Welcome to Shepherd Jr. High Choirs!

Welcome to Shepherd Jr.
High Choirs!
Choir Handbook
Please sign, detach, and return
the last three pages to Ms. Reed by
Tuesday August 18th
Keep the rest of the syllabus for your
Welcome to the Shepherd Jr. High Choral
Shepherd Choir Expectations
1. Respect – Treat each person in the class the way you would like to be treated.
Our choir room is a “ridicule-free zone”. Here we are free to make mistakes and
look a little silly to accomplish our common goal of making great music.
2. Preparation – Come prepared to class. Drink water throughout the day. Spit
out your gum as you walk into class. Pick up your music folder and have a pencil
ready. Have your music out and ready to sing. Backpacks are to be put in the
back of the room.
3. Participation – Be actively engaged in every activity. Be a leader in your
section. Work together to create a unified ensemble. Do your best.
Course Objectives
In this class the students will learn to:
 Sing music at first sight using solfege (do, re, mi)
 Improve his/her ability to perform vocal music
 Develop an understanding of choral ensemble singing and blend
 Perform and appreciate different styles of music
 Learn and improve in the areas of healthy vocal technique, music history, and
music theory
 Have meaningful musical experiences
Choir is a performance-based class, where every student will be required to participate
in all required concerts.
Class Materials Needed Daily
-folder or binder in which to keep music
-notebook or composition pad to keep musical journal logs/complete bell work
Classroom Behavior Expectations
1.) Enter the classroom quietly, get your music/pencil/notepad, place backpack in
the back, and take your seat before the bell rings.
2.) Have your music out and follow along at all times. Be ready to take notes with a
pencil. You must have these supplies EVERY DAY.
3.) Sit or stand with the correct body position for singing that we have learned in
4.) Treat classmates and Ms. Reed with respect. Be supportive of each other.
5.) Listen actively
6.) No disruptive, disrespectful, or inappropriate behaviors.
7.) Adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Shepherd Handbook
Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior Choices:
1.) Verbal Waning
2.) Back Seat
3.) Removal to a Buddy Classroom
4.) ALC placement
Grading System
1.) Daily participation: 50% of grade
Students will receive 10 points each day that they are in class with music and pencil (5
points), paying attention and putting effort into their classroom work (5 points). Points
will be deducted for chewing gum (5) in class, ALC or suspension (10), tardy (2) and
inappropriate classroom behavior, etc.
I cannot give you participation points if you are not in class. Points for excused
absences can be made up by turning in a signed practice sheet with 30 minutes
of practice time for each day absent or an alternative assignment. Students may
pick up a form in class.
2.) Concert Attendance: 30% of grade
Students are expected to attend and participate in all performances in which their class
is involved. Points will be assigned to each required performance based on attendance,
effort, punctuality, and proper concert attire. This experience is what we work toward,
sometimes for months, and to deny a student of the moment when all of his/her efforts
are to be rewarded is both unfair and unacceptable. Non-attendance at a performance
will result in a lower quarter grade.
The following are examples of excused absences:
-death in the family
-illness, with a physician’s note
-irresolvable conflicts known at least two weeks in advance of the performance
Examples of unexcused absences include (but not limited to):
-not having a ride
-other outside of school functions
-doctor or dentist appointments
-conflicts not discussed with your teacher one week before the performance date
or conflicts not approved by the instructor
A student can be granted an excused absence, only if the instructor was informed
in writing of the conflict two weeks prior to the performance date. Parents are
asked to check the performance dates and discuss potential conflicts with Ms.
Reed, as soon as possible. Although this experience cannot be duplicated, we do
allow a student who is granted an excused absence to make up the work by performing
a portion of their concert music in order to demonstrate proficiency, and writing a report
assigned by Ms. Reed. This work needs to be done outside of class and on the
student’s own time. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange a time to make up the
work that is convenient with the instructor. A student who receives an unexcused
absence, however, will not be allowed to do any work to make up the performance
grade. Written concert evaluations are required for all students.
3.) Classroom Assessments and Assignments: 10% of grade
Students will participate in various written assignments, worksheets, written evaluations
of performances and small group or individual singing evaluations.
4.) Homework: 10% of grade
Students will have occasional outside homework assignments to be completed by the
next school day.
Illness in School
*If you are in school, you are expected to participate in class. Please bring a written
note it circumstances do not permit you to sing.
*If you cannot sing due to a sore throat you are still expected to follow along in the
music and mouth the words! Studies indicate that vocalists can learn music by thinking
pitches and mouthing words!
Shepherd Jr. High Choir Concert Attire
All Men: Tuxedo vest (provided by school) and black bowtie ($4 to be paid to the
bookstore), white long-sleeved dress shirt, black dress pants (no Dockers), black socks
and black dress shoes.
Women: Black formal dress (provided by school), black hose and black closed-toed
All women are to wear black hose and black closed-toed shoes with reasonable heels.
Men wear black shoes and socks. No flip-flops.
Tentative Concert Calendar 2015-2016
September 24 --- 1st Quarter Choir Concert, 7:00 pm
October 26 --- MAC Festival [Bel Canto Only, All Day Event]
October ? --- Friday, Performing Arts Picture Day
November 10 --- Young Lions Step-Up Concert [At Red Mtn HS, 7:00 pm]
December 8 --- 2nd Quarter Choir Concert, 7:00 pm
December 11 --- Choir Tour to Elementary Schools & Retirement Home
January 28 --- Show off Shepherd, 7:00 pm
February 18,19.20 --- Spring Musical
March 8 --- 3rd Quarter Choir Concert, 7:00 pm
March 31, April 1--- Talent Show
May 6 – ACDA Jr. High Choir Festival [All Day Event]
May 17 --- 4th Quarter Choir Concert, 7:00 pm
*Some of these performances may be subject to change
ECA Funds and Fundraising
Please help our choral program by contributing to state ECA funds. This is a tax credit
that lets you choose where your state tax dollars are spent. You can contribute up to
$400/tax paying couple. Choir spends money on music, festival fees, bus transportation,
dresses, vests and bowties. Your continued support will allow us to participate in festivals
in the spring and keep up with the growth in our vibrant program.
Parent Volunteers!!!
I am in need of parent volunteers to assist me over the school years with various tasks
such as fundraising, uniform checks and measurements/distribution, supervision at
concerts and more. Please email me at tkreed@mpsaz.org if you are willing to help. I
would be so grateful for any assistance!!!
I am excited to work, sing, laugh and learn with your child!
Taryn Reed
Director of Choirs, Shepherd Jr. High
Assistant Choir Director, Red Mountain High School
I am taking pictures of our choir students for placement on the back wall. If you
would NOT like your child to have his picture taken, please return this form back to
Thank you,
______ I do NOT want my child’s picture taken and posted in the choir room.
Student’s name
Parent’s signature
Choir Uniform Contract
Uniform number
Choir parents and guardians,
Shepherd Junior High has purchased dresses for the women and vests
for the men in our choirs. The school owns these uniforms and we need to
keep them in great shape. All uniforms will be collected and dry cleaned at the
end of the year. Please do not wash them at home. If the uniform does not
come back in good condition, the student will be responsible for repair or
replacement. You may hem them if you need to, however, please do not cut
them. Thank you very much. I know they will look great on stage. Please call
me if there are any questions or concerns.
Taryn Reed
Student name _________________________________________
Date ________________
Student signature _________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian signature _______________________________ Date ________________
Shepherd Junior High
Performing Arts Contract
This contract is to verify that the undersigned student and parent have read
the Shepherd Junior High Performing Arts Handbook, and understand its
contents, as well as, the responsibilities outlined therein. This includes the
Performance Attendance Guidelines, Performance Etiquette, Classroom Rules,
Class Requirements for Grading, and Class Requirements for Performances.
This contract also verifies that you, the student and parent, have received the
Performance Schedule and have arranged for the student to be available on the
dates and times listed that pertain to the performing group of which he/she is
a member.
Student name (Please print)
Signature of Student
Parent/Guardian name (Please print)
Signature of
Please sign and return this page by August 18th
Parent/Student Contact Form:
Student Name:____________________________________________________
Student Phone Number: ___________________________________
Student Email: __________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________________________
Parent/Guardian Phone Number:
Parent/Guardian Email: __________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________________________
Parent/Guardian Phone Number:
Parent/Guardian Email: __________________________________________________
Parent Volunteer Opportunities
Below is a list of ways parents can help the choir program. If you have anything
to add, please check it below! THANK YOU!!!!
Chaperone off-campus performances
piano accompanist (rehearsals/concerts)
available during school hours to help
t-shirt design or distribution
program editing
video and video editing concerts
take photos during concerts
stage decorations for concerts
Dress measurements/Hemming
parent leadership
Please return this form to Ms. Reed by: ________________________________