1. Contact Information Name : Seoung-Jai Bai Coral login : seoung

1. Contact Information
Name : Seoung-Jai Bai
Coral login : seoung
Phone Number : 650-723-0565
Email : luscious@stanford.edu
PI : Prof. Prinz (Mechanical Engineering)
2. Material
Name : Carbon Graphite
I think you already have the MSDS for carbon graphite. This material is used in
3. Vendor
Kurt J. Lesker (http://www.lesker.com)
Kurt J. Lesker Company
PO Box 951677
Cleveland, OH 44193
Phone : 800.245.1656
4. Reason for request
My research is making a micro electrode using MEMS process. Material for the
electrode would be carbon. The best method for preparing the electrode would be
sputtering carbon onto a silicon nitride layer using Metalica. I found that the carbon
target is not allowed to be used in the equipment even though the carbon is used in
some equipments in the CIS
I’m attaching a paper about depositing carbon using sputter equipment.
5. Process flow
1. Wetbench diffusion
2. Tylan nitride (Recipe : LONH378)
3. Photolithography
4. Drytek2
5. Wetbench Nonmetal (Remove the photoresist)
6. Preparing lift-off process ( LOL2000, SPR220)
7. Sputter carbon ( Probably using Metalica)
8. Wetbench solvent ( Microposit remover will be used to lift of the photoresist)
6. Amount and form
Size : 1.0" diam x 0.125
7. Storage
I would keep the carbon material outside the CIS.
8. Disposal
The carbon would not generate any waste.