Orchestra Handbook Poston Junior High School 2013-2014

Poston Junior High School
Orchestra Handbook
Lindsay Barnes│Orchestra Director
Alan Flax│Principal
Mike Rapier│Team Leader
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
Welcome to the Poston Orchestra Program! I am the new director this year and I’m looking forward to continuing the
excellent orchestra tradition in this community. I am a recent graduate of Brigham Young University-Idaho with a degree
in music education with a specialty in the cello. I am excited to begin rehearsals and get to know each student. I look
forward to teaching and reinforcing musical skills and techniques that will enhance each student’s playing ability.
I have high expectations for all of our orchestras. In order to facilitate the process of learning, I expect daily practice at
home as well as attentiveness in class. We will have several performing opportunities throughout the year that will add to
your student’s confidence in their abilities.
Please review the handbook with your student. Mark important dates on your calendar such as concerts and field
trips. The handbook will also outline expected behavior, rehearsal routine, grading policies, performance attire, etc. If
you have any questions please call or email me.
Lindsay Barnes
Orchestra Room Rules………………3
Rehearsal Routine…………………...3
Grading Policy……………………….4-5
Private Lessons……………………….6
Performance Attire…………………...6
Poston Usage Donation……………....7
Field Trips…………………………….7
You will find a music contract inserted in this Orchestra Handbook. This contract is to ensure that the student and
parent(s)/guardian(s) have read this handbook and are aware of the policies and responsibilities associated with
membership in orchestra. In addition, it indicates that you have reviewed the performance schedule (included in the
handbook) and have made arrangements to be available on all the dates indicated for your ensemble.
The music contract must be signed and returned to Ms. Barnes by Tuesday, August 13, 2013.
The Poston Music Booster Organization is an essential part of providing your orchestra student with a
successful musical experience. They are a group of parents who assist the music program through volunteering
their time and talents to: provide decorations and chaperones for concerts, assist with uniform fittings,
organizing fundraisers, and other services that ensure the success of each music student. Please fill out the
enclosed form with your student’s Music Contract if you wish to get involved.
1. Be prepared: bring your OWN instrument and supplies every day.
2. Be respectful of all people: Listen silently when any person is addressing the class.
3. Be respectful of the environment: treat instruments, materials, and orchestra room equipment with care.
Gum, food, and drinks (other than water) are not permitted.
4. Play only when directed. Be ready when I am ready.
5. Play only your own instrument.
The students’ responsibility in orchestra is to learn about music and being a musician. Any behavior which distracts from
or interferes with the learning of others is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Behavior in the orchestra room centers
on RESPECT for yourself, your fellow students, the teacher, and all equipment, especially instruments.
The Music Building Rules are posted in the orchestra room as a guide and reminder for appropriate behavior. Focus in
rehearsal is critical to our success. You are expected to pay quiet attention, remain in your seat during the class period,
and follow directions just as you are in your other classes. All Poston rules and policies as outlined in the student PAR
book will be enforced.
Disruption of class by any means and infractions of the rules will result in attempts to help you modify your behavior. On
the first offense, you will receive a warning from the teacher. If the negative behavior continues, a conference between
you and the director will follow. Your name, the offense, and date will be placed in the teacher’s discipline log. After that,
the director will implement discipline procedures according to school policies. This may include calling home to discuss
the problem with a parent/guardian, and/or assignment to detention. In extreme cases, removal from the orchestra program
altogether may be necessary.
In order to use our daily rehearsal time as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to establish a routine for rehearsals. The
routine begins as soon as you enter the room.
As you enter respectfully and quietly, have your PAR book stamped by Miss Barnes. Students are to be in the orchestra
room by the time the final bell rings. Two minutes will be provided for students to unpack and prepare for class. This
includes: rosining the bow, having your music and pencil on the music stand, shoulder rest in place, and BACKPACKS
AND CASES ARE IN THE BACK OF THE ROOM. Rehearsal order for the day will be written on the whiteboard.
COMPLETE silence is expected after the two minutes is up and we begin tuning, and any time the director is on the
podium. Any student who is not ready to tune at this time will receive a “T” for tardy in their PAR book.
After tuning, our rehearsal routine consists of some time spent daily on scales, technique, theory, and concert pieces. At
the end of class, wait until the director has made any announcements before packing up your instrument. The director
(not the bell) will dismiss you.
When possible, students should provide their own instruments. They may be rented or purchased through most music
stores that may be found in the phone book or internet. Poston has a limited number of instruments to be checked out on a
“first-come, first-served basis.” These instruments may be taken home after signatures are obtained from the student,
guardian, and director.
Regardless of where the instrument comes from, it should be maintained with care. If you have questions about the
maintenance of your instrument, please ask Miss Barnes and she will be happy to assist you. Repairs should NOT be
attempted at home.
A school instrument locker will be assigned to you. However, these lockers must remain unlocked. You are not permitted
to lock your assigned locker with your own lock. These lockers are only for the storage of musical instruments.
Your locker is not to be shared with anyone. It is school property and can be inspected periodically to make certain that it
is being used appropriately. The school and or director will not be responsible for any items missing, stolen or lost in
All orchestra students are expected to come to class prepared and ready to learn.
Every day you are required to bring to class:
 Your instrument
 Violinists/Violists: shoulder rest
 Black 1” binder* with minimum 25 sheet protectors
 All assigned music
 A pencil
Any student missing one or more of these materials at their seat will have a stamp placed in the “M” column of their PAR
book. If obtaining any of these items would create a financial hardship, please see your director so assistance can be
Other required supplies:
 Each student should own their own rosin*
 A soft cloth for cleaning your instrument*
 A mute* (excluding bass players)
 A metronome/tuner (may be accessed for free online at http://www.metronomeonline.com/)
*These items may be purchased at the Poston Bookstore or at any local music store.
Concert music will be photocopies this year. Your music should be kept inside of your black orchestra binder in sheet
protectors. To align with copyright laws all music must be turned in after the performance. You may mark your music
neatly and in pencil. Method books will be provided in the orchestra classroom.
Practice Records:
Students are required to turn in one Practice Record each week. Practicing is the students’ homework for orchestra. Your
advancement into higher ensembles will be based in part on how much effort and dedication to improvement you
demonstrate by the amount of time you practice each day.
Practice records will be due every Tuesday.
Preparatory, Intermediate, and Concert Orchestra students are expected to practice a minimum of 20 minutes/day 5
days/week. (A=100 min; B=80 min; C=60 min; D=40 min; F=20 min or less). Participation in the Advanced Orchestra
is an honor and a challenge. You will be required to practice a minimum of 30 min/day 5 days/week. (A=150 min; B=120
min; C=90 min; D=60 min; F=30 min or less).
Students may receive Extra Credit for every 20 minutes over 100 that they practice. Students may turn practice records
late, but 25% will be deducted for every day after it is due.
Practice Records will NOT be accepted without a parent signature. If a student is found to have faked a parent signature
they will receive 0% for that Practice Record. It is better to turn it in late than try to fake.
Theory Quizzes
All Poston Music Department students will be taught the same music theory curriculum. Students are expected to master
each topic as these are skills that apply each and every time they perform music. Theory topics will be covered daily in
class and quizzes given every 1-2 weeks. Each quiz will consist of only 5 questions based on the topic covered. The Music
Department recommends that any student who receives less than 80% (more than 2 wrong answers) on a theory quiz make
an appointment with their music teacher to retake the quiz and raise their grade. Quizzes may be taken before school, after
school, and during lunch as many times as is necessary for a student to achieve a passing grade.
Playing Tests:
There will be frequent playing tests throughout the year in order for the director to best help you improve. Students will
be notified about playing tests one week in advance and are expected to come well prepared. Your grade will be based on
proper: intonation, rhythm, tone production, and playing technique.
Concerts are the culmination of all of our hard work in class and the performance is an integral part of participating in a
music ensemble. Each student makes a unique contribution to the ensemble and is essential to a successful performance.
Participation in ALL performances for your ensemble are a mandatory part of your grade and count for 40% of your total
grade. A calendar insert is included in this handbook so you may plan for the entire year.
Your grade for the concert will be based on three different areas:
Warm-up- Be Cooperative (arriving on time, following directions, attire)
On Stage- Be Professional (demeanor, behavior, effort)
Audience- Be Courteous (behavior, attentiveness)
If it is absolutely necessary for a student to be absent from a concert (illness and family emergency are acceptable
excuses), a written note from a parent is required before the concert if possible, or on the school day immediately
following the concert. Students who have been excused from a concert will have to do a makeup assignment to receive
full credit for their absence. Any unexcused absence from a performance cannot be made up and may lower their final
quarter grade two letters.
Parents: Your presence at concerts is extremely important to your child’s success. It is crucial that they have an audience
to share their music with and to take note of the hard work necessary to arrive at performance level. Please continue to
support them by attending concerts during their entire music career.
Other Assignments;
Other assignments may include but are not limited to in-class listening activities, additional quizzes and small projects.
These will be explained in class and information will be sent home as necessary.
Extra Credit
Extra Credit can be earned by practicing extra minutes over to 100 required minutes. Students can earn up to double credit
on a practice record.
In addition, students may earn extra credit by attending the concerts of other music ensembles. Any level band, choir, or
orchestra concert attendance can earn them 10 points of extra credit. To receive credit the student must bring a copy of the
event’s program with their name clearly written and signed by a parent.
All orchestra students are strongly encouraged to take PRIVATE LESSONS. Nothing can replace the individualized,
expert training, attention and guidance on your instrument. As students improve individually through private lessons, their
enjoyment of playing (and others’ enjoyment of listening!) increases rapidly. Taking private lessons also greatly increase
your chances of participating in opportunities such as the Mesa Public Schools Junior High Festival Orchestra, the MYPO
Honor Orchestra, and the Metropolitan Youth Symphony (MYS). A list of private teachers is available from Miss Barnes.
EXTRA HELP: Miss Barnes is often available to help before or after school if you are having difficulty with any of the
music we work on in class or any other music which you are working on. Please set up an appointment with her during
non-class time if you wish for additional help.
Advanced Orchestra
Long black dresses with short sleeves (provided by Poston)
Black stockings and black CLOSED-TOE shoes (provided by student)
White tuxedo shirt with black buttons (ordered through the school- $14.25 cost)
Black Cummerbund and Black Bowtie (issued by the school)
Black pants and black belt (provided by the student)
Black socks and black dress shoes (provided by the student)
Concert Orchestra
White tuxedo shirt (purchased or provided by Poston- $14.25 cost)
Black Skirt (issued by the school)
Black stockings and black CLOSED-TOE shoes (provided by student)
Same as Advanced Orchestra Gentlemen above
Intermediate/Preparatory Orchestras:
 White, long-sleeved, button-up dress shirt.
o No t-shirts, sheer, ½ or ¾ sleeves, or designs on shirt.
o If you would like to order from the same vendor as Concert orchestra, it is recommended, and information
will be provided to you.
 Long Black dress Pants (provided by the student)
o NO jeans
 Black socks/stockings and black dress shoes (provided by the student)
If there are any questions or concerns about the dress code, or if you cannot afford these items, you must see the director
immediately so assistance may be arranged. Failure to comply with the dress code will lower your concert grade.
Every year, the Poston Music Department uses FUND-RAISERS to pay for the purchase of performance and rehearsal
equipment and supplies. This year our main fund raiser will be our Annual Walk-a-thon / Jog-a-thon. Items to be
purchased with the funds raised include: uniforms, metronomes, tuning equipment, sound and recording equipment,
music, instruments and accessories, and accompanists. Some of the funds raised may also be used to provide scholarships
for the Curry Summer Music Camp at NAU or private lessons for deserving music students. All students enrolled in a
music performing group are expected to participate in the FUND-RAISER since all the students use at least some of the
items purchased with the funds. Any student wishing to be considered for a scholarship must have taken part in the Walka-thon / Jog-a-thon.
All Poston Music Students are expected to pay a $10 Music Usage Donation to the bookstore at the beginning of each
semester. This donation is essential to keep the music program operating with the high level of excellence that it has for so
many years. This money is used to purchase method books for student use, and much of their concert music. Thank you in
advance for your support of this music program.
Field Trips in orchestra are an earned privilege. Some possible field trips this year could be the ABODA Fall and Spring
Festival Competition and a trip to the MIM in North Phoenix.
Proper technique and instrument position are paramount for each student to be successful in orchestra. Often students are
unaware of poor habits they have developed since starting orchestra. For learning purposes only, photos may be taken
of each student’s playing position throughout the year and given to them to allow them to view and track the improvement
of their playing position. These photos will not be shown to any third parties or displayed outside the Poston Jr. High
orchestra room. However, if you wish that no pictures be taken of your student, please write your request on your signed
music contract. All requests in this regard will be respected and upheld.
Poston Jr. High
Orchestra Calendar
Date &Time
Poston Open House/Music Parent Mtg.
Poston Aud.
Poston Orchestra Concert
Poston Aud.
Performing Arts Pictures
Music Department Festival Fundraiser
Poston Aud.
Poston Orchestra Concert
Poston Aud.
MV Orchestra Feeder Festival
All 8th Grade Orchestra Students
Jog-A-Thon Kick-off in Class
MPS District Honor Orchestra Auditions
Jog-A-Thon Fundraiser
Poston Aud.
Poston Track
Thurs. Mar. 13—7:00pm
Poston Orchestra Concert
Poston Aud.
Thurs. Apr. 24—ALL DAY
ABODA Festival
Tues. May 6—7:00pm
Poston Orchestra Concert
Poston Aud.
Tues. Aug 22—8:00pm
Wed. Oct. 2—7:00pm
Thurs. Nov. 7—ALL DAY
Thurs. Nov. 15—8:00pm
Mon. Dec. 16—7:00pm
Tues. Jan. 28—7:00pm
Fri. Feb. 7—ALL DAY
Sat. Feb. 8
Fri. Feb. 1—4:15-5:15