Country Project

Country Project
By the end of the study, each student will be expected to
 Publish a Country Book due on May 11th
 Prepare and deliver a class presentation May 11th
Due Dates
All chapters are due first thing in the morning. Time will be given in class to work on the
book on the day before the chapter is due. Completed books are required to go on the fieldtrip
to Sunsplash.
Due Dates
April 15th
April 22nd
#1: Flag & National Symbols
#2: Government & Economy
#3: History
Title Page
#4: Culture & Religion
#5: Food & Recipes
Back Page: Country Song
Outside Cover
Due Dates
April 29th
#6: Land & Geography
#7: Plants & Animals
#8: Weather & Climate
Table of Contents
Country Book
Each full page will cover an entire chapter. Each chapter must include pictures, visual
aids, writing. Everything in the book must be handwritten. No typing. All writing must be in
complete sentences, use your best handwriting. Use of space- there should not be any blank
pages or sections in the book. You will be graded on accuracy, completeness, neatness and the
6-traits of writing.
Title Page- The title page must be complete and have the accurate information. It must be
neatly drawn using the page correctly.
Country Song- You will be given a tune to use to base your song on. You will write a song based
on your country, mentioning interesting facts and information about your country. This will be
written in poem format.
Table of Contents- The table of contents must be complete and have the accurate information.
It must be neatly drawn with straight lines and good spacing.
Outside cover- You will color your country with red. The rest of the cover will be completely
colored. Name of country and author’s name will be written in the box on the cover.
Oral Presentation
We will be sharing our country book with the class. You will be expected to talk about
what you learned as well as give accurate and interesting information about your country. You
will be graded on: speaking within the time limit, topic covered accurately and completely,
preparedness, and interaction with the audience. Extra Credit will be given for authentic items
brought in to show during the presentation. For example: authentic clothes, types of food,
coins, etc. This will be done on May 11th
The week of May 16th we will be holding a world fair where other classes and parents
will be invited to walk through our presentations. Students will be expected to share about
their country and interact with their audience.
Rubric - Total Project: 130 points
Country Book : 100 points
Each Chapter: 10 points
Accuracy, Completeness, Neatness, Effort: 4 points
Outside Cover/Country Song: 10 points
Writing: 6 points
Title Page/Table of Contents: 10 points
Oral Presentation : 30 points
Met Time Limit: 5 points
Topic Covered: 5 points
Presentation Skills: 5 points Visual Aid: 8 points
Preparedness: 5 points
Audience Participation: 2 points
Please sign and return this copy.
I understand that the final project is due on ____________ and that there will be chapters
due every Friday. I also understand that some of the research may need to be done on my
own time. I will also have to prepare a visual aid and an oral presentation for this project.
Student Signature:________________________________
Parent Signature: _________________________________