Unit VI Abuse Related Disorders Mental Health Nursing I NURS 1300

Mental Health Nursing I
NURS 1300
Unit VI
Abuse Related Disorders
Objective 1
Define substance abuse
Substance abuse is the
overindulgence in, and dependence
on, a psychoactive material leading
to effects that are detrimental to
the individual’s physical or mental
health, or the welfare of others
Objective 2
List the risk factors for substance
Family or work conflict
Family history
Poor coping skills
Favorable attitudes toward substance
Peer pressure
Personality or psychiatric disorder
Objective 3
State the factors present in the
substance abuser
Giving up past activities
Work or school conflicts
Aggressiveness and irritability
Feelings of hopelessness, depression, and
suicidal thoughts
Frequent hangovers and “blackouts”
Pressuring others to drink
Legal trouble
Drug paraphernalia
Objective 4
List the major drugs that are abused
Designer drugs
Objective 5
Compare the symptoms of alcohol
abuse and drug abuse
Physically addicting
Distortions in thinking
Psychological dependence
Euphoria followed by profound
depression & sense of exhaustion
Irritability, combativeness, & paranoia
Physical dependency
Impaired coordination
Pleasant euphoria
Feeling of immunity to stressors
Dream-like perceptions
Altered sense of time
Feelings that one has attained special
Intensified & labile emotions
Produces mind-altering response
Objective 6
List treatments for the client who
Inpatient hospitalization for detox
 Methadone
 Catapres
 Narcan
Objective 6 (cont’d)
Support groups
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
 Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
 Al-Anon groups for family of abusers
Aftercare and recovery
Partial day programs
 Halfway houses
Objective 7
Describe nursing care for the
substance abuser
Physical assessment
vital signs
 symptom scale
Medication administration
Patient teaching
actions and consequences
Provision of adequate hydration and
Reassurance and support for anxiety
Relapse prevention
Objective 8
Define abuse and victim
Abuse is a general term for the use or
treatment of someone or something that
causes some kind of harm or is unlawful
or wrong.
A victim is one who is harmed by or made
to suffer from an act, circumstance,
agency, or condition.
Objective 9
Differentiate among different kinds of
Sexual abuse
Physical abuse
Verbal abuse
Emotional abuse
Child abuse
Spousal abuse
Elder abuse
Objective 9 (cont’d)
Sexual abuse = improper use of another
person for sexual purposes, generally
without their consent or under physical
or psychological pressure
Physical abuse = when one person inflicts
physical violence or pain on another
Verbal abuse = when a person uses
profanity or says things that threaten or
make a person feel scared
Emotional abuse = coercion, humiliation,
intimidation, relational aggression,
parental alienation, or covert incest
Objective 9 (cont’d)
Child abuse = abuse, usually physical,
emotional or sexual, directed at a child
Incest = sexual activity between close
family members
Spousal abuse = abuse, usually physical or
psychological, directed at one’s spouse
Elder abuse = abuse, most often physical or
in the form of psychological threats,
directed at the elderly, especially in
nursing homes and similar institutions
Objective 10
Compare characteristics of an
abuser and the victim
Characteristics of an abuser
Controlling behavior
Quick involvement
Blames others for feelings
Cruelty to animals
Hostility while drinking
Breaking or striking objects when angry
Threats of violence
Use of force during an argument
Characteristics of a victim
Blames self for violence or harmful acts
Dependent on abuser
wants to be controlled
feels need to be taken care of
Poor self-image
Expects abuser to change
Returns to abuser after assault(s)
Makes excuses for abuser
Defends abuser’s actions
Objective 11
Identify nursing care to help survivors
of abuse
Assess client for possible abuse history
Provide abuse hotline phone numbers
Remove client from hostile situation
Refer client to community resources
Treat client for depression, anxiety, and
suicidal thoughts
Provide supportive, nurturing
environment to discuss feelings
Objective 12
Identify situations that constitute
elder abuse
Objective 12 (cont’d)
Physical abuse
physical pain
threat of physical force
inappropriate use of chemical and physical
rough handling
providing care
 moving the body
 administering medication
Objective 12 (cont’d)
Emotional abuse
isolating the elder from family, friends,
and/or regular activities
treating the elder like an infant
Neglect or abandonment of elders by
Financial exploitation of an elder
Objective 12 (cont’d)
Self-neglect by elder
Sexual abuse of the elderly
leaving the stove on unattended
denying or ignoring need for food, water,
hygiene, safety, or medications
showing the elder pornographic material
telling dirty jokes
Healthcare fraud or healthcare abuse of
the elderly
Objective 13
Know the procedures as stated in
Nebraska law for reporting suspected
See Report of Abuse handout