BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, MESRA, RANCHI (END TRIMESTER EXAMINATION) CLASS BRANCH : MBA : MANAGEMENT TRIMESTER :II SESSION : WI/2008 SUBJECT CODE & NAME : MB 626 SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT TIME : THREE HOURS INSTRUCTIONS: FULL MARKS : 60 1. The question paper contains 7 questions, each of 12 marks and total of 84 marks. 2. Candidates may attempt any 5 questions (maximum of 60 marks). 3. The missing data, if any, may be assumed suitably. 4. Before attempting the question paper, be sure that you got the correct question paper. Q.1 (a) (b) What do you mean by a conceptual system? Discuss the various applications of Conceptual System. Explain different types of System Models and their uses. (6) (6) Q.2 (a) (b) Discuss the pros and cons of Inventory Control sub-system. How client relation sub-system is different from HR subsystem? (6) (6) Q.3 (a) Explain the significance of DBMS. In what kind of applications the use of DBMS is not suggested? Discuss the role of Database Administrator (DBA). (6) What are different models of Computer Data Processing? Explain. What are the symbols used in a Flow chart? Explain them with suitable example. (6) What do you mean by Constants and Variables in C programming language? Write a Program in C to find the sum of all odd numbers between 1 to 100. (6) What are different data types available in the C programming language? Explain all Looping statements of the C programming language. (6) (b) Q.4 (a) (b) Q.5 (a) (b) Q.6 (a) (b) Q.7 Write Short notes on: ( a ) Mathematical models ( b ) Material sub-system ***** 17.03.2009******MUS (6) (6) (6) (6) ( 6x2 )