Memory Emphasis Criteria Development Is it alive? Is there dialogue? Are details relevant and telling and specific? Is there an inviting introduction and a satisfactory conclusion? Is the important part emphasized or does everything seem to have the same emphasis? Does it slow down and speed up in the right places? Does the story build to a climax? Is there a sense of progression, of the story climbing and rising? Fluency Does the writing have a cadence? Do sentences vary in length and structure? Does the text invite oral reading? Word Choice Sensory details, lively verbs, precise nouns and modifiers, natural tone, some striking words and phrases Conventions: header, heading, indentations, standard usage, spelling Format Spacing, Header, Heading, Indentations Grammar Standard English Usage Content Word Choice Development: Specific details that are relevant and telling Development: is it alive? Is there dialogue? Development: Emphasis and pace Development: introduction and conclusion Development: Does the story build to a climax? Sentence Fluency A B C D F