ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FORMAT FOR DEPARTMENTS Name of Department: SCHOOL OF DRAMA AND FINE ARTS 1. A Brief History and Account of the Department Separate Sheet attached 2. Divisions in the Department, if any: Theatre and Music 3. Faculty in the Department Nos Name 1 Najumul Shahi A. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Dr. Shibu S. Kottaram Dr. A. Jalaja Varma Vinod V.N. Dr. Sunil Kumar S. Sreejith R. Dr. Manikandan K. Dr. Lola Kesavan Dr. Rekha M. Menon Smt. Bindu J.R. Smt. Sivadarsana Designation Asst. Professor and Head Asst. Professor Associate Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Lecturer on Contract Gender Female Lecturer Contract Lecturer Contract Lecturer Contract Lecturer Contract Male Specialization Children’s Theatre SC/ST/OBC OBC Direction Female Karnatic Music Male Male Classical Indian Theatre Scenic Design Male Acting Male Karnatic Music on Female Karnatic Music on Female Karnatic Music on Female Karnatic Music on Female Karnatic Music SC 4. Brief account of the major activities during 2012 Prof. G. Sankara Pillai Endowment Programme – Lecture by Sri. Venu G. Natana Kairali – ‘The Problems in Cotemporary actor training in Indian Theatre. A Play by Ronald Rand ‘Let it be Art’. V.K. Prakash Play ‘Birthday Party’. Jayaraj Warrier, Purnab Mukharjee (Bengal) Music Concert (from Music students) – 2012 January 1, 2 & 3. 1 5. Details of the Externally Funded Projects: NIL 1. Name of the Principal Investigator 2. Title 3. Amount Granted 4. Duration 5. Commencing Date 6. Scheduled Date of Closing 7. Brief Summary such as the objectives and the relevance of the study 8. Current Status –Ongoing, Completed, Forwarded for grant 6. Publications of the Faculty Members and Research Scholars (please provide separately in the below format) 1. RESEARCH PAPERS IN INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS Sl. Name and Short Title Co Journal Date No Designation author Publication if any 1 Dr. Shibu S. PoFestival Feb. 2012 Kottaram Lithuanian Book Theatre 2. RESEARCH PAPERS IN NATIONAL JOURNALS Sl. Name and Short Co Journal No Designation Title author if any 1 Dr. Shibu S. Edachal Bhashaposhini Kottaram 3. BOOKS/EDITED VOLUMES Sl. Name and Short Title Co No Designation author if any Kazhchayude 1 Najumul Yes pakarnnattangalShahi A. V. Balachandrante of Impact Factor Date Publication of Impact Factor 2012 - Nataka Arangu, April 2012 Publisher Date Publication Papirus Books April 2012 of Impact Factor 2 Natakavum cinemayum Note: Average Impact Factor of the Dept: (AIF= Sum of Impact Factors of all publications by all faculty members/Total No of Publications) 4. STAGE PUBLICATIONS: Dr. Shibu S. Kottaram 1) Vellapokkam – The Flood Multimedia production – 2012, September 29 – Govt. of Kerala, PRD Theatre Festival, VJT Hall, Thiruvananthapuram. 2) Bheemaghatolkacham (Play) – Light Design – Cochin Natyagruham – 2012 October. 3) Jeevithamanu Sandesam (Play) – Light Design – KPAC – 2012 December. Dr. Sunil Kumar S. 1) International Theatre Festival: “The Birthday Party” – 2012 February 8th - Design and Direction 2) “Blindness” State Level stage Publication –13th October 2012 Najumul Shahi A. 1) International Theatre Festival “The Birthday Party” Actress – February 2012. 2) All Kerala Children’s Theatre Festival at School of Drama Camp Director – May 2012. Dr. A. Jalaja Varma 1) Jury Member – Sivati Puraskaram Instituted by Sangeet Natak Akademy. 2) Indian Music through history – “Bharatheeya Sangeetham” – Charithrathilekkethinottam. 7. Articles in Popular Weekly/News Papers 8. Papers Presented 1. Inter National Conferences 2. National Conferences : 1) Keynote address to the National Seminar on “Musical forms of South Indian Karnatic Music” by Dr. A. Jalaja Varma. Sponsored by Department of Music, S.S.U.S., Kalady. 3 2) Institutionalizing Children’s Theatre – An enquiry in the Context of Mega School Theatre Festivals in Kerala – by Najumul Shai A. 3) Paper presented in Dr. Vayala Vasudevan Pillai’s ‘Ororma’ by Najumul Shahi A. 9. Seminar : ‘DALIT THEATRE IN KERALA’ – State level Seminar on ‘Dalit Art and Literature’ by ‘NERVARA MAGAZINE’ on 16-06-2012 by Dr. Sunil Kumar S. 10. Extension Lectures Delivered by Faculty Members : 1) ‘STREET THEATRE’ – Lecture in St. Thomas College, Thrissur on 23rd February by Dr. Sunil Kumar S. 2) ‘CHILDREN’S FILM IN KEREALA’ Lecture in Swaraj International Children’s Film Festival at Changanasseri on 23.10.2012 by Dr. Sunil Kumar S. 3) ‘HISTORY OF THEATRE’ – Lecture in Theatre Workshop at Kerala Varma College on 18.12.2012, by Dr. Sunil Kumar S. 11. Academic Awards Conferred on Faculty 12. Ph.D Awarded during 2012 Name of Research Guide Name of Research Scholar Prof. Shaju N.K. Ramachandran M.N. Dr. A. Jalaja M.S. Varma Paramesw aran Title of Study PERSONAL DETIALS OF STUDENTS Male/ Female Male Rhythmical aspects of the musical for ‘Kriti’ Male SC/ST/O BC/FC Date of Award Ph.D. submitted Ph.D. submitted 4 13. Details of research guides and students No s Name of Supervising Teacher Name of Student 1 Prof. Bindu T.V. Ramachan dran M.N. 2 Dr. A. Jalaja Varma K. Premalatha 3 Dr. A. Jalaja Varma Susha P. Chandran 4 Dr. A. Jalaja Varma Sreelekha Panicker 5 Dr. A. Jalaja Varma Rajani M. 6 Dr. A. Jalaja Varma Aasish C. Venugopal 7 Dr. Shibu S. Kottaram Roshni Swapna P. Title of Ph.D Performance as struggle – A Study based on the alienation of Land, Culture, Performance and Tribal Women in Attappady Aesthetics in Music with special reference to South Indian Karnatic Music Musical form ragamalika in Sanskrit Charana Structure in the Compositions of Muthuswami Dikshithar Raga Bhairavi in Kalprtam and Manodharman – A Study Mela and Mela Prastara _ Origin, Development and its significance in Modern Era tIi-h-]n-Å-bpsS PERSONAL DETIALS OF STUDENTS Year of Registration Status Completed /Ongoing Male/ Female SC/ST/ OBC/ FC Female SC 2006 Completed Female FC 1999 Thesis submitted Female FC 1999 Thesis submitted Female OBC 2009 Ongoing (FIP) Female FC 2011 Ongoing (Full Time) Male OBC 2011 Ongoing (Full Time) Female SC 2001 Thesis submitted Male 2007 Ongoing (Full Time) Male 2007 Ongoing (Full Time) IrXn-I-fnse imkv{Xob kwKo-X -{]m-[m\yw þ Hcp 8 Dr. Shibu S. Kottaram Ajith Kumar O. 9 Dr. Shibu S. Kottaram Manoj V. Mathai {]mtbm-Kn-I-]-T\w Communication Engine, Philosophy and Theatre Semiotics Evolving Performance Techniques for Beckett Plays making module 5 10 Dr. Shibu S. Kottaram Surabhi M.S. 11 Dr. Shibu S. Kottaram Vinod V.N. 12 Dr. Sunil Kumar S. out of Yoga Training The Identity of Audience is a Keralite Performing Area Depoliticising Indian Theatre strategies adopted by Drama Academics – A Historical Evaluation - - Female OBC 2010 Ongoing (Full Time) Male SC 2011 Ongoing (Part Time) - - - - 14. Details of Research Guides re inducted in the Dept. Name of Research Guide Name of Research Scholar Title of Study Year of Registration Status Completed/ On going 15. External Scholarships/Fellowships awarded to Scholars in the Dept. 16. Contributions of the Faculty Performance of the play ‘BIRTH DAY PARTY’ in the International Theatre Festival of Kerala by the students of School of Drama directed by Dr. Sunil Kumar S. 17. Seminars/Workshops/Conferences/ organized in the Dept 1. International : International Theatre Workshop – by Ronald Rand from New York – 2012. 2. National : 1) Conducted Film Appreciation Course and Film making workshop for the students of School of Drama co-ordinated by Dr. Sunil Kumar S. 6 2) Prof. G. Sankara Pillai Endowment Lecture by Venu G. ‘ka-Im-eo\ \mSI Ah-X-c-Ww’ 3) The Play ‘Let it be Art’ by Ronald Rand. 4) Safdar Hashmi Memorial Lecture by V.K. Prakash. Play – Birthday Party. 5) Jose Chirammel Memroal Lecture by Jayaraj Warrier. 6) Play – ‘This room is not my room’ by Purnab Mukharjee from Kolkatha. 18. Patents Granted/Filled ------------------------ 7