August 12, 2015 Dear Orchestra Students,

August 12, 2015
Dear Orchestra Students,
Welcome to the H.E. Hendrix Music Program at Summit Academy! I am looking forward to
meeting and working with all of you. We have many exciting plans ahead, and much music to
learn. In order to ensure that our classes run smoothly, I have included important information in
the following pages. Please read this syllabus, show the syllabus to your parents, and make sure
that you and your parents sign the ‘Orchestra Class Agreement’. This signed agreement must be
turned in to me by August 18. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at, or call me at (480) 472- 3393.
Mrs. Elizabeth Hanson
Orchestra Director
Summit Academy
H.E. Hendrix Music Program Syllabus- Orchestra
In order for our rehearsals to run smoothly, we have to observe certain rules in the classroom.
Behavior is graded daily, and students will lose points for minor offenses. Continued misbehavior
will result in detention and a call home to parents.
Music Building Rules:
No food, drink, or gum is allowed in the music building at any time.
Leaning on equipment (especially music stands) or sitting on cabinets is not permitted.
When seated in a chair, all four legs of the chair must be touching the ground at all times.
No running or horseplay is permitted in any part of the music building at any time.
Music must be put in the music folio rack after each rehearsal and performance.
The director’s permission is always required to enter and use a practice room.
No student is permitted to be in the teacher resource room without both a teacher’s
permission and a teacher present.
8. Students are allowed to use the telephone in the teacher resource room or in the
classroom with permission.
9. You may touch and play only your own instrument.
10. The locker room is intended for the use of orchestra students only.
The following items are necessary for participation in the orchestra program:
instrument, bow, and case
violin/viola shoulder rest
cello/bass endpin strap
music folder and planner
cleaning cloth
wire music stand (for home practice- optional)
tuner (for home practice- optional)
Technique books and sheet music will be provided by the director. Technique books are for
classroom use only.
Daily Procedures
We have standard daily procedures in place for two reasons: 1) to make it easier for students to
remain organized and 2) to maximize our achievement during the class period.
Upon entering the music building, place your backpack in the storage room, select your method
book from the music rack, and sit down and prepare your instrument and music for rehearsal.
If there is a warm- up assignment, begin working on it.
When the director steps on the podium, the class will begin. All conversation must cease, and all
instruments must be ready for tuning.
Our usual rehearsal order will be: announcements, scales, technique work/method books,
concert music.
When the class is over, make sure that you put your instrument away carefully and take
everything with you.
Behavior/Participation grade- 30%
Performances- 40%
Practice records- 10%
Assessments (playing and written tests)- 20%
90- 100% =A
80- 89.9% =B
70- 79.9% =C
60- 69.9% =D
Below 60% =F
The success or failure of our organization’s performance depends upon the attendance of the
individual members. Since orchestra is a performance- oriented organization, participation in
performance is a major expectation of the course. Each person is important to the group, just as
he/she is on any athletic team. In orchestra; however, there are no “bench-warmers” or “subs”.
The total performance depends on each individual. A performance is a singular event: It cannot
be made up like a missed test. Therefore, each student has a great responsibility to fulfill this
obligation to the group.
A performance schedule is included in this syllabus. You should review this schedule with your
parents and put the dates on your family calendar so that no conflicts will arise. If an unavoidable
conflict does come up, you must let the director know at least two weeks before the performance
date with a note from your parents.
Such a note must describe the specific reason for your absence. Your request will be reviewed
and a decision regarding your request will be determined by the director. If you are excused, the
orchestra will have time to redistribute parts before the performance. A note asking to excuse
you from a performance less than two weeks before the date of or after the performance will
not be accepted.
All students receive 100% for each concert if they adhere to the following guidelines:
Arrive on time, with instrument and music.
Observe proper concert etiquette during performing and as an audience member.
Dress in appropriate concert attire.
Remain for the entire concert.
For every infraction of the above rules, a student’s concert grade is lowered by 10%.
An unexcused absence from any scheduled, or yet to be scheduled, performance will result in a
0% or grade of “F” for that performance. You may also be required to attend a conference with
the director and an administrator to reevaluate your participation in a musical performing group
as well as any instruments or materials that have been loaned to you. Whether excused or
unexcused, each student does have an opportunity to make up those points by:
1. Taking a full music test on those pieces performed for the concert- up to 60%
2. Attending a concert and filling out a concert review form- up to 20%
3. Writing a two page report using the information gathered from the concert- up to 20%
Excused students, upon completion of all areas of the make-up assignment, can receive up to
100% for the missed concert. Unexcused students may only receive up to 80%.
If you feel that for any reason you will not be able to fulfill the above objectives for a
performance, then you should contact your director as soon as possible and explain the situation.
This is a tentative schedule and dates may be added or changed as the year progresses. Students
are responsible for all performances scheduled and yet to be scheduled.
Performance Attire
Boys- long-sleeve white dress shirt, long black dress pants, solid black belt, black dress shoes,
black socks
Girls- black concert dress (provided), black hose, black dress shoes
Practice Records
The only homework grade in orchestra is the weekly practice record. These will be collected
every Monday, and graded in the following way:
15- 30 minutes- 5 points
31- 60 minutes- 10 points
61- 90 minutes- 15 points
91 or more minutes- 20 points (100%)
All practice records must be signed by a parent. There is a “practice reflection” on the back of
the record that can be filled out for an extra 5 points.
Seating Auditions
Auditions for student seating in the orchestra will take place at the beginning of each quarter.
Students will be asked to play two or three scales (by memory) and selections from music to be
played at the next concert. The director will hear each student privately, and each audition will
be recorded.
Student Recognition Awards and Scholarships
At the end of each school year the department sponsors several awards and scholarships. Those
that pertain to orchestra students are listed below:
Outstanding Orchestra Student Award
Given to the outstanding sixth, seventh, and eighth grade orchestra students as selected by the
Music Department faculty.
Spirit Award
Given to the outstanding member of the Concert Orchestra as selected by its members.
Director’s Award
Given to the outstanding orchestra student in the areas of performance, artistry, and
musicianship as selected by the director.
Summer Music Camp Scholarship
A limited number of scholarships to Summer Music Camp or private lessons are awarded to
deserving and qualified students when resources are available.
Every year the music department uses several fundraisers to pay for the purchase of performance
and rehearsal equipment and supplies. The department’s primary fundraiser this year will be a
Jog-a-thon. Items to be purchased with the funds raised include metronomes, tuning equipment,
sound and recording equipment, music, instruments, and accessories. Some of the funds are also
used to provide scholarships for summer music study to deserving music students. All students
enrolled in a music performing group are expected to participate in these fundraisers since every
student uses at least some of the items purchased with the funds. Any student wishing to be
considered for a summer music scholarship will need to take part in the Jog-a-thon.
All students will be assigned a locker for storage of the instrument and music. For the time being,
there will be no locks assigned to these lockers. Students will use the lockers only for their own
materials and no lockers will be shared.
Mrs. Hanson will be available for tutoring every Thursday afternoon from 4:00 p.m.-4:45 p.m.