Metropolitan Community College Class Syllabus – 2013-14/Winter CLASS IDENTIFICATION TITLE: PREFIX/SECTION: CREDIT HOURS: CLASS BEGINS|ENDS: MEETING DAY(S)|TIME(S): NO-CLASS DAYS: SECTION CENSUS DATE: WITHDRAWAL DATE: CLASS LOCATION: LAB LOCATION: Course Web Address: Intel Assembly Language II INFO 2531/8A 4.5 03 Dec 2013|25 Feb 2014 T|6:00 p.m. – 9:40 p.m. 24 Dec 2013 – 01 Jan 2014, 20 Jan 2014 13 Dec 2013 11 Feb 2014 SOC MHY 210 Academic Resource Centers SOC CON 217 ( (See faculty web site) CONTACT INFORMATION Instructor Name: Alan R. Reinarz METRO OFFICES HOURS* T Th T M W 10:00a-11:00a 1:00p-2:00p 4:00p-5:00p 2:00p-2:30p LOCATION PHONE FAX SOC MHY 110 402-738-4089 (voice-mail) 402-738-4535 EVC 125 *Stated office hours may need to be changed due to special circumstances or events. If the student wishes to meet with the instructor at a time other than scheduled office hours, the student should make an appointment with the instructor. Home phone: (402) 556-3071 Email Address: Faculty Web Site(s): (also see Academic Program Area: Dr. T. C. Pensabene, Dean of Information Technology & e-Learning ( COURSE INFORMATION COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is a continuation of INFO 2521 and extends those topics and skills. Additional topics include writing and using macros; creating system-level software tools as well as more advanced application programs; manipulating computer hardware via machine and assembly language code; and employing interfaces between assembly language code and operating systems (MS Windows, MS-DOS, and others), and between assembly language code and application programs developed in C++ and other high-level languages. Metropolitan Community College 1 Template Rev. 7/24/06 COURSE PREREQUISITES: INFO 2521 Intel Assembly Language I COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Demonstrate knowledge and abilities in relation to common cross-platform data representations, computer architectures, and machine and assembly language principles and techniques. 2. Demonstrate knowledge of more advanced assembly language directives, operators, and program structure. 3. Approach programming problems with a machine-level mind set, and use assembly language to create and develop (including plan, write, assemble, execute, and document) more advanced, 32bit Protected mode and 16-Bit Real-address mode application programs and system-level software (without having to ask anyone for help). 4. Demonstrate improved machine-level debugging skills, including monitoring each of the CPU's actions as directly as possible. 5. With regard to the relationship between fundamental high-level programming constructs (such as statements, arithmetic expressions, loops, and logical structures; and data structures and arrays) and lower-level (assembly language and (native and virtual) machine language) code: demonstrate the use of lower-level code to implement high-level constructs, explain how highlevel languages implement their high-level constructs at the lower levels, and explain how highlevel language compilers (such as C++) translate from their high-level language into lower-level code. (See Study Guide handout for more detailed objectives.) REQUIRED & SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS: Title: Assembly Language for Intel®-Based Computers Edition: 6th ed. (2011) Author: Kip R. Irvine Publisher: Prentice-Hall ISBN: ISBN: 6th ed.: 0-13-602212-X Materials: “Removable” storage media for submittal to instructor, as needed Students enrolled in this course may obtain a licensed copy of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2008/2010 Professional (includes C++ & MASM 9.0/10.0) and Microsoft Visio at no charge, for use on their own computer. MCC is currently using VS .NET 2010. See the following link for details on using MSDNAA: This software is yours to keep. Most older versions of MASM and Microsoft C/C++ are also acceptable. In addition, for 16-bit software support, students may obtain Visual C++ 1.52, MASM 6.11, Windows 98 SE, and MS-DOS 6.22 from MSDNAA via MCC or the instructor. See textbook and handouts for additional discussion of software needed for this course. CLASS STRUCTURE: In each lecture during this course, the instructor will cover material the student needs to learn and accomplish. In addition, written handouts will be provided from time to time. These will be used to supplement the text material and expand the course. Metropolitan Community College 2 Template Rev. 7/24/06 Instruction will consist mainly of lecture material presented by the instructor. In some classes, group discussion and demonstration will be utilized. In all meetings, discussion opportunities will be provided and the student is encouraged to ask questions and clarify information as the instructor is lecturing and/or presenting material. ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT WORK TYPES OF ASSESSMENT/ASSIGNMENTS: a. Types of student work (Quizzes/Exams/Papers/Projects/etc) that will be assessed Student progress is measured against the course objectives listed earlier by means of in-class participation, Intel assembly language computer programs, as well as periodic written and hands-on skills testing. Assignments will be Intel assembly language programs, for the student to work on either at home or in one of the computer labs. Programs are vital to achieving the course objectives. Students will write Intel assembly language programs based on material learned over the chapters in the textbook. Please retain copies of your submitted work. Typical program submittals must include: design/format/layout documentation for all program input and output, a hierarchy diagram and/or UML (where appropriate), flowcharts (or pseudo-code or IPO charts), printed assembler, compiler and linker list files as successfully executed, printed output from a successful test execution, listings of all test input and output files, and, on submittable storage medium: o source files for all printed documentation, o the program source code as successfully compiled and executed, and o all data files needed for testing program execution. Programming assignments will be evaluated on: the adequacy of program planning; correctness of coding generated; usage of comments to describe and clarify program logic, variable usage, and input/output requirements; adequacy of program testing procedures; and adequacy of program documentation. Of course, the program should also assemble/compile, link, and run correctly. Full points are awarded for the inclusion of the specified item(s), with points being deducted for notable problems. A typical point assignment for these various aspects of programming for a 40 point program is as follows: Planning & external documentation: 1 input layout(s) 1 output layout(s) 1 hierarchy diagram/UML 4 flowcharts/pseudocode/ IPOs Comments in source code: 2 general description of program 2 input/output requirements 2 purpose & use of each variable (variable table) 2 program logic (for each function/module) Metropolitan Community College 3 Coding & implementation: 3 standard coding style & related issues 3 correct procedural logic/method 3 correct assembly/compile/link 16 correct run --------40 total Template Rev. 7/24/06 b. c. d. e. f. The written exams may be a combination of fill-in the blanks, multiple choice, true/false, and essay questions. The exams will test material presented in the reading and other assignments, and during class meetings. Other assignments (Required reading, homework, and etc) and/or class participation The student will have specific assignments to read and master. These assignments are indicated in the course schedule and/or outlined by the instructor. The student should have read the material prior to the class meeting date. How assessments are measured, how students will receive assignments, and how assignments will be submitted See above. Assignments are announced verbally in class, with a recap on the instructor’s web site for this course. Assignments should be submitted in printed form to facilitate the assessment process. Assignment files should also be submitted to the instructor via removable media or e-mail. Make-up and late assignment policies LATE ASSIGNMENTS: Assignments turned in late MAY lose 10% per week. Late assignments MAY not be accepted after two weeks overdue. Please contact instructor regarding the circumstances of any late work. MAKE-UP TEST PROCEDURES: Students MUST be present on the day of an announced test. If the instructor is informed BEFORE the test concerning a valid absence, other arrangements MAY be made. There will be no retakes of tests. Test dates are not firm and are therefore subject to change. How/when you will give student feedback on their progress Grades will be reflected on the returned items. Students may obtain their current cumulative grade from the instructor before or after class. When papers/projects/tests/etc. will be returned The programming assignments and exams will be returned in class one week after they are turned in to the instructor. The exams will be reviewed in class but retained by the instructor. GRADING POLICY: Grading Scale Letter Grade Percent Range A 90–100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F 0-59 Course Requirements Activity Frequency Written Homework Programs 7 Exams 1 Final Exam 1 Final Project Weight of Grade 280 points 150 points 150 points ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT LEARNING PROGRAM: Metropolitan Community College is committed to continuous improvement of teaching and learning. You may be asked to help us to accomplish this objective. For example, you may be asked to respond to surveys or questionnaires. In other cases, tests or assignments you are required to do for this course may be shared with faculty and used for assessment purposes. USE OF STUDENT WORK: By enrolling in classes offered by Metropolitan Community College, the student gives the College license to mark on, modify, and retain the work as may be required by the process of instruction, as described in the course syllabus. The institution shall not have the right to use the work in any other manner without the written consent of the student(s). Metropolitan Community College 4 Template Rev. 7/24/06 Please note: Nothing in the preceding paragraph overrides the restrictions on sharing or distribution of solutions to assignments and tests discussed below under the Academic Honesty Statement. INSTRUCTOR’S EXPECTATIONS OF STUDENT ATTENDANCE POLICY: The course will be covered partially by assigned portions of the text and may be presented in a sequence different from the text. Material will also be covered that is not in the text. Attendance is necessary to understand the course material. Each student is expected to recognize the importance of class attendance and promptness. CHRONIC TARDINESS AND ABSENCES MAY RESULT IN A REDUCTION IN THE FINAL GRADE BY 10%. If a student should miss a class for any reason, he/she is expected to cover the material he/she missed on his/her own. All work must be made up to the satisfaction of the instructor. To remain eligible for financial aid, students are responsible for meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress standards ( Complete information about WX and FX is posted at (Find WX and FX links under “Quick Links.”) WX: After the first class meeting and through the Census Date, the instructor will disenroll (WX) students who have never attended. The Census Date is listed under the Important Dates for the course in the official Class Schedule at FX: An FX is a final grade given to a student who stops attending a class, does not return, and fails. COMMUNICATION EXPECTATIONS: When you communicate with others in this course, you must follow the Student Code of Conduct (, which calls for responsible and cooperative behavior. Please think critically, ask questions, and challenge ideas, but also show respect for the opinions of others, respond to them politely, and maintain the confidentiality of thoughts expressed in the class. You may also wish to review information at Students are not permitted to browse the Internet, read email, or otherwise use the computer during lecture time -unless the instructor directs you to access the computer. Using the computer during lecture is distracting to both the instructor and students who are actively listening. Ignoring this policy will result in lowering your attendance and participation grade. (CT) RECORDING IN THE CLASSROOM: Students may not video or audio record class sessions without the instructor’s knowledge and permission. If recording of class sessions is authorized as a reasonable accommodation under Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the instructor must have the appropriate documentation from College Disability Support Services. Permitted recordings are to be used only for the individual student’s educational review of the class session and may not be reproduced, posted, sold or distributed to others. Students who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary procedures as outlined in the Student Conduct Code. ACADEMIC HONESTY STATEMENT: Students are reminded that materials they use as sources for classwork may be subject to copyright protection. Additional information about copyright is provided on the library website at or by your instructor. In response to incidents of student dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, etc.), the College imposes specific actions that may include receiving a failing grade on a test, failure in the course, suspension from the College, or dismissal from the College. Disciplinary procedures are available in the Advising/Counseling Centers or at Instructor Policy: Please note: ANY sharing or transfer of assigned work, solutions, test contents, or answers, between a student and any other person or party; in part or in whole; whether by Internet search or browsing, file Metropolitan Community College 5 Template Rev. 7/24/06 exchange, E-mail, manual transcription, co-development of an assignment, or any other means; unless authorized by the instructor in advance in accordance with the guidelines in the following paragraphs; will be considered academic misconduct and be sanctioned with disciplinary action in accordance with the above paragraph. The instructor considers this statement to be a first warning. All detected or reported instances of academic misconduct will receive a 0 grade and will be reported to the Academic Dean. Any student who participates in more than one detected or reported incident of academic misconduct will receive a course grade of F. Stronger penalties may apply based on the student’s history of academic misconduct. Both originating and receiving parties will be liable to such sanction. Sharing of class notes and handouts is authorized. Obtaining assistance from others (including tutors or lab techs) for specific programming issues or debugging is authorized. However, no further collaboration is authorized for any standard assignment. Students wishing to collaborate further must contact the instructor for special assignments. Such special assignments must clearly identify in advance which portions are the responsibilities of each individual student wishing to collaborate. The learning objectives, level of difficulty, and typical work involved for each portion must be comparable to that for a single student working alone on the corresponding standard assignment. Each portion will be graded individually. Each portion must clearly represent the competency of the individual responsible for it, and only that individual. The instructor reserves the right to refuse any request for special assignments. Indications of unauthorized collaboration and/or intent to defraud include, but are not restricted to, assignments, submitted by students (not necessarily from the same section) individually under each of their respective names; but which are essentially identical; are essentially identical except for mechanical changes such as differing variable or module names; are essentially identical except for differing comments; or exhibit essentially identical idiosyncratic features such as errors in syntax, style, logic, output formatting, or spelling. The same criteria apply to submissions, by one or more students, where those submissions bear indications of copying from any other unauthorized source. Authorized sources, excepting for “closed book” assessments, are the student textbook for the class, lecture notes, class handouts, and technology documentation and help materials. Unauthorized sources are any materials that provide or purport to provide an answer or solution to any assessment (assignment, exam, etc.), or portion thereof, or allow the student to present material for assessment prepared with less intellectual or creative engagement than he or she would have had to invest if said unauthorized material were unavailable. Permission to use general resources, such as the Internet, does not constitute permission to use unauthorized sources that may be found on or in such general resources. In summary, grades and degrees are awarded to an individual for his or her demonstrated competencies and abilities. Therefore, the work you submit must be your work and only your work. STUDENT WITHDRAWAL: If you cannot participate in and complete this course, you should officially withdraw through My Services on the MCC My Way portal at or by calling Central Registration at 402-457-5231 or 1-800-228-9553. Failure to officially withdraw will result in either an attendance-related failure (FX) or failing (F) grade, [unless there is documented instructor assent to alternative means to meet course requirements]. The last date to withdraw is noted in the CLASS IDENTIFICATION section of this syllabus. LEARNING SUPPORT MCC's Academic Resource Centers (ARCs), Math Centers, and Writing Centers offer friendly, supportive learning environments that can help students achieve educational success. Staff members in these centers provide free drop-in assistance with basic computing, reading, math, and writing skills. Self-paced, computer-assisted instructional support in reading, vocabulary, typing, English as a Second Language, and online course orientation is also available. Detailed information about the Academic Resource, Math, and Writing Centers is in the Student Handbook, College Catalog, and online at Metropolitan Community College 6 Template Rev. 7/24/06 ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Metropolitan Community College will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with documented qualifying disabilities. It is the student’s responsibility to request accommodations from Disability Support Services (DSS) located in each Student Services Office. After students have arranged for accommodations with DSS, the student and instructor should privately discuss these accommodations. For further information, please contact DSS or visit TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT For assistance with student email, passwords, and most other MCC technology, contact the Help Desk at 457-2900 or TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES: By using the information technology systems at MCC (including the computer systems and phones), you acknowledge and consent to the conditions of use as set forth in the Metropolitan Community College Procedures Memorandum on Acceptable Use of Information Technology and Resources. It is your responsibility as a student to be familiar with these procedures. The full text of the Procedures Memorandum may be found at the following website: Departmental Policy: USE OF COLLEGE COMPUTERS When you use computers in College academic resource centers, learning centers, libraries and many classrooms, you will need to login using your student username and password. Your username is the same as your MCC My Way username and your initial password is your student ID with leading zeros to make it seven digits. If you need assistance, please contact staff at any of the ARCs and libraries. Your instructor may also be able to help. It is recommended that students save their files to removable media often as they work. The College reserves the right to take steps necessary to maintain the confidentiality of student identity information through the use of automatic logouts and screensavers. PROCEDURE FOR GRADE APPEALS AND OTHER COURSE CONCERNS: A student who wishes to appeal a grade or other course matters should follow the appeal procedure listed below. The appeal process for course grades or other course matters must be initiated no later than the end of the quarter (last class day) following the quarter in which the course was completed. The appeal process begins when a student writes a letter to the instructor (1st level of appeal). If dissatisfied with the appeal at any level, the student may appeal in writing to the next level: • 1st Level: Instructor • 2nd Level: Appropriate Academic Dean • 3rd Level: Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs Course concerns are best resolved with the course instructor. If you feel you have an on-going issue, you must first e-mail the instructor with your course concerns in a respectful, straightforward manner. The purpose of this e-mail is to seek a resolution between you, the student, and the instructor, pointing specifically to the syllabus and how you (as the student) can show that the procedures set up in the syllabus were not upheld. At this point, most disputes can be resolved. A further appeal makes it to the level of Dean only in rare cases when a written appeal to the instructor is unsuccessful. If after the instructor/student dialog a disagreement remains, you may contact the dean’s office via e-mail including: (1) Your initial correspondence to the instructor (2) The instructor’s reply to you (3) Your supporting data that the procedures established in this syllabus were not upheld. Metropolitan Community College 7 Template Rev. 7/24/06 SCHEDULE OF ASSIGNMENTS NOTICE: This syllabus sets forth a tentative schedule of class topics, learning activities, and expected learning outcomes. However, the instructor reserves the right to modify this schedule to enhance learning for students. Any modifications will not substantially change the intent or objectives of this course and will conform to the policies and guidelines of Metropolitan Community College. [In the event the College closes classes for any reason, the dates of the scheduled activities will be followed as outlined.] WEEK/Days DESCRIPTION ASSIGNMENT [4th & 5th eds.] Review of INFO 2521 and Course Introduction Structures, Macros, and Conditional Assembly Irvine Chapter 10 2 12/10 32-Bit Windows Programming Irvine Chapter 11 3 12/17 Floating-Point Processing Instruction Encoding Irvine Chapter 12 [Ch. 17†] & Handouts High-Level Language Interface Irvine Chapter 13 [Ch. 12] 1 12/3/2013 4 1/7/2014 5 1/14 Midterm Exam (Chapters 10-13) 6 1/21 Basic 16-bit MS-DOS Programming Irvine Chapter 14 [Ch. 13] 7 1/28 Disk Fundamentals Irvine Chapter 15* [Ch. 14] 8 2/4 BIOS-Level Programming Irvine Chapter 16* [Ch. 15] 9 2/11 Expert MS-DOS Programming & Advanced Topics Irvine Chapter 17* [Ch. 16] 10 2/18 Advanced Topics & Project 11 2/25 Final Exam (Chapters 14-17) * 6th ed.: Download from Companion Website † th 4 ed.: Download from 4th ed. Companion Website IMPORTANT DATES See attached or Note: Metro’s Academic Calendar is at ) Metropolitan Community College 8 Template Rev. 7/24/06 2013/14 Winter Quarter Important Dates Classes Begin ..................................................................................................................... Dec 2 M Census Date/Tenth Day* ................................................................................................. Dec 13 F Last class day before Holiday Recess ................................................................................Dec 23 M Holiday Recess/College Closed ......................................................................Dec 25 W- Jan 1 W Holiday Recess ends for Staff/Faculty Report/Classes Resume .......................................... Jan 2 Th Current Student (greater than 50 hours) Spring 2014 (13/SP) Registration begins ..............Jan 6 M Current Student (less than 50 hours) Spring 2014 (13/SP) Registration begins .................. Jan 9 Th General Spring 2014 (13/SP) Registration begins ............................................................. Jan 15 W Martin Luther King Recess/College closed ...................................................................Jan 20 M Fall Quarter Term Incomplete “I” Grades Due.................................................................. Feb 12 W Classes End ...................................................................................................................... Feb 26 W Winter grades due and posted by 7:00 a.m. .....................................................................March 3 M Student Withdrawal Deadline to “drop” a class without receiving a grade ......... Varies by Class** Student Withdrawal Deadline to “drop” a class with a refund varies **..... See Refund Policy * Tenth Day is the date on which your enrollment level is checked. **To view the last day to withdraw “drop” a class to prevent receiving a grade, go to the class schedule found on line at . Then, find the course section and click on the Important Dates link on the same line as the course title. Dates for each course section are automatically calculated based on the start and end dates and the number of sessions for a course. A student must withdraw by this date to avoid an “F” grade. Note: Schedule changes may have implications for students on Financial Aid. Check with the Financial Aid Office prior to any schedule changes at 402-457-2330. The Census Date is the date on which Financial Aid Student’s enrollment is checked to determine the type and amount of authorized funds for the quarter. Payment is based on enrollment as of that date. REFUND POLICY for Credit Courses A student is responsible for withdrawing “dropping” from a course(s) if unable to attend. Nonattendance or non-payment does not relieve a student from the obligation to pay. An official schedule change that reduces or terminates a student’s academic credit load may entitle the student to a refund. Go to “My Services” and click “Student Accounts”, then “Tuition Modeler” to see the refund percentage received through midnight of the same day you “drop” withdraw from a class. 10/22/2013