Session 3 PowerPoint

Discipline Plans
Following Through with Plans
Communicating with Parents
 Do
a first read of the Tips for Effective
Discipline with High School Students
 Highlight
what you think are the most
important points
 With your table group unscramble the
words or concepts that relate to our
session’s next topic on the handout
 Be sure to note spaces and hyphens
 You have 4 minutes
 The team with the highest
number unscrambled wins!
 Topic:
Discipline in secondary classes
 Do:
Examine and discuss the challenges
of successfully implementing discipline
procedures at the high school level
 LOT:
On your whiteboard, write down one thing
that you think a teacher absolutely must do
to have a classroom with as few discipline
problems as possible other than building
relationships with students (we already
established that – what else should be
 Written
 World
by Harry Wong
renowned teacher and lecturer
with 35 years of classroom teaching
number 1 problem in the classroom
is not discipline:
it is the lack or procedures and
Think back to our first session when we
talked about the classroom expectations
we have for our students to follow
peers, teacher, and school
Be present, on time, alert, and ready
to work
Participate fully, trying your hardest
Turn in assignments on time
Take care of personal needs prior to
class time
Calling parents at the
beginning of the year with a
positive comment may help
to deter future problems.
On the half sheet provided, write
down up to six “non-negotiable
expectations” that you would have
for your students.
has District Guidelines for Student
• See handout – very broad guidelines
• Most schools have campus-wide policies –
 Did you bring yours?
• If not, see Red Mountain’s on flip side of MPS
Guidelines - be sure your policies are consistent
with your school’s!
 Provide
students with paper copies of your
expectations, and consequences for noncompliance
 Include this information in the beginning of
the year parent letter so they acknowledge
your expectations – this would be a good
time to get their email addresses
 Post expectations on classroom/lab walls
 Let’s use the checklist to see if your letters
meet all criteria
When you send the expectations home
to parents:
 Provide
 Put
second copy for them to keep
it on your website for future
 Independently
complete a second read
of the article, Tips for Effective Discipline
with High School Students
 Put
stars by the top three that you think
are most critical to insuring that students
meet your expectations
 Discuss
your “top threes” with your table
 On
the half sheet
provided, describe
what you personally
do to address your
top one or two tips
for effective student
discipline from the
 Yet
still there will be instances when
students are inappropriate and must
receive consequences
 Be objective – most times misbehavior is
a result of something else going on in
students’ lives that you may never know
about – don’t take things
personally if you have
not done anything to
provoke them
Regardless of the
outcome, you will lose
 Separate
the student from the problem
 Let them know you care about them
 Do not embarrass the student
 Pick battles wisely and carefully
 Make expectations clear and logical
 Give student a chance to do the right thing
 Remain optimistic
 Be fair at all cost
 Make sure the kid understands what the
final word was about next step (the bottom
 Students
should know what will happen if
they do not live up to your expectations
 Teachers
MUST follow through with the
consequences for infractions
 Parents
need to be informed if
disciplinary action takes place
 Keep
administrative referrals to a
 Do not refer to administrator unless the
parents have heard what happened from
you first
 Be as objective and calm as possible
when relaying the situation to parents
 It is not fair to have an administrator try
to tell the story “second hand”
 Be
sensitive to timing
 Introduce
 Be
yourself and what you teach
as positive and objective as you can
 Call
before the situation is extreme
 Provide
 Follow
ideas for solutions
through and follow up
 Objectively
record what has transpired
and what you have done about it
 If you have tried unsuccessfully to reach
parents, document times and dates
 Even if your impression is that parents
“don’t care” or “aren’t going to do
anything about it” the calls must be made
and documented before taking the next
step (administrative referral)
 1st offense – teacher/student conference
 2nd offense – teacher/student conference
plus parent contact
 3rd offense – administrative referral
Remember to keep conversations with
disruptive or disobedient students as
private as possible
Read through all seven
Choose two for which to
write a response
Find someone who answered one of the
same prompts. Compare/Discuss
Be prepared to share with the group!
Tell the students that things aren’t working
the way things are going, and that you
need them to help solve the problem
Describe the changes you’ve planned
INSIST on following the
new procedures
Be consistent!
Post the new expectations
ideas discussed in this session that are
worth considering further
 2 reasons to stay calm when dealing with
disruptive students or disagreeable
 1 way to handle students who want to
have a public confrontation with the
 You
will be getting a link for the
evaluation for this class. Please complete.
 Take your certificates. ADE certificates
will be issued after visits are completed
 The next class offered will be Student
Engagement and Questioning Strategies
starting the 3rd Monday in October. We
would love to have you join us. No
pressure. Details will be sent to you as
soon as it is on the ERO system.