Ten Survival Tips 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Use the AAA technique for success — maintain a positive Attitude, regular Attendance and complete Assignments on time. Begin the first day of class. Know what’s expected of you. Take notes from the first day even if it’s routine information you think you already know. Establish a routine time to study for each class. For every hour you spend in class, you likely will need to study two hours outside of class. Study for each subject at the same time of day, same place, if possible. Study your syllabus daily. Do reading assignments and read ahead whenever possible. Prepare for each class as if there will be a pop quiz. Establish a place to study. Your study place should have a desk, comfortable chair and good lighting. You should be free of distractions. It should not be a place where you routinely do other things. Attend class. Sitting in a classroom is the easiest part of college, and it cuts the study time in half. Why make it hard for yourself? Make use of support services on campus. Find out about and use ARCs, Math Centers, writing centers and tutorial software. Get to know your instructors and advisor. Ask questions. “I didn’t know” or “I didn’t understand” is never an excuse. Find at least one or two students in each class to study with. Studies show that students who study with someone routinely make better grades. You will probably find yourself more motivated if you know someone else who cares about what you are doing in class. Teaching a concept or new idea to someone else is a sure way for you to understand it. Study the hardest subject first. Work on your hardest subjects at a time when you are fresh. Putting them off until you’re tired compounds the problem. Be good to yourself. Get plenty of rest, exercise and eat a healthy balanced diet. Set goals. Actually write your college and career goals down on a piece of paper. If you do not have a goal, you will have a more difficult time achieving academic success. Characteristics of Successful Students Students who are successful in college share the following characteristics: ~ Accept responsibility for the quality of their lives ~ Have a clear life purpose with meaningful goals ~ Plan and take action in pursuit of their goals ~ Maintain supportive relationships ~ Have a positive self-image and a positive attitude ~ Believe in themselves and develop self-confidence Time Management Effective time management depends on three things: 1. Establishing priorities that highlight your most important goals 2. Creating time by realistic scheduling and by eliminating low priority tasks 3. Learning to make good basic decisions (see back of page) To make good decisions, you need to: Take charge of your life, practice self-care and be assertive when necessary Accept your limitations, handicaps and mistakes Be organized in order to accomplish the goals you set for yourself Live in the present rather than focusing on the past or looking forward to the future Be clear about your purpose and direction in life Factors that negatively influence time management include: Interruptions, distractions and telephones Lack of objectives, deadlines, priorities and plans Leaving tasks unfinished or jumping from one task to another Procrastination, indecision and daydreaming Lack of self-discipline Ineffective communication; not listening Socializing, idle conversation Constantly switching priorities Stress Management Don’t let stress get the best of you. Suggestions for effectively managing stress include: Identify situations that are stressful Give yourself a relaxation break by doing breathing or stretching exercises Develop a positive attitude Organize your time and learn to set priorities Practice sensible eating, sleeping and exercise habits Study Tips Be sure to read all of the class assignments During class, be an active listener; take notes and maintain an open mind Listen for the main ideas and supporting details and include these in your notes After class, review your notes and highlight the important facts Apply what you have learned as soon as possible by completing any assignments Keep Your Course Syllabus The course syllabus is an important tool for students. It provides students with a roadmap for the quarter, detailing important dates, grading and attendance policies and other information, such as the instructor’s contact methods. Keep the course syllabus in a safe place and bring it to every class so it can be referred to in regard to what the topic of class discussion is that day or in case changes need to be made to the schedule of assignments.