Steps to Marking the Text You will mark the text for any articles or assignments given in class. Step 1 – Number the Paragraphs Number the paragraphs in order starting with number 1 and continue numbering until there are no paragraphs left. Write the number near the paragraph indention and circle the number; write it small enough so that you have room to write in the margin. Like page numbers, paragraphs numbers will act as a reference so you can easily refer to different parts of the article. Step 2 – Underline or Highlight Relevant Information The following are a few things that you might choose to underline/highlight; a process, evidence, definitions, explanations, descriptions, data, or statistics. Be sure you do not end up underling/highlighting the whole paper. Less than half the paper should be underlined/highlighted. Step 3 – Box/circle any and all words that you do not know how to use in a sentence. You should box/circle any words that you do not know their definition or how to use it in a sentence. Credit will not be given if words are not boxed that the reader does not know. These are the words you will choose from when writing your summary for steps one and two.