A. Jones Contribution to Research and Other Creative Activities Publications: 1995 “Agriculture” [Section in] Magazines for Libraries, edited by Bill Katz, 1995. 1988 “University of Georgia Libraries Offers Dial-up Access to Catalog.” Georgia Journal of Science, 46 (1988): 222-223. 1986 “The Classicist and the Online Catalog.” Classical Outlook, 64:1 (1986): 5-7. 1985 “Reference Guides for the Weatherwise.” Reference Services Review, 13:3 (1985): 89-94. 1985 “Cooperative Indexing at the University of Georgia.” Agricultural Libraries Information Notes, 11: 6/7 (June/July, 1985): 1-3. Talks: 1995 Support Staff at the Reference Desk: Training Issues. Paper presented at the COMO Conference, sponsored by the Reference Services Interest Group of GLA. 1984 End User Database Searching in Chemistry Paper presented to the Faculty and Graduate Students of the Chemistry Department, University of Georgia. 1984 Cooperative Indexing at the University of Georgia Paper presented at the Federal Interagency Field Librarians Conference. 1984 Federal Databases and the Documents Librarian Paper presented at a workshop for depository librarians in Georgia. 1980 Federal Grant Opportunities Paper presented at a seminar for the University of Georgia community. Sponsored by the Government Reference Department.