOM, OB-GYN Grand Rounds, 1993
3. Hepatitis B: An Update, Presented as part of the Twelfth mini-course entitled Pediatric
Infections, Department of Pediatrics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 1993
4. Rapid Viral Diagnosis, NCB, Ambulatory Grand Rounds, 1994
5. Chlamydia trachomatis, Pediatric Grand Rounds, Jacobi Medical Center, Bronx, NY,
December, 1996
6. Quality Management in the Laboratory, Laboratory Management Seminar series, Dept
of Pathology May 1997.
7. Lecturer, Department of Pathology “Boot Camp Series” 2001-present
8. Course Leader, Virology Seminar, Montefiore Medical Center, 2006- present
1987 - 1989 Lecturer, Core course, second year students, University of Chicago, Chicago ,IL (2 lecturers)
1987 - 1989 Infectious Disease consultant to liver transplantation group University of Chicago,IL
1987 -1989 Preceptor for Pediatric Resident ID Elective (4-5 months/year)
1987 - 1989
1989 1989 -
1989 1989 - 2006
1989 - 1997
1990 - 1992
1990 - 1993
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Preceptor for fourth year student elective in Pediatric Infectious Diseases (1-2
(months/year) University of Chicago, Chicago , IL
Preceptor for Pediatric Resident ID Elective (1-2 months/year)
Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY
Preceptor for fourth year student elective in Pediatric Infectious Diseases
(1-2 months/year)
Department of Pediatrics, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY
Lecturer, Introductory course for Fellows in Infectious Disease (1 lecture)
Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY
Preceptor, Clinical Pathology Residents, Diagnostic Virology Laboratory
(8-10 months/year)
Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY
Preceptor, Fellows in Division of Infectious Diseases, (6 months/year)
Diagnostic Virology Laboratory
Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY
Medical Student Preceptor in general Pediatrics (2-3 months/year)
Department of Pediatrics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY
Lecturer, Microbiology - Infectious Disease Course for second year students
(2 lectures).
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY
Teaching activities…/continue
Section leader and author of Virology lab case discussions
Microbiology - Infectious Disease course for second year students.
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY
1991 - 1993 Discussion leader for AIDS/Infection risks and prevention seminars for second
year students.
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY
1992 - 1993 Preceptor, postgraduate preceptor, Dr. Paul Lee, Senior Resident Research
Cornell Medical school. A comparison of two rapid enzyme linked t assays for
Parvovirus B19 (Recipient residents research award).
1993 - 1994 Preceptor, Dana Bryant, M.D. , fourth year student research
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Comparison of rapid diagnostic
Methodologies for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in an urban adolescent population.
1994 – present Lecturer, Core Course for residents in Clinical Pathology
Department of Pathology, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY (2 lectures)
1994 - 1995
Invited Participant, Pediatric Infectious Diseases seminar (Monthly)
Department of Pediatrics, North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, NY
1990 - 1993
1994 -present
2006- present
2007- present
Interviewer, Resident applicants, Department of Pathology
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, N. Y.
Lecturer, Virology Seminar, Montefiore Medical Center
Lecturer, BioEthnics Course, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx N.Y.
Mentoring Research Student
Preceptor, Joanne Weiner, Summer research, Barnard College, Columbia University
NY, NY. Cervical Appearance: A predicator of chlamydial infection.
Preceptor, Sam Griffel, Student, Research, NSHA, presentation ASM
Preceptor, Adina Weinblatt, HS Student Research NSHA, LI Science Fair. Winner
Preceptor, Caryn Sands, Fellow, MMC, Clinical Research, presentation ASH,
December - 2004
Preceptor, Sammy Golpanian, NYU, Clinical Research, presentation AACC, POCT,
Quebec, 2006.
Preceptor, Jonathan Korngold, NYU, Clinical Research, (Bayer Student Intern)
Preceptor, Joshua Klein, H.S. Student research, TABC
Preceptor, Nathaniel Rand, H.S. Ramaz High School. Student research
Preceptor, Ezra Weinblatt, U of Penn University, Clinical Research
(Siemens student intern)
Preceptor, Daniel Biro, Cooper Union, Clinical Research (Siemens student Intern)
Preceptor, Joshua Grossman, New York University, Summer Research Student,
Preceptor, Reena Gottesman, Stern College Yeshiva University, Summer Research