Algebra 1 Syllabus - Course Overview & Guidelines

Algebra 1 Syllabus
Course Overview
Cierra Gray
Welcome to Algebra 1! From start to finish, this program was designed with you, the
learner, in mind.
As we work through the chapters in this course, you will be encouraged to think and to
make conjectures while you persevere through challenging problems and exercises. You
will make errors—and that’s okay! Learning and understanding occur when you make
errors and push through mental roadblocks to comprehend and solve new and challenging
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Ext. 23166
Class Location
In this class, you will also be required to explain your thinking and your analysis of
diverse problems and exercises. Being actively involved in learning will help you develop
mathematical reasoning and use it to solve math problems and work through other
everyday challenges.
I wish you the best of luck as we explore Algebra 1!
Office Hours
Before School
7:30 (except Wed.)
Both Lunches
After School
(or later, by
Required Text
Big Ideas Math: Algebra 1, Ron Larson and Laurie Boswell
The textbook is available online. If you have access to the internet at home, you do not
need a physical copy of the textbook, just go to
Course Materials
Please bring the following to class every day:
 3 Ring Binder
 Pencils or Pens
 Highlighter
 Big Ideas Journal
Students will be able to log on to to gain access to the following:
 Student Dynamic eBook
• Skills Reviews
 Homework
• Game Closet
 Quizzes
• Multi-Language Glossary
 Vocabulary Flash Cards
• And Much More…
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Solving Linear Equations
7. Polynomial Equations and Factoring
Solving Linear Inequalities
8. Graphing Quadratic Functions
Graphing Linear Functions
9. Solving Quadratic Equations
Writing Linear Functions
10. Radial Functions and Equations
Solving Systems of Linear Equations
11. Data Analysis and Displays
Exponential Functions and Sequences
Grading Policy
Assignments and warm ups will be worth 20% of the quarter grade. Tests and quizzes will be worth 80%.
The grade scale is as follows:
90 – 100%
80 – 89%
70 – 79%
60 – 69%
Below 60%
Each semester is made up of the quarter grades (40% each) and the semester final exam (20%).
Homework will be assigned daily. There will sometimes be time in class to start the assignments. If internet is accessible
at home, it will be completed and submitted online. If internet is not accessible at home, homework will be handwritten
and turned in the following day. Each homework assignment will be worth 10 points.
Tests and Quizzes
Quizzes will be given in the middle of the unit, approximately every week or two. Tests will be given at the end of each
unit, approximately every two to three weeks. Quizzes and tests may be redone if and only if students have turned in all
Extra Help
If you need extra help, please let me know. I am available every morning before school, starting at 7:30 am. I am
available during both lunches; please let me know when you would like to come in as this is my lunch hour. I will also be
in my room after school until at least 3:30 pm every day. If you are struggling, please come see me as soon as possible.
Math is a subject that builds on prior knowledge. If you fall behind it will take a lot more work to catch back up.
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Classroom Guidelines
Be on-time, on-task, and prepared to learn every day.
 Absences and tardiness will be handled in accordance with school and district policies.
Keep all personal electronics put away.
 Be in the moment; make the most of your learning experience.
Be responsible for your own learning.
 Bring all necessary materials to class.
 Complete homework in a timely fashion.
 Participate in all classroom activities.
 Contribute to classroom discussions.
Respect the teacher, the classroom, and other students.
 Show kindness and consideration for all.
Trash goes in the trashcan.
Respect our learning environment.
My parents and I have read and reviewed the rules and procedures pertaining to Mrs. Gray’s Algebra 1 class for the 20152016 school year. If I have any questions or concerns, I will email Mrs. Gray as soon as possible.
Student’s printed name
Parent/Guardian’s printed name
Student’s signature
Parent/Guardian’s signature
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