Dobson High School Orchestra Staff
Robert Nichols; Director
Kayla White; Associate Director
Rob Lubbers; Associate Director, Associate Director of Bands
Dobson High School Administration
Tamara Addis: Principal
Eric Cruz, Assistant Principal
Jason Lindsey; Assistant Principal
Scott Mohn, Assistant Principal
Tyler Dumas, Assistant Principal
Important Contact Numbers
Mr. Nichols
Mr. Lubbers
Ms. White
Dobson Administration
Copyright 2015
Dobson High Orchestra
1501 W. Guadalupe Ave.
Mesa, Az. 85202, 472-3216
Pg. 3
Orchestra Offerings
Pg. 3
Pg. 4
Attendance Policy
Pg. 5
Behavior Guidelines
Pg. 5
Grading Policy (ChO, PhS, SS, ShS)
Pg. 6
Computing Your Grade (ChO, PhS, SS, ShS)
Pg. 6
DSO Grading Policy
Pg. 7
Computing Your DSO Grade
Pg. 7
Concert Etiquette
Pg. 8
Music and Folder Care
Pg. 8
Locks and Lockers
Pg. 8
Orchestra Money Matters
Pg. 8
Parents Boosters Group
Pg. 8
Pg. 9
Concert Uniforms
Pg. 9
Orchestra Club Council
Pg. 9
Section Leaders
Pg. 10
Orchestra Seating
Pg. 10
Private Lessons
Pg. 10
Pg. 10
Performance Opportunities
Pg. 10
Pg. 11
Varsity Orchestra Letters
Pg. 12
Orchestra Letter "Point List"
Pg. 12
Final Thoughts
Pg. 12
Orchestra Medical Release Forms
Pg. 13
Non-Emergency Medication Consent
Pg. 14
Orchestra Statement of Awareness
Pg. 15
As a member of the Dobson High School Orchestra, you are part of one of the most outstanding high
school music programs in America. The orchestra programs in the Mesa Public School District have
received consistent recognition as being among the best anywhere. Students in the Mesa Public Schools
are very fortunate to be offered the chance to participate in orchestra.
The reputation of quality in the orchestra program at Dobson is unparalleled in our state. Dobson’s
orchestra program is nationally recognized as an example of musical excellence. In past years the Dobson
Symphony has performed at the AMEA Conference, MENC Convention, Midwest Band and Orchestra
Clinic, and at festivals in San Francisco, Anaheim, and Washington D.C. In addition in 1999 the Dobson
Music Department was selected as a Grammy Signature School. Some of our most outstanding students
have achieved national recognition participating in the ASTA National Honor Orchestra, NAfME
National Honor Orchestra, and the Carnegie Hall Honors Program National Orchestra. Finally, the
Dobson Symphony has presented two solo performances, 2005 and 2010, at the renowned Carnegie Hall
in New York City.
These performances and many other additional honors have come as a direct result of the dedication and
work of the members, teachers, and community. As a member of the Dobson High School Orchestra you
are heir to a rich tradition of musical and personal integrity. It is now your responsibility to enhance that
tradition and pass it to future members.
The success of the orchestra depends upon the contribution of each member. This makes musical
organizations like orchestra unique from many other high school classes. To ensure the success of the
orchestra program, certain rules, expectations, and procedures must be followed. This handbook will
provide information to aid the student to succeed in the orchestra program. As you read through the
handbook, please take special note of the 2015-16 list of events on page 3. Located on pg. 15 is the
Orchestra Statement of Awareness and Medical Release forms. Please sign, date, and return these forms
to the orchestra office by Friday, August 14, 2015.
Chamber Orchestra (ChO), Mu 94 - is a string class for mature orchestra performance students.
Entrance is by audition only. The performance level of this group is advanced and has many demands.
Members of this group will also be members and leaders of the Dobson Symphony Orchestra during “A”
period beginning in November. Members of this class will earn a full credit.
Philharmonic Strings (PhS), Mu 96 - is a string class for advanced orchestra performance students.
Entrance is by audition only. The performance level of this group is advanced and has many demands.
Members of this group will also be members and leaders of the Dobson Symphony Orchestra during “A”
period beginning in November. Members of this class will earn a full credit.
Showcase Strings (ShS), Mu 95 - is a string class for advancing orchestra performance students.
Entrance is by audition only. The performance level of this group is high and has many demands.
Members of this group could also be members of the Dobson Symphony Orchestra during “A” period
beginning in November depending on the needs of the DSO. Members of this class will earn a full credit.
Symphonic Strings (SS), Mu 92 (Violins) and Mu 90 (Viola, Cello, Bass) - Entrance is open to all
Freshmen orchestra students. The performance level of this group is intermediate and has many demands.
Members of this orchestra may also form the string section for our second full orchestra, the Dobson
Concert Orchestra (DCO), which will meet in the spring semester as an extra orchestra experience.
Members of this class will earn a full credit.
Symphony Orchestra (DSO), Mu 93 - This group will consist of auditioned woodwind, brass, and
percussion musicians, as well as members of Chamber Orchestra and Philharmonic Strings. This is the
premier performance group of the orchestra program. This ensemble blends together the best of the entire
instrumental music area. Symphony is and should be regarded as a showpiece in the Dobson High
instrumental music program. Sectionals and full rehearsals will occur during class time ("A" hour)
beginning in November and continuing through the spring semester. Rehearsals will be three times a
week. Members of this class will earn a quarter credit.
Calendar Dates For 2015-2016 Orchestra Members
Fall Semester
Classes Begin
Labor Day - No School
+Lautzenheizer Leadership Conference – Student Leaders
All Orchestra Car Wash
End of 1st Quarter
October Break - No School
All Orchestra Fall Debut Concert
ABODA Fall Orchestra Festival
Veterans Day - No School
First Full Rehearsal DSO
Orchestra Retreat – All Orchestras
Thanksgiving Break – No School
ChamberMusic Recital
AMEA State S/E Festival Tier #1
Orchestra Holiday Concerts
Dobson Holiday Gala Dinner Performance
Performing Arts Assembly - DSO
Grading Period Ends
Semester Break – No School
8 am - 12 pm
9 am – 3 pm
7:00 pm
6:45 am
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
Aug. 12, 2015
Sept. 7
Sept. 12
Oct. 9
Oct. 12-16
Oct. 21
Oct. 23
Nov. 11
Nov. 17
Nov. 20-22
Nov. 26-27
Dec. 1
Dec. 1
Dec. 9-10
Dec. 11-12
Dec. 12
Dec. 18
Dec. 21 - Jan. 1, 2016
Spring Semester
Spring Semester Begins
Jr. High Step up Concert - DSO
Martin Luther King Day - No School
+Region Orchestra Auditions
+AMEA Honor Solo and Ensemble Festival Tier #2
Presidents Day – No School
Region Music Festival
ABODA Area Concert Festival - @ Camelback
Orchestra Festival Concert
End 3rd Quarter
All State Auditions @Gilbert
Spring Break - No School
MPS HS Orchestra Concert - MAC
Good Friday “Spring Holiday” - No School
Department Spring Performance Tour
All-State Music Festival – NAU
**ABODA State Concert Festival
All Orchestra Final Concert
All Orchestra Awards Event
All Orchestra Graduation Rehearsal
*Graduation – All Performing Groups
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Jan. 4, 2016
Jan 13
Jan. 18
Jan. 22-23
Jan. 29-30
Feb. 15
Feb. 19-20
Feb. 26
Mar. 1
Mar. 11
Mar. 11-12
Mar. 14-18
7:00 pm
6:30 pm
1:45 pm
7:30 pm
Mar. 25
April 7-10
Apr. 21-23
Apr. 26-28
May 17
May 21
May 25
May 26
Additional community concerts may be scheduled. At least two week's notice will be given for these
additional concerts to be considered for the student's concert grade.
*As printed in the grading policy, the graduation performance is not graded, but is required for
completion of the course.
** We will only participate in these events if we qualify.
+ Not required but highly encouraged
Attendance is required at all rehearsals and performances. Performance dates are located in the calendar
section in the handbook. Put these dates on your personal and family calendar. As of now, they will be
considered prior commitments. Two week’s notice will be given for any further required activities.
Acceptable absence excuses from concerts are: conflict with another school function that cannot be
resolved through conference between the teachers involved, personal illness (this means you are so sick
you cannot stand up), death in the family, or on a case by case basis. Examples of unacceptable excuses
are: vacations, hunting trips, or jobs.
Conflicts between orchestra activities and other class activities should be presented to the director no later
than two weeks in advance of the activity. Conflicts will be worked out with the other teachers involved
in the student's favor.
You are required to be in attendance 30 minutes before each performance.
You are required to be in the rehearsal room for class before the tardy bell rings, and in your seat within
one minute. Take care of going to the restroom before you get to class. Absences from class must be
cleared through the office. Tardy students must have a pass from the office or from a teacher to enter class
after the tardy bell.
You are all great students who do great things, so it is expected that you will conduct yourself in a manner
that is above reproach at all times. Behavior problems should not exist in the orchestra. These rules are
here to allow maximum use and good care of the facility for all our benefit, and to foster the best
atmosphere for learning in the rehearsal.
Please follow these common sense guidelines.
Rehearsal expectations:
Be on time for rehearsals (that means be early)
Have only your music and pencil on the stand during rehearsal.
Read all board announcements.
Be courteous to the person on the podium, whether director, student leader, or visitor.
Be positive during rehearsal
Focus on what you are doing
Please ask permission from the director to leave the rehearsal.
General facility expectations:
Keep food and drinks outside the orchestra room and performing arts building. Water ONLY will
be allowed
Treat all equipment with care. Handle only your own instrument.
Rough play, such as running or throwing, is inappropriate. Walk while in the building.
The whiteboards are to be used only for instructional information. Do not write on the boards.
Turn off cell phones and personal electronics while in class (new district policy).
Students are not to be in the auditorium without the teacher permission and supervision.
Swearing and vulgar language are not permitted in the building.
Orchestra class is participation and performance based. We perform with students of widely varying
musical skills and performance experiences. It is the purpose of the orchestra program that students will
improve their musical and performance skills on a daily basis. Orchestra is also a performing organization
that relies heavily on the participation of its members for success. So, this grading policy will be based on
participation in the following areas:
1. Class rehearsal participation, 40% - Acquiring performance skills
Each rehearsal is worth 4 points. If you are absent you will receive no points for rehearsal
participation. If you are present and not participating in the rehearsal, fewer points will be earned that
day. For example, if you are in rehearsal, but do not have an instrument you could receive only 2
points. In the same way, not bringing a pencil to rehearsal could be a 1 point deduction. Disturbing
the rehearsal is very bad, and 1-4 points could be deducted.
2. Performance participation, 30% - Exceptional musical performance display.
It is expected that you will give 100% participation in all orchestra concerts. This means that you are
at the concert site 30 minutes prior to the start of the concert, that you are in the appropriate uniform,
and that you perform and observe correct concert behavior. All performances will be considered an
exam of what the members should be able to do. Each member of the orchestra contributes to the
success of the performance, and we need 100% member participation to be successful. If you are sick
(in bed, high fever, throwing up etc.), or in an emergency situation, and cannot attend, you will still
receive 75% credit for that concert. If you are there, but don't perform appropriately (leave the
performance early, tardy to the performance, or out of uniform), you will receive 50% credit. You
receive no credit (0-25% - earned on a case by case basis) for an unexcused absence from a concert.
3. Skills proficiency participation, 30% – Testing performance skills
Any music in your orchestra folder or information covered in class will be subject to proficiency tests,
assignments, and written tests. You will be graded in the following areas: pitch, tone, rhythm,
technical execution, and understanding of musical concepts.
Skills development participation - Personal preparation of performance skills - PRACTICE!
For individual and group musical progress, practice is a must! We will incorporate a weekly
assessment that will help you know what technique, posture, or skill that needs to be developed
and worked on. It is your responsibility to make improvements in these areas in order to succeed.
This policy will be for each quarter grading period. Both grading periods will be averaged together for the
semester grade.
For each category you will receive a percentage of the points possible. This will be interpolated into
points for that category
Example: A student earns the following points in a grading period.
Rehearsal participation points = 140 of 180 points possible
Concert participation points
= 116 of 160
Technique skills points
= 110 of 110
Total = 360 divided by 450 points possible = 81%
The grade will be based on the following percentages.
100% to 90% = A
89% to 80% = B
79% to 70% = C
69% to 60% = D
The student in the previous example would receive a (B), because 81% falls between 80% and 89% in the
above grading scale. Audit status may be granted on a case-by-case basis. Performance at the DHS
Graduation ceremonies is not graded, but is a required performance for completion of the course. If the
student has earned a grade in the second semester the student will only receive that grade after performing
at graduation. Failure to perform at graduation will result in the student receiving an incomplete grade.
The student must do make up work in order to receive their earned grade. All make up work assignments
will be coordinated by the director.
Dobson Symphony Orchestra is a performance organization that relies entirely on the participation of its
members for success. This grading policy will be based on the student’s participation. This policy will be
for each quarter grading period. Both grading periods will be averaged together for the semester grade.
You will earn points in: rehearsal participation, and concert participation.
1. Rehearsal Participation - This category is 60% of your total grade and is worth 250 points.
You will earn up to 10 points per rehearsal. If you are absent you will receive no points for the rehearsal.
If you are present and not participating in the rehearsal, fewer points will be earned that day. For example,
if you are in rehearsal, and do not have an instrument, you will receive fewer points. In the same way, not
participating in a professional manner (ie: no pencil, disruptive, not prepared) is a 1-10 point deduction.
2. Concert Participation - This category is 40% of your total grade and is worth 170 points. It
is expected that you will give 100% participation in all orchestra concerts. This means that you are at the
concert site 30 minutes prior to the start of the concert, that you are in the appropriate uniform, and that
you perform in the concert. All performances will be considered an exam of what the members can do.
Each member of the orchestra contributes to the success of the performance, and we need 100% member
participation to be successful. If you are sick (in bed, high fever, throwing up etc.), or in an emergency
situation, and cannot attend, you will still receive 75% credit for that concert. If you are there, but don't
perform appropriately (leaving the concert early, tardiness, out of uniform), you will receive 50% credit.
You receive no credit (0-25%) for an unexcused absence from a concert.
For each category you will receive a percentage of the points possible. This will be interpolated into
points for that category. These points will then be multiplied by the percentage for that category.
Example: A student earns the following points in a grading period.
Rehearsal points
= 180 of 250 points possible
Concert points
= 140 of 170 points possible
Total=320 divided by 420 points possible=76%
The grade will be based on the following percentages.
100% to 90% = A
89% to 80% = B
79% to 70% = C
69% to 60% = D
The student in the previous example would receive a (C), because 76% falls between 70% and 79% in the
above grading scale. Audit status may be granted per district policy.
Students are expected to attend all parts of a concert. This includes being a good audience member.
Wandering around campus, visiting in the lobby or in the orchestra room is not acceptable. Students will
be in uniform during the entire concert and will not add to or take away from the official uniform at any
time during the performance period. Performance perfection and exceptional concert etiquette is the
standard for the Dobson Orchestra.
Proper care of music is the responsibility of every member of the orchestra. Each student will be issued
his/her own "practice" folder of music. This set of music is to go home with you so that you may
practice. No student should have an excuse for not having the correct music in his/her folder. If you have
a question as to what music should be in the practice folder, please ask the director.
In addition to this folder of music, a classroom set of original parts will be placed in black concert folders
and will be used for each rehearsal and performance. Each stand will have a "performance" folder of
music. This folder is to stay with the stand. If you move up or down in seating assignment, THE
performance folders home unless you get permission from the director. You will be financially
responsible for lost "performance" folders. The cost will be divided between you and your stand partner.
Replacement cost for a performance folder is $12 and each enclosed original part is $10 (cost of the part
plus shipping and handling). Each student is expected to number, in pencil, the measures of each issued
musical selection.
Orchestra lockers are for the purpose of storing musical instruments and equipment. Keep your locker
locked AT ALL TIMES. The school assumes no responsibility or liability for anything stolen from your
locker. Other storage arrangements will be made for cellists and bassists. All instruments must be stored
in their assigned places. Until further notice students are to provide their own combination locks. Bring
your locks on Thursday Aug. 13, 2015.
Fund-raising for orchestra expenses is considered a part of the responsibilities of being a member of the
orchestra program. The school district provides limited funds to provide for the basic needs of the
orchestra. Such funds are used for the purchase of music, orchestra folders, instruments, instrument
repair, and office supplies. However, these funds do not cover other program expenses. Uniforms, awards,
T-shirts, maintenance, scholarships, guest clinicians and conductors, trips, and social activities are all paid
for out of the orchestra student funds account. The orchestra account receives money when members earn
funds (through fund-raising), donate funds themselves, or when funds are donated from outside sources.
All student funds will be deposited at the bookstore. The funds will be tracked for each student in their
orchestra account. All student orchestra accounts will be managed in the orchestra office. Students will
not be allowed to apply funds in “their account” for anything except approved orchestra activities. Each
student will have a ledger sheet, which they can view on Charms Music Office Assistant, an online
management system. To view go to, click on “Login”, go to “parent/student” and
enter “DobsonHSOrch”. Under password enter your MPS 6 digit student number.
The Dobson High Orchestra is fortunate to have an active parent organization. The Dobson Orchestra
Society (DOS) is made up of orchestra parents and adults who provide additional support for the orchestra
program. The DOS benefits the orchestra by giving scholarships for lessons and music camps, providing
support staff for events and helpers at special fund raising activities, sponsoring coaches and clinics, and
many other activities. Parents serve as chaperones, bus monitors, truck drivers, as well as members and
officers of the parent's organization. All parents or guardians are encouraged to be active in DOS to help
the orchestra program function successfully.
DOS Executive Council 2015-16 - Elections to be held at our August DOS Meeting
President –
Vice President, Public Relations –
Vice President, Fundraising Vice President, Hospitality –
Treasurer –
Secretary –
All orchestra trips are school functions. School policies and procedures will be enforced. Additional
guidelines for specific trips may also be in place and must be followed.
Uniforms are an important part of the performance tradition at Dobson High School. The orchestra
uniform is to be worn to all performances, unless specifically instructed otherwise. Every member of the
orchestra will acquire a uniform. Please do not hesitate to ask for assistance if you need help acquiring a
Men will wear a tuxedo. You will have the option to rent or purchase from LeSueur’s Tuxedos. When
school begins you will receive an information sheet from LeSueur’s explaining your options. Along with
the tuxedo, you must have a white wing tip collar tux shirt, bow tie, black cummerbund, black socks, and
dress black shoes. Dress shoes are available through Haydn School Supply or you can supply your own.
Women will purchase a concert dress. The dress will be ordered from LeSueur’s Tuxedos. The cost of the
dress is $65 and will be used for many years. When school begins you will receive an information sheet
from LeSueur’s explaining your options. In addition, women are to wear black dress shoes. Open toed
sandals are not appropriate.
The purpose of the Orchestra Club is to provide assistance in the non-musical, cultural, and social
functions of the orchestra. Such functions are publicity, fund raising, socials, T-shirts, scrapbook, library
work, director assistance, etc. The Orchestra Council will oversee these activities. Council committee's
will be set up to involve all orchestra members in the above functions.
Dobson Orchestra Council 2015-16
President - Melissa Grieve
Vice President – Tamara Olson
Treasurer - Juanita Changanaqui
Secretary – Kaitlyn Tran
Historian – Shelby Masson, Austin Gloden
Publicity – Christine Kowalski, Marcela Hewitt
Moral Officer - Maelinn Chow
Librarian - Abbie Ahler, Phoenix Israel
In orchestra, section leaders are part of the student leadership team. They will be expected to provide
direction in the following:
1. Provide fingerings, bowings, and technical knowledge.
2. Provide necessary leadership during rehearsals.
3. Call and run sectionals as necessary for the success of the group.
4. Check weekly with the director for input as to the direction the section should be going.
5. Set the example. Be the example.
Seating ultimately must be at the discretion of the directors for musical and educational reasons. There
will be a seating audition for each concert set throughout the year. Materials for the audition will be
announced about one week in advance of the test by the director during class time. Materials will be
selected from music in the orchestra folder. Auditions are graded on the following: rhythm, articulation,
dynamics, phrasing, tempo, tone, vibrato, intonation, and technique. Weekly skill tests will be assessed,
however these may not affect the seating scheme. Because you are being tested for overall musical
progress, scales and sight-reading may also be included in the weekly assessment.
Private lessons are strongly recommended for all orchestra students. Chamber Orchestra and
Philharmonic Strings members are expected to be taking private lessons. Those students that take
private lessons, own a good sounding instrument, and practice regularly will usually excel in their
performance and find greater satisfaction in their music. If you desire more information, or would like
some help in finding a private teacher or an instrument, talk to Mr. Nichols or Ms. White. Although
lessons are highly encouraged, auditions will be done in the most unbiased manner to ensure seating is on
the basis of playing ability and preparation.
Playing condition of your instrument should always be top quality. Strings should be changed one to two
times a year, and bow hair once a year, depending on usage. Some who play several hours a day may
need to change more often. It is REQUIRED that each orchestra member provide the items listed below
for their instrument in order to receive full credit for participation in the first two of school.
Cleaning cloth (for wiping strings and fingerboard after each use)
Extra set of strings (An extra set of pre-stretched strings should be kept in your case at all times.)
Shoulder pad (if desired for violin or viola)
Endpin stops (cello, bass)
Bow with hair in good condition
Dobson High School instruments can be loaned out for student use. Those students that do not own their
own instrument may be able to check out an instrument for use during the school year. The instrument
will be issued in good working order and should be returned in the same condition. The student will be
responsible for paying for any needed repairs during the student's possession. Each student is to provide
their own accessories such as shoulder pads, mutes, and rosin. Students will also replace strings on these
instruments as they become worn or break. All school instruments are distributed on the basis of
individual and musical need. When using a school owned instrument, take care of it as if it were your
own. If you do not take care of the instrument, you will not be allowed to use it. DO NOT LEND YOUR
Auditioning for the AMEA Southwest Region Orchestra is expected for those students in the
Philharmonic Strings and Chamber Orchestra. These activities are opportunities for students to excel and
receive special recognition for fine performance on their instrument. Students are encouraged to begin
preparing for these events now by taking private lessons and practicing regularly. If you are accepted to
the regional orchestra, you may be selected to audition for the AMEA HS All-State Orchestra. If you are
chosen for the All-State Orchestra you have reached the level of a state champion and will receive
recognition as a state champion musician. DHS Orchestras have traditionally placed a large number of
students in All-Region and All-State Music Festival. Let's maintain this fine tradition!
Dobson orchestras also sponsor chamber music ensemble opportunities for our students. More
information will be presented during class. This is an opportunity to perform with your ensemble friends
in recital. The AMEA State Solo and Ensemble Festival will also be held this year in conjunction with our
“Chamber Music” unit. The recital for both will be Dec. 1, 2015 at the Historic Irvine Auditorium in the
MPS District Music Office Building. We have also had many superior and excellent performances in the
State Solo and Ensemble Festival. Let's maintain this fine tradition!
Participation in music camp in the summer is particularly valuable and highly encouraged. Scholarships
are available to freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. See Mr. Nichols or Ms. White for more information.
Each year seniors are provided the opportunity to audition for a chance to perform a solo with the
Symphony at a regularly scheduled concert. Section leaders, students who study privately, and those that
make the All State band or orchestra, should consider this opportunity.
Each year members of the orchestras are recognized for outstanding achievement during the year. Several
awards are presented at the end of the year.
NSOA (National School Orchestra Association) Award - is the highest achievement in orchestra. The
recipient will be chosen by the conductor and will be chosen on the basis of performance and service.
MVOP (Most Valuable Orchestra Performer) Award - goes to the outstanding performer of the
OWPP (Outstanding Winds/Percussion Performer) Award - goes to the outstanding Brass,
Woodwind, or Percussion players.
OS (Outstanding Senior), OJ (Outstanding Junior), OSO (Outstanding Sophomore) and OFR
(Outstanding Freshman)
Other awards, such as Most Improved, and Most Dedicated, are presented at the discretion of the
council and directors.
Orchestra members may earn varsity status school music letters. Music Letters are awarded within the
music department in the following manner.
1. A student who is a member of more than one performing group (ie: band and orchestra) receives
only one chenille music letter. As he/she “letters” in other performing groups, a pin is awarded, which
should be put on the chenille letter, in lieu of an additional letter. The pin will signify the area of
2. Letters will be given to students during or at the conclusion of second semester each year. This
will be done at the discretion of the director. Please remember that your purchase of a letter jacket in
no way obligates us to instantly give you your letter.
To earn a Varsity Orchestra Letter Orchestra students must:
1. Be in orchestra for two consecutive semesters.
2. Maintain an “A” grade in orchestra each semester
3. Have no unexcused absences from performances.
4. Be in good financial standing with the group
5. Must distinguish themselves through outstanding performance and service, and by earning 50
points from the "Orchestra Letter" point list.
Points possible
Participate in a year of Chamber Orchestra, Philharmonic Strings, Symphonic Strings,
or one season of Symphony (winds/percussion)
4 hours of private instruction per 9 week grading period
Pit Orchestra Participation
Attend "extra" rehearsal/sectional (per event)
Audition for Regional Orchestra
Regional Orchestra/Band member
Audition for All State
All State Orchestra/Band Member
Perform at Solo/Ensemble Festival (per event)
For each Superior or Excellent rating at S&E
Participate in fund raising activities (per event)
Attend other DHS Concerts (per event)
Attend another HS or Univ. Orch. orchestra concert (per event)
Perform in church or community event on your orch. inst. (per event)
Other (per event) - Directors will list
The above requirements for a music letter, also apply for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year letter pins.
Your decision to participate in the Dobson High School Orchestra program represents the opening of a
door to tremendous opportunity. You are very fortunate to live in a place that has a tradition of excellent
orchestras and a school administration that values and supports this type of study. Please recognize the
value of this opportunity and make the most of it.
This handbook is a guideline to make your experience in orchestra as productive and enjoyable as
possible. The rules it contains have been developed over many years of experience and refinement. All of
the rules are meant to serve one purpose: to promote the learning of the orchestra members. Like any
good set of guidelines, it is constantly being changed and improved as conditions warrant. If you have any
questions about the policies in this handbook, please do not hesitate to discuss it with one of the directors.
The information below must be completed for your student to attend orchestra activities. Return
this release to the orchestra office by Aug. 14, 2015.
Birth Date:
Grade Level: 9
Last Name
First Name:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Phone: Home
List an emergency contact person who can answer on behalf of your son/daughter in case of an
Emergency Contact Person:
Phone: Home
Work Phone
Company Name:
Policy Number:
Name of Family Physician:
Phone Number:
I, the undersigned parent/guardian, give my consent for the above named child to be released to
the Dobson faculty & administration to be taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital in case of
an emergency. I understand that Mesa Public Schools does not provide accident
medical/dental coverage for students for injuries/illnesses occurring at district event. I
understand that I may voluntarily purchase a student accident insurance plan. I further
acknowledge that I am financially responsible for any medical, dental, ambulance, or other
health care expenses or transportation of my child home, which might occur as a result of such
illness or injury.
Parent/Guardian Name:
This information is for use when the orchestra is traveling on field trips or performance tours.
Prescribed medication must be in the original container as prepared by a pharmacist and labeled,
including the patient name, name of medication, dosage and time to be given. An over-thecounter medication must be in the original packaging, with all directions, dosages, compound
contents and proportions clearly marked. Consent for Acetaminophen (aspirin substitute): If
you want your child to receive an aspirin substitute for any reason (including pain relief for
headache) while on the trip, it must be indicated on the consent form.
I consent to administration of aspirin substitute for any reason while on the trip.
Parent/Guardian Name:
If your child is using or has used an inhaler in the recent past, send it on the trip with him/her. It
must have a recent prescription label attached.
Date of last tetanus shot:
Please indicate:
PARENTS/STUDENTS: Please complete, sign and return this page of the Orchestra Handbook
to the director, indicating you have bothe read it. Return this contract to the orchestra office by
Aug. 14, 2015. If there are any problems involving the commitments indicated, please call the
orchestra office immediately at 472-3216 to schedule a conference.
Parent/Guardian Name (please print)
Student Name (please print)
Parent Initial Student Initial
I understand the attendance policy
I understand the grading policy
I understand the behavior guidelines
I understand the section on Concert Dress
I have read the enclosed performance calendar.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Student Signature
Print Parent Name
Print Student Name
Home Phone
Work Phone(s)
Parent Cell(s)
Student Cell
Parent email(s)
Student email