CPT 223 99: COBOL III Spring, 2003-2004 TBA SYLLABUS METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE SECTION I: THE CLASS AND THE INSTRUCTOR COURSE SECTION AND TITLE: CPT 223 99: COBOL III ACADEMIC YEAR/QUARTER: Spring, 2003-2004 INSTRUCTOR’S NAME: Alan R. Reinarz LOCATION OF CLASS: TBA LOCATION OF LABS: TBA METHODS OF CONTACTING INTRUCTOR: areinarz@metropo.mccneb.edu http://cot.mccneb.edu/areinarz METRO OFFICES HOURS* LOCATION PHONE FAX M/W 1:00p-2:30p EVC 156 289-1364 289-1405 M/W: 4:00p-5:00p SOC MAH 300 738-4089 738-4553 T: 4:00p-5:00p FOC 008 203 457-2624 457-2946 *Stated office hours may need to be changed due to special circumstances or events. If the student wishes to meet with the instructor at a time other than scheduled office hours, the student should make an appointment with the instructor. Home phone: (402) 556-3071 IMPORTANT DATES: DATE CLASS BEGINS: DATE CLASS ENDS: LAST DATE TO DROP CLASS: DATES CLASS DOES NOT MEET: 3/16/2004 5/25/2004 5/10/2004 none SECTION II: THE COURSE COURSE DESCRIPTION: COBOL III is a continuation of COBOL II. The students will expand their knowledge of COBOL with the advanced techniques this course will provide. Topics covered include indexed file processing, VSAM files, relational databases and embedded SQL. COURSE PREREQUISITES: CPT 222 COBOL II & CPT 110 Database Management COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Code a random update program using an indexed master file and a transaction file. Describe the major features of VSAM files. Develop a COBOL program that accesses a relational database table using embedded SQL Statements. Utilize a cursor to process a multi row result table. Code a COBOL program that updates a database table using embedded SQL statements. Metropolitan Community College Page 1 of 5 Revised: 12/02/2003 6. 7. 8. Describe and use the embedded SQL needed to do unions and joins. Utilize advanced selection criteria to retrieve data from tables. Create a database application utilizing embedded SQL. REQUIRED/SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS: Textbook: COBOL for the 21st Century Edition: Tenth Edition; Author: Stern, Stern, and Ley; Publisher: John Wiley and Sons. OR Structured COBOL Programming Edition: Ninth (or Eighth), Author: Stern and Stern, Publisher: John Wiley and Sons. AND Textbook: DB2 for the COBOL Programmer; Edition: 2nd, 1999; Author: Garvin & Eckols; Publisher: Murach Two 3.5 " diskettes. SECTION III: STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES METHODS OF LEARNING: The student will have specific assignments to read and master. These assignments are indicated in the course schedule and/or outlined by the instructor. The student should have read the material prior to class meeting date. This course requires students to work an average of 3 hours per week in hands-on, lab activity. Students are responsible for completing all lab work outside of the classroom. While you may choose to do this lab work someplace other than the College, Metro provides computer labs for students who do not have the required resources or facilities available to them. Instructor will discuss options with student. ATTENDANCE STATEMENT: Meeting dates will be arranged with the student. Excessive absences or unsatisfactory progress will subject the student to administrative withdrawal from the course. If a student should miss a class for any reason, he/she is expected to cover the material he/she missed on his/her own. All work must be made up to the satisfaction of the instructor. RETAINING COPIES OF SUBMITTED WORK: On very rare occasion, the instructor has been unable to find any record of work that a student claims to have submitted. There may be several reasons this has occurred, including loss or theft of the work before it gets to the instructor, or oversight on the part of the student or instructor. The student should understand that grades are based upon achievement of learning objectives and successful completion of assignments. If work is missing, for whatever reason, it becomes impossible for the instructor to evaluate it and assign a grade. It is highly recommended that students keep backup copies of all work submitted toward the unlikely event that it might need to be resubmitted. STUDENT WITHDRAWAL: If you cannot attend and complete this course, you should officially withdraw by calling Central Registration, 457-5231. Failure to officially withdraw will result in either an instructor withdraw (IW) or failing (F) grade. The last date to withdraw is identified on the first page of this syllabus handout. ACADEMIC HONESTY STATEMENT: Students are reminded that materials you may use as sources for this course may be subject to copyright protection. Additional information about copyright is provided on the library webpage at http://www.mccneb.edu/library, by your instructor, or by the College's Copyright Officer. The College imposes specific actions in response to incidents of student dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, etc.) that may include receiving a failing grade on a test, failure in the course, suspension from the College, or dismissal from the College. The disciplinary procedures are available in the Counseling/Advising Centers. Please note: ANY sharing or transfer of assigned work or test contents or answers between a student and any other person or party; in part or in whole; whether by disk exchange, E-mail, manual transcription, codevelopment of an assignment, or any other means; unless authorized by the instructor in advance in accordance with the guidelines in the following paragraph; will be considered academic misconduct and be sanctioned with disciplinary action in accordance with the above paragraph. Both originating and receiving parties will be liable to such sanction. Metropolitan Community College Page 2 of 5 Revised: 12/02/2003 Sharing of class notes and handouts is authorized. Obtaining assistance from others (including tutors or lab techs) for specific programming issues or debugging is authorized. However, no further collaboration is authorized for any standard assignment. Students wishing to collaborate further must contact the instructor for special assignments. Such special assignments must clearly identify in advance which portions are the responsibility of each individual student wishing to collaborate. The learning objectives, level of difficulty, and typical work involved for each portion must be comparable to that for a single student working alone on the corresponding standard assignment. Each portion will be graded individually. Each portion must clearly represent the competency of the individual responsible for it, and only that individual. The instructor reserves the right to refuse any request for special assignments. Indications of unauthorized collaboration and/or intent to defraud include, but are not restricted to, assignments, submitted by students (not necessarily from the same section) individually under each of their respective names; but which are essentially identical; are essentially identical except for mechanical changes such as differing variable or module names; are essentially identical except for differing comments; or exhibit essentially identical idiosyncratic features such as errors in syntax, style, logic, output formatting, or spelling. The same criteria apply to submissions, by one or more students, where those submissions bear indications of copying from any other unauthorized source. Authorized sources are the student textbook for the class, lecture notes, class handouts, and compiler/interpreter documentation and help materials. In summary, if you want a grade attached to your name and only your name (the only way I know MCC records grades), the work you submit must be your work and only your work. USE OF STUDENT WORK The ownership of student works submitted in fulfillment of classroom requirements shall remain with the student(s): By enrolling in classes offered by Metropolitan Community College, the student gives the College license to mark on, modify, and retain the work as may be required by the process of instruction, as described in the course syllabus. The institution shall not have the right to use the work in any other manner without the written consent of the student(s). Please note: Nothing in the preceding paragraph overrides the restrictions on sharing or distribution of solutions to assignments and tests discussed above under the Academic Honesty Statement. ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT LEARNING PROGRAM Metropolitan Community College is committed to continuous improvement of teaching and learning. You may be asked to help us to accomplish this objective. For example, you may be asked to respond to surveys or questionnaires. In other cases, tests or assignments you are required to do for this course may be shared with faculty and used for assessment purposes. This will be done in accordance with FERPA guidelines. TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES: As you pursue your educational objectives, you may be required to use computer information technology resources at Metropolitan Community College. Use of these resources is a privilege and carries with it a responsibility to respect the rights and privacy of others, the integrity of facilities, and to follow Student Conduct Guidelines and College Policies. By using the information technology systems at MCC (including the computer systems and phones) you acknowledge and consent to the conditions of use as set forth in the Metropolitan Community College Procedures Memorandum on Acceptable Use of Information Technology and Resources. It is your responsibility as a student to be familiar with these procedures. The full text of the Procedures Memorandum may be found at the following website: http://www.mccneb.edu/itprocedures.htm EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PROGRAM AREA IDENTIFICATION: Program Area Academic Dean Academic Dean’s office phone Computer Technology and Visual Arts Thomas C. Pensabene 457-2660 The Office of the Academic Dean should be contacted with any questions or problems that your instructor is not able to resolve to your satisfaction. Metropolitan Community College Page 3 of 5 Revised: 12/02/2003 SECTION IV: INSTRUCTOR RESPONSIBILITIES METHODS OF INSTRUCTION: As this is an independent study section, lecture time will be considerably truncated. In each lecture or other correspondence during this course, the instructor will cover material the student needs to learn and accomplish. In addition, written handouts will be provided from time to time. These will be used to supplement the text material and expand the course. Instruction will consist mainly of lecture material presented by the instructor. In some classes, group discussion and demonstration will be utilized. In all meetings and communications, discussion opportunities will be provided and the student is encouraged to ask questions and clarify information as the instructor is lecturing and/or presenting material. METHODS OF ASSESSING STUDENT PROGRESS: Student progress is assessed through the completion of assigned projects and tests. A summary of programming assignments and tests may be found at the end of the syllabus under the heading PROJECTED SCHEDULE OF ASSIGNMENTS. Attendance and class participation may also be taken into consideration. The majority of programming assignments (labs) require the student to take a basic set of program requirements and, based on knowledge gained from reading and class, develop a program using the typical program development process. Work will be evaluated on the adequacy of program planning; correctness of coding generated; usage of comments to describe and clarify program logic, data element usage, and input/output requirements; adequacy of program testing procedures; and adequacy of program documentation. Of course, the program should also run correctly. Full points are awarded for the inclusion of the specified item(s), with points being deducted for notable problems. Typical point assignments for these various aspects of programming, based on a 60 point total, are as follows: Planning & external documentation: 3 input layout(s) 3 printer/output layout(s) 2 hierarchy diagram 6 flowchart or pseudocode Usage of comments in program: 2 general description (in Identification Division) 2 misc. input/output requirements 2 data item usage (esp. in Working-Storage) 5 program logic (in Procedure Division) 5 coding style, etc. 5 methodology 10 correct compile 15 correct run --------60 total Exams consist mostly of fill-in-the-blank questions and short programming segments. CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING FINAL COURSE GRADE: A percentage grade will be obtained by dividing the total points a student earns by the total possible points for the course. The points for each assignment and test may be found in the PROJECTED SCHEDULE OF ASSIGNMENTS found at the end of the syllabus. The percentage grade will then determine the letter grade for the course, according to the following table: Letter Grade A B C D F Percentage Range 90% 80% 70% 60% 0% 100% 89.9% 79.9% 69.9% 59.9% Point Range 720 640 560 480 0 800 719 639 559 479 MAKE-UP TEST PROCEDURES: Students MUST be present on the day of an announced test. If the instructor is informed BEFORE THE TEST concerning a valid absence, other arrangements MAY be made. There will be no retakes of tests. Test dates are not firm and are therefore subject to change. LATE ASSIGNMENTS: Assignments tuned in late may lose 10% per class day for up to a week and may then receive a grade of 0. No assignments will be accepted after the test has been given. Also, see “Attendance” above. Metropolitan Community College Page 4 of 5 Revised: 12/02/2003 MAINTENANCE OF STUDENT RECORDS: Test will be returned after grading for review in class and then recollected and retained for record keeping purposes. All other work is graded and returned as soon as possible, usually by the following week. All grades are kept by the instructor in a grade book and on computer, which students may see at any time by asking the instructor. SECTION IV: SCHEDULE OF ASSIGNMENTS: Wk 1 Date 3/16/2004 2 3/23 3 4 3/30 4/6 5 4/13 6 7 8 4/20 4/27 5/4 9 5/11 10 11 5/18 5/25 Topics Indexed File Processing Relative File Processing VSAM Files Relational Database Concepts Chapters Stern 15 Points 60 Handout Garvin 1 (p.1-21) Review & Test I Using embedded SQL SQL SELECT Statement Cursor Processing SQL Error Processing SQL UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT Statements Review & Test II Unions and Joins Advanced Selection Conditions ESQL Assistant Column functions Scalar functions Nulls Subqueries Final Test Project presentation Project report In-class assignments Metropolitan Community College Assignments Program 1 Page 5 of 5 Garvin 1 (p.22-40) Garvin 2 Garvin 10 Garvin 3 Program 2 Garvin 4 Garvin 5 Garvin p.166-170 p.189-207 p.222-225 p.236-245 Database Project Program 3 100 60 60 100 120 100 50 50 100 800 Revised: 12/02/2003