SYLLABUS HANDOUT For INFO 1524 69 COBOL I Ed Bohlman 2012/Spring WELCOME TO METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE! IMPORTANT DATES: Date class begins: Date class ends: Last date to drop class: Dates class does not meet: 3/14/2012 5/23/2012 5/9/2012 Class will meet each Wednesday at 6:00 P. M. METRO OFFICE HOURS: T---12:00 P. M. – 5:00 P. M. FOC Room 203/204 Th---2:00 P. M. – 3:00 P. M. LAB HOURS: W---12:00 P. M. – 1:00 P. M. at EVC ARC & 2:00 P. M. – 3:00 P. M. at SRP ARC & 6:00 P. M. – 8:00 P. M. at FOC 8 Th---12:00 P. M. - 1:00 P. M. at SOC ARC & 3:00 P. M. – 4:00 P. M. at FOC ARC S---10:00 A. M. – 12:00 P. M. at FOC 8 METRO OFFICE TELEPHONE NUMBER: Cell Phone: 712-574-1431 457-2838 SECTION II: THE COURSE COURSE DESCRIPTION: The student gains experience in using programming techniques with the language of COBOL. Students are required to program, debug, and test specified business oriented problems using COBOL. COURSE PREREQUISITES: INFO 1003 Introduction to Computer Programming COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Describe the structure and divisions of a COBOL program. 2. Describe and code the Identification and Environment Divisions. 3. Describe and code the File Section and Working-Storage Section of the Data Division. 4. Code a COBOL program that performs basic I/O operations and arithmetic operations. 5. Demonstrate programming techniques used for validating data and control break processing. 6. Demonstrate the features of one-dimensional table processing. 7. Code COBOL programs utilizing table searching techniques. REQUIRED/SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS: Textbook: COBOL for the 21st Century Edition: 11th Author: Stern, Stern, & Ley Publisher: John Wiley and Sons SECTION III: STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES METHODS OF LEARNING: The student will have specific assignments to read and master. These assignments are indicated in the course schedule and/or outlined by the instructor. The student should have read the material prior to class meeting date. Metropolitan Community College Page 2 This course requires students to work an average of 4.5 hours per week in hands-on, lab activity. Students are responsible for completing all lab work outside of the classroom. While you may choose to do this lab work someplace other than the College, Metro provides computer labs for students who do not have the required resources or facilities available to them. ATTENDANCE STATEMENT: The course will be covered partially by assigned portions of the text and may be presented in a sequence different from the text. Material will also be covered that is not in the text. Attendance is necessary to understand the course material. Each student is expected to recognize the importance of class attendance and promptness. CHRONIC TARDINESS AND ABSENCES MAY RESULT IN A REDUCTION IN THE FINAL GRADE BY 10%. Excessive absences or unsatisfactory progress will subject the student to administrative withdrawal from the course. If a student should miss a class for any reason, he/she is expected to cover the material he/she missed on his/her own. All work must be made up to the satisfaction of the instructor. STUDENT WITHDRAWAL: : If you cannot attend and complete this course, you should officially withdraw by calling Central Registration, 457-5231. Failure to officially withdraw will result in either an instructor withdrawal (IW) or failing (F) grade. The last date to withdraw is 5/3/2008. ACADEMIC HONESTY STATEMENT: Students are reminded that materials they may use as sources for this course may be subject to copyright protection. Additional information about copyright is provided on the library webpage at, by your instructor, or by the College's Copyright Officer. In response to incidents of student dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, etc.), the College imposes specific actions that may include receiving a failing grade on a test, failure in the course, suspension from the College, or dismissal from the College. The disciplinary procedures are available in Student Services. USE OF STUDENT WORK The ownership of student works submitted in fulfillment of classroom requirements shall remain with the student(s): By enrolling in classes offered by Metropolitan Community College, the student gives the College license to mark on, modify, and retain the work as may be required by the process of instruction, as described in the course syllabus. The institution shall not have the right to use the work in any other manner without the written consent of the student(s). ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Metropolitan Community College will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with documented qualifying disabilities. It is the student’s responsibility to request accommodations from Disability Support Services (DSS) located in each Student Services Office. After students have arranged for accommodations with DSS, the student and instructor should privately discuss these accommodations. For further information, please contact DSS or visit ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT LEARNING PROGRAM Metropolitan Community College is committed to continuous improvement of teaching and learning. You may be asked to help us to accomplish this objective. For example, you may be asked to respond to surveys or questionnaires. In other cases, tests or assignments you are required to do for this Metropolitan Community College Page 3 course may be shared with faculty and used for assessment purposes. This will be done in accordance with FERPA guidelines. TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES AND USE OF COLLEGE COMPUTERS By using the information technology systems at MCC(including the computer systems and phones) you acknowledge and consent to the conditions of use as set forth in the Metropolitan Community College Procedures Memorandum on Acceptable Use of Information Technology and Resources. It is your responsibility as a student to be familiar with these procedures. The full text of the Procedures Memorandum may be found at the following website: When using College computers at the computer labs, Learning Centers, Libraries and classrooms, you need to login with your username and password*. Your username and password are the same whenever you log into the network (campus computers), SharePoint Services, student e-mail, WebAdvisor and WebCT (if enrolled in an online or blended course). For other systems (not listed above), your instructor will provide you with the necessary username and password information. The Password Center ( is a new web resource available to all students and staff. This web site allows you to change (reset) your password even if you don’t know your username and password, provided the personal information you enter to verify your identity, matches the information the College has in it’s database. Verification information consists of student ID number (or the last 5 digits of your Social Security number), last name, birth date, street address and ZIP Code. *Note: If you have not logged in before, your initial password is the first initial of your first name (in UPPERCASE), the first initial of your last name (in lowercase), followed by your student ID number with leading zeros to make the password 9 characters long. For example, if your name is Chris Doe and your student ID number is 1234, your initial password will be Cd0001234. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PROGRAM AREA IDENTIFICATION: Information Technology and E-Learning Tom Pensabene Academic Dean’s office phone: 457-2660 1. Students are strongly encouraged to use the computer labs on a regular basis. Although no one can do your homework for you, of course, lab staff are prepared to assist you with any assignments from this class including help with underlying concepts. 2. Students are reminded that computer labs are available for your use. Lab staff may assist you in getting started on assignments, but you should contact your instructor during office hours, by phone or e-mail for any homework related questions. CPT students may schedule time with Ed Bohlman, computer faculty, for additional instructional assistance. Metropolitan Community College Page 4 SECTION IV: INSTRUCTOR RESPONSIBILITIES METHODS OF INSTRUCTION: In each lecture during this course, the instructor will cover material the student needs to learn and accomplish. In addition, written handouts will be provided from time to time. These will be used to supplement the text material and expand the course. Instruction will consist mainly of lecture material presented by the instructor. In some classes, group discussion and demonstration will be utilized. In all meetings, discussion opportunities will be provided and the student is encouraged to ask questions and clarify information as the instructor is lecturing and/or presenting material. METHODS OF ASSESSING STUDENT PROGRESS: Exams and assignments. FINAL COURSE GRADE: labs 25% of course grade tests 75% of course grade Total 100% A=90-100%, B=80-89%, C=70-79%, D=60-69%, F=below 60% Lab grades are averaged and rounded, That number is added to the 3 test scores. The total is divided by 4 and rounded. That number determines your final grade. Example: tests of 90, 91, and 91 and a lab average of 86 gives a total of 358. 358/4 = 90 rounded = A. If your lab average was 85 it would be a total of 357. 357/4 = 89 rounded = B. MAKE-UP TEST PROCEDURES: Students MUST be present on the day of an announced test. If the instructor is informed BEFORE THE TEST concerning a valid absence, other arrangements MAY be made. There will be no retakes of tests. Test dates are not firm and are therefore subject to change. LATE ASSIGNMENTS: You may hand in any assignment up to 3 weeks after it has been assigned with no loss of points. Later than 3 weeks from the date specified in the syllabus your work will not be accepted. An exception to this is that on August 15 all work must be handed in to get credit. (And not more than 3 weeks from the date of the assignment). MAINTENANCE OF STUDENT RECORDS: Assignments will be returned. Tests will be returned to the student to look at and then returned to the instructor. Final grade will be available to you on-line through webadvisor. When a student fails to show for class at the beginning of a quarter (registered, but never attended), they should be submitted on the Census roster as never attended with a reason code of WX. The WX code will result in a course deletion with a 100% refund for the student. This option will only be available at the beginning of each quarter. For on- campus and hybrid classes, if a student attends even one class session, they should not be submitted with a WX. For on-line classes, the student should have engaged in a class activity, not simply logged on. If they did not engage in a class activity, they should be reported as a WX. There is no appeal process for the WX. The only subsequent option is a late registration. Metropolitan Community College Page 5 After the Census roster deadline, if a student ceases attending, and fails to properly withdraw from the course on their own, an instructor may submit a grade of FX with a last date of attendance required. An FX grade should be issued in conjunction with attendance policy as stated in your course syllabus. An FX indicates an “attendance related failure” and should be assigned on the grade roster when final grades are issued. FX grades appear on official transcripts. The FX grade does affect GPA calculations in the same manner as F. If an instructor issues a grade of F, the assumption will be made that the student completed the course and “earned” the F grade. Metropolitan Community College Page 6 SECTION V: PROJECTED SCHEDULE OF ASSIGNMENTS: Dates Topics Chapters 3/14/12 Introduction to COBOL, Chapter 1 IDENTIFICATION and ENVIRONMENT Chapter 2 DIVISIONS, Chapter 3 DATA DIVISION (FILE SECTION), Using AS/400 COBOL 3/21/12 DATA DIVISION (WORKING-STORAGE Chapter 3 SECTION), Chapter 4 PROCEDURE DIVISION (Basic COBOL Chapter 5 statements), Designing and Debugging Structured Programs 3/28/12 Moving Data and Printing Information Chapter 6 Computing; Arithmetic Verbs and Intrinsic Functions Chapter 7 4/4/12 Exam #1 If statements IF statement, EVALUATE statement, Control Break Processing, Line and Page Counters Chapter 8 Chapter 8 Chapter 10 Conditions names (88 levels), PERFORM statement, GO TO statement INSPECT, Data Validation Redefining numeric data as alphanumeric Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 11 5/2/12 Exam #2 Arrays Chapter 12 5/9/12 Chapter 12 Chapter 9 Chapter 7 5/16/12 Defining Arrays with the OCCURS clause, Hard-coded Tables and the Redefines Clause, Literal and Variable subscripts Load time tables, PERFORM . . . VARYING , Intrinsic Functions, Defining numeric fields as COMP or COMP-3 Preview of COBOL II, Review for final test, work on lab(s) Catch up & Review 5/23/12 Final Test (Comprehensive) 4/11/12 4/18/12 4/25/12 Metropolitan Community College Assignments Chapter 4, problem 1, parts a and b, page 132 Input-Output program Chapter 7, problem 1, pages 297 - 298 Math Program Chapter 8, problem 8, page 341 Control Break Program Chapter 10, problem 4, page 433 Data Validation Program Chapter 11, problem 4, Page 470 Table Program Chapter 12, problem 1, pages 551 - 552 Last program due 8:00 P. M. 5/23/2012 Page 7 Prerequisites for INFO 1524 that were covered in INFO 1003 Hardware, Software, and Data Flowcharts and Hierarchy Charts Record layout/report layout Variables and constants Numeric and non-numeric data Counters and accumulators (including using a line counter) Structures: loops, case, IF-ELSE Arrays: subscripts, direct access, sequential and binary search Modularized programming (subroutines) Program Grading Procedure 1. (70 points) Flowchart counts 35 points; program counts 35 points. Does it work? Does the program fulfill the requirements as specified in the assignment? Is the flowchart or pseudocode detailed and complete? (most errors in the output regarding numeric accuracy will result in a loss of 25%, however, you may fix those errors if you have time, hand the program back in again, and receive all of your lost points) 2. (10 points) Comments. Are the comments in the program adequate to let others know, not only what the code does but why the code is written the way it is? 3. (10 points) Logic. Is the code written well so that it is efficient and effective? Is the code written to reflect what the chapter covered? 4. (10 points) Form. Is the code written with indentation? Metropolitan Community College Page 8