Operating Systems I Navigating the File System MCT260-Operating Systems I

Operating Systems I
Navigating the File System
MCT260-Operating Systems I
Primary Learning Objective
Understand and navigate the file system
MCT260-Operating Systems I
Specific Learning Objectives
Identify and define the terms associated with
the file system.
Understand the concept of the Full Path or MSDOS Path
Use My Computer and Explorer to navigate
through a Windows file system.
Navigate the directory tree using the Command
Line Interface
View the directory using the DIR command
MCT260-Operating Systems I
File System
• The features that an operating system uses
for naming, organizing, storing, and
tracking directories (folders) and files. For
example, a hierarchical file system is one
that uses directories to organize files into a
tree structure.
• File systems have drives, root directories,
sub-directories, and files
MCT260-Operating Systems I
• A name assigned by the operating system to
all or part of the storage space on a physical
disk (such as a hard disk, a floppy disk, zip
disk, or CD-ROM)
• A hard disk drive can be partitioned to make
several logical drives. Such as a D: and E:
drives in addition to the C: drive
• The drive name includes both the letter and
the colon (C:)
MCT260-Operating Systems I
• A special file that keeps track of a group
related objects such as sub-directories and
• Also called a folder in Windows OSs
• The top most directory on a drive is known
as the root directory which is symbolized by
the \ (back slash).
• A directory containing sub-directories is
called a parent directory.
MCT260-Operating Systems I
• Files display different types of icons to help
identify what type of file they are.
• Files usually have have a three (3) letter
extension. See pages 57-60 in CLI Book
and page 53 in XP Book
• Executable files (files that contain program
code that the OS can load into memory
(RAM) and run) have a .exe, .com or .bat
MCT260-Operating Systems I
The File System
MCT260-Operating Systems I
Full Path (MS-DOS Path)
• Windows operating systems use the full
path to locate and load software. It also
uses it to find and open folders and files.
• The notation that identifies the exact
location of a file or folder (directory) on a
• A related concept is the PATH command
which tells the OS where to find executable
files it requires.
MCT260-Operating Systems I
Full Path
• The full path of a file will display the drive
name, the folder name(s) that identify the
location of the file and the filename.
• The backslash after the drive name ( \ ) refers to
the top-level folder known as the root directory.
• All of the other backslashes ( \ ) called delimiters
separate the names of two related folders or a
folder and the file name.
MCT260-Operating Systems I
Absolute & Relative Paths
• A full path that includes the backslash ( \ )
before the name of the first directory is known
as an absolute path.
– \Classes\MCT260\homework3.doc
• A relative path always starts from the current
drive and directory and never begins with a
backslash. It is used to identify a sub-directory
or file beneath the current drive and directory.
– C:\Classes>CD MCT260\homework3.doc
MCT260-Operating Systems I
Folder Options
• Found in the Tools menu now. In earlier
OS’s, it was in the View menu.
• General Tab
• View Tab
• File Types
MCT260-Operating Systems I
Navigating with My Computer
• How information is displayed in My
• Opening folders in their own windows vs
the same window
• Classic vs Web style
• Viewing options
MCT260-Operating Systems I
Object-Oriented Operating System
• The newer Windows based operating system
treats almost everything on the computer as an
• Hardware devices and software applications
are objects, Even parts of a word processor
document such as a word or sentence are
• Objects have associated actions and properties.
MCT260-Operating Systems I
Actions and Properties
• Action are operations you perform on
objects such as copying or renaming
• Properties are characteristics of an object
such as size
• The actions and properties are displayed on
short-cut or context menus
• Right-clicking the object will display the
short-cut or context menus
MCT260-Operating Systems I
Navigating with Windows Explorer
Opening Windows Explorer
• Folders button on My Computer
• Right-click Start button
• From Accessories on Start Menu now
• Windows key + E
Features of the Windows Explorer window
• Panes.
• Title and address +bars
• Expand View box +
MCT260-Operating Systems I
Command Line Interface
When viewing a directory using the DIR command
you will notice that even an empty directory shows
that it has two directories (One period = current
directory and two periods = parent directory)
MCT260-Operating Systems I
Navigating the Directory
Structure Using CLI
• Using the TREE command to view the
directory structure
• Use the Change Directory (CD) command
with the absolute and relative paths.
• Use the CD command and .. (parent directory)
to move up through levels of directories
• Use the CD command and \ (root symbol) to
change to the root directory
• Change the current drive
MCT260-Operating Systems I
• Drives, root directory, sub-directories, and
• Full Path (absolute or relative paths)
• Object-oriented operating systems
• Navigating the Windows file system using
My Computer and Explorer
• Navigating the directory tree using the
Command Line Interface
MCT260-Operating Systems I
In-Class Exercise
Requires a blank floppy disk. This directory
structure will be used homework assignments.
Open Windows Explorer
Expand the drive that is mapped to the Students
share point on SRP6 until you open the
\MCT\MCT260\Exercise directory
Copy all the contents of the directory to the root
directory of the A: drive
Practice navigating the file system as instructed by
your instructor.
MCT260-Operating Systems I
Homework Assignment
• Reading
– Windows XP Textbook – pp 49-59
– CLI Textbook - pp. 116-117, 129-159
– Handout
• Lab Exercise 4: Navigating the File System
• Homework 3: The File System
• Due Date: Next Tuesday
MCT260-Operating Systems I