A. Jones Professional Activities 1995-1996 1994 1993-1995 Special Libraries Association, Biological Sciences Division, Government Relations, Chair I wrote several columns for the division’s newsletter on changes in the federal government’s policies on the distribution of documents and other related matters. (See attached columns). Special Libraries Association, Biological Sciences Division Local Arrangements Committee I contributed to a column in the division’s newletter on local restaurants and points of interest. I assisted at a local information booth in the Registration area of the conference. GETS Reference Task Force, Chair As chair of this working group, I arranged meetings with the Reference Department Heads at Emory University, Georgia Tech, Georgia State and the University of Georgia to discuss issues surrounding providing electronic databases 1991-1993 1991-1993 1992-1993 1987-1991 to our users. (See attached report). Georgia Library Association, Special Libraries and Information Services Division, Chair As Division Chair, I was responsible for the conference programming. I arranged for a workshop on change in the work environment with management consultant Joan Curtis and a general session address on copyright with L. Ray Patterson, Professor of Law. (See attached conference program entry). Georgia Library Association, Program Committee, Member As a member of the Executive Board of GLA, I was asked to assist with various matters in arranging for the COMO conference program including securing vendor support and covering information booths. Georgia Library Association, Handbook Committee, Member I sent out a mailing to every library in the state requesting current information. This information was used to compile the Directory of Georgia Libraries which is part of the GLA Handbook. (See attached membership list) Georgia Library Association, Special Libraries and Information Services Division, Secretary I advised the Division Chair on speakers for the Division’s program for the COMO conferences. I recorded the minutes of board meetings for the Division. (See attached officers list).