Examples of how to use some of these Questions: Contact Roye Werner,


Examples of how to use some of these databases to create your target lists


Contact Roye Werner,

Business & Economics Librarian rwerner@andrew.cmu.edu


MDD starting point: Go to Advanced Search


MDD Search page: this is where you select your criteria

2) Hit, “Location Type” and Choose HQ only…then hit “Add to criteria”

3) Hit, “Location Criteria” and Choose …then hit

“Add to criteria”

4) Use

“Employment/Sales” for size….Companies over

$250 Million in sales should be big enough to hire Tepper MBAs hit

“Add to criteria”

1) Start with NAICS codes to define your industry…


Close up on NAICS codes and how to use them

NAICS codes are the numbers that stand for what industry a company is in


If you know you want to work for a manufacturing firm: hit

Manufacturing and sub categories will appear

Check the sub-categories that interest you, then click on “Add to Criteria”


Every time you define a criteria, click on “Add to criteria”

Make sure your criteria shows up over here…if not, you need to go back and select them


MDD –generated sample list

(based on search of HQ, beverage companies in TX, sales $10 mill ++)


Hoovers starting point: go to Build A List


Here is where you apply your criteria to make the list

When you click on these, each one expands to give you specific search options


Hoovers sample Fact Sheet (one piece of the Company Record)

Click on these features to dig deeper


For example, these searches (Financial Services, Consulting, CPG) all start with Hoovers or MDD:

Criteria I want to work in financial services

I want to pursue small to mid-size consulting firms

I want to do CPG marketing

1: Go to database


Dun & Bradstreet MDD

2: Hit  Select NAICS search – codes for financial services start with 52

 Use the tree to specify more

3  Choose a location if you want, and/or other criteria


Limit to Headquarters only

– under

“Company Type” or “Location Type”




 Go to Hunt and take a look at:

 Barclay Hedge Fund Directory

 Corporate Finance Sourcebook

 Nelson Information’s Directory of

Investment Managers

 North American Financial Institutions



Dun & Bradstreet MDD

 Select NAICS search – codes for consulting begin with 54161

 Limit by size ( # of employees or sales) and/or other criteria

Limit to Headquarters only under “Company Type” or

“Location Type”

 Take a look at this e-directory:

 Consultants and

Consulting Organizations



Dun & Bradstreet MDD

 Select NAICS search – codes for consumer products start with 311 for CP manufacturing and 441 for

CP retail

 Use the tree to specify more.

54191 covers marketing research cos.

 Choose a location if you want, and/or other criteria

Limit to Headquarters only

– under

“Company Type” or “Location



More examples: for Venture Capital, PE, or HiTech, also use these customized databases:

Criteria I want venture capital or private equity

1: Go to database

VentureXpert/Private Equity (only works with Internet

Explorer browser)

2: Hit  Click on “Profiles” at left

 Select “Firms”

3  Limit to location, etc., in the “Firm/Fund Details” section. Click on “Advanced Query Items” at the bottom if you want more criteria.

I want to do marketing in technology


 Click first on “Corptech Industry” to specify technology area.

 Under that, “Product Code” will give most detailed listing.

 Then you can limit by location, size, etc.

 Company count will appear at the bottom.

4  Click on individual firm name for more detail. Note: executive list often has email addresses and biographies.




 Go to Hunt and take a look at the: Directory of

Venture Capital and Private Equity Firms

Click on “Quick List” at bottom right to see all companies

Click on the company name to see full profile. Note: this shows 4-yr. growth pattern.


VentureXpert starting point

Click on Profiles,

Then Firms


Output from VentureXpert

All these categories open up when clicked


Phone #,



Output from CorpTech (shows 4 year growth pattern) )


Another Finance Resource

• Visit www.JobSearchDigest.com and sign up for a Basic account

(Private Equity or Hedge Fund) with an andrew.cmu.edu email address.

Your user name will be your email address and you will receive a password via that email address.

• Request a Premium Upgrade (3 mos./no charge) by sending an email from your andrew.cmu.edu email address to tepper@jobsearchdigest.com with

"Upgrade My Account" in the subject. The Job Search Digest team will take care of the rest.

• If you are at the NYC campus, you can go to the NY Public Library’s Business

Library to use their large collection of business databases, i.e. Nelson’s

Marketplace for a guide to investment management firms.

