AG30: Applied Biological Systems Instructor: Mr. Kevin Hicks, B.S. Phone: 480-308-7488 E-mail: Course web page: Course Description: Welcome Students!!! In this course students will develop knowledge and skills in agricultural and biological science. It is through the discipline of Agriculture that the world’s population is fed, sheltered, and clothed. This course is intended to explain the biological principles behind the production of food and fiber. Much of what we know about living organisms is the result of research in agriculture. Major areas of study: cell function and structure, anatomy, nutrition, biological systems in the environment, plant growth, food safety and processing, communications and leadership skills. Leadership development is provided throughout the FFA. Fulfills college entrance and district graduation requirements as a lab science and will count toward the scholastic diploma. Text: Biggs, Kapicka, Lundrgren, 1998. Biology: The dynamics of life Course Objectives: Understand the Scientific Inquiry Process Learn the history and nature of Science, AgriScience and Technology Understand agriculture and its role in the environment and to humans Develop an understanding of biology as it relates to humans, animals, plants, and agricultural careers Explore careers in agriculture and life sciences Develop and understanding of life from a molecular and cellular level Attendance: Attendance will be taken daily and absences may affect your grade. Evaluation Procedures and Grading: Unit tests may be given at the end of each unit. There will be a mid-term and final exam. There will also be quizzes at the teacher’s digression. Points will come from a variety of assignments, labs, and quizzes. Students will be required to have a Supervised Agricultural Experience program (SAE) (this will be done on a personal basis or with the class) and participate in FFA activities as mandated by the state department of education. These activities will be figured in as part of the final exam grade. Each student will be given 100 responsibility points at the beginning of each semester. These points will go toward their final. Students will lose 10 points for various offenses outlined in the class rules. These include but are not limited to coming to class unprepared, unauthorized talking, lack of note taking, cell phone or i-pod usage, inappropriate language, tardiness, and horseplay. The semester grading scale is based on the standard for the Mesa School District and is as follows: A = 90%-100% B = 80%-89% C = 70%-79% D = 60%-69% F= 59% or below Late Assignments: Late assignments will only be accepted if approved by the instructor. Make up work can be made up at lunch, after school, or before school unless other arrangements are made. Late work more than one week past its due date will lose 50% for each week after that. Homework: Students are expected to study content from this course for at least 10 minutes each day and complete homework assignments in a timely manner. Vocabulary tests will be given and study materials will be provided, thus students need to study in order to perform well on these tests. Students are also to conduct a Supervised Agricultural Experience program, which students are expected to keep accurate records outside of class time. Materials Needed for this Course: Students should have the following materials for this course: - A three-ring binder or folder with paper and a means to store course documents and take notes. It is also important for students to have a way to store papers that are graded and returned in case of any error in the grade book. - Writing utensils: Pen AND Pencil. It is recommended students bring their own colored pencils and/or markers as well. Agri-Science Program Semester Final Requirements SEMESTER 1 I. Classroom (100 points) Class written final or portfolio during finals week (100 points) II. FFA (100 pts) Attend/Complete one of the following FFA activities (75 points) o District or State CDE event o CDE State Test o FFA sponsored activity (after school) o Entertainment book sale (sell 2 books) o National convention o After school officer meeting o Other activity as approved by the advisor o NOTE: every additional activity will be 5 points E.C. up to 125% o NOTE: activity (verification required) in other clubs on campus = 10 points E.C. up to 125% Complete FFA Knowledge Portfolio assignment (25 points) III. SAE (100 points) Complete online record book system (100 points) IV. Responsibility Points (100 points) Behavior points given at beginning of semester ______________________________________________________________________ SEMESTER 2 I. Classroom (100 points) Class written final or portfolio during finals week (100 points) II. FFA (100 points) Attend/Complete one of the following FFA activities (75 points) o District or State CDE event o FFA sponsored activity (after school) o After school officer meeting o Raise an animal and show it at county fair o Other activity as approved by the advisor o NOTE: every additional activity will be 5 points E.C. up to 125% o NOTE: activity (verification required) in other clubs on campus = 10 points E.C. up to 125% Complete FFA Knowledge Portfolio assignment (25 points) III. SAE (100 points) Complete a proficiency award application (100 points) IV. Responsibility Points (100 points) Behavior points given at beginning of semester Tentative Course Outline: AG30: ABS Schedule for 1st Semester 1st quarter State SC Standard S1,C1 S1,C2 S1,C3 S1,C4 S2,C1 S2,C2 S4,C5 S4,C4 S4,C5 S4,C1 S2,C1 S2,C2 State AG UNIT TITLE Standard 3.0-9.0 Class rules and procedures, Intro to AgriScience 1.0 Agriculture and Science Careers (including resume) 2.0 Scientific Method Review 10.0 o Lab safety 16.0 o Observation, Questions, Hypothesis o Scientific Testing o Analysis and Conclusion o Communication History of Science as a Human Endeavor, Nature of Science 16.0 o Theories o Pure and applied science o Science and Technology in society o Characteristics of Life Taxonomy and Fossil Record 17.0 o Levels of organization (cells to ecosystem) o Classification systems: Fossil records, geological history, cladistics, degree of relatedness o Cell classification, types, structure and function 2nd quarter S4,C3 S3,C1 S3,C2 S3,C3 S3,C5 S2,C1 S1,C3 S4,C4 S4,C3 S2,C2 S2,C1 17.0 11.0 11.0 Ecology o Changes in populations, Birth rate, death rate, immigration, emigration, carrying capacity, and competition o Relationships of organisms within populations, communities, ecosystems, and biomes, types of symbiotic relationships, biotic and abiotic factors o Energy flow, food webs and chains Biological Evolution o natural selection and speciation, genotypic and phenotypic variation, mutation, adaptations, biodiversity o Comparative anatomy, DNA, Embryology, Fossil Records DISTRICT BIOLOGY TEST FINALS Tentative Course Outline: AG30: ABS Schedule for 2nd Semester rd 3 quarter S4,C2 S4,C4 S2,C1 S4,C5 S4,C1 S4,C2 11.0 12.0 11.0 Molecular Biology and Central Dogma o DNA Structure and Replication, GCAT labs, Genes, Mutations, Protein Synthesis o Organic and Inorganic chemicals, molecular chemistry, food science o Transport Mechanisms: Diffusion, Osmosis, Facilitated Diffusion, active transport Inheritance and Cell Reproduction o Cell Reproduction, Mitosis, meiosis, cell cycle Mendelion Genetics, Heredity, Test Cross 4th quarter (AIMS) S4,C5 S4,C1 S1,C3 S3,C1 S3,C1-3 S4,C5 14.0 17.0 14.0 12.0 15.0 12.0 S2,C1 20.0 Energy flows o Photosynthesis and cellular respiration o Hydrologic cycle, acid rain o Carbon cycle, greenhouse gases and climate change o Nitrogen cycle, eutrophication Humans and the Environment o Human and natural hazards effect on environment o Renewable and Non-Renewable resources: Soil and land/ Air/ Water/ minerals o Alternative energy, greenhouse gases, hazardous waste Comprehensive Review for AIMS AIMS Plant growth and production o Plant parts and function, classification, nutrition, Reproduction Ag Knowledge o Ag Products o American Products o “How it is Made” Bio-Ethics FINAL EXAM