English 9 St. Francis Preparatory School Ms. Porr Ms. Porr Email: JPorr@sfponline.org Welcome to your freshman year at St. Francis Prep! Course description as per the St. Francis 2009-2010 course offerings catalog: This course presents a study of high school language arts. The curriculum builds on the reading, writing, and speaking skills which the students studied in their grammar, junior high, middle, and intermediate schools. The major areas of concentration include introduction to literary genre and analysis, grammar and composition, vocabulary, and study skills. Objectives: During our time together, students will be introduced to a significant selection of classic works of literature, short stories, poetry, as well as non-fiction works (see below for examples). Students will also gain a deeper understanding and ability to recognize specific literary terms and poetic devices. Students will be prepared to pen critical and thought-provoking essays through the application of grammatical rules and essay writing capabilities. Students will also be introduced to a considerable selection of vocabulary words which will prepare them to ultimately sit for the PSAT and SAT. A significant amount of time will be devoted to encouraging students to exercise basic study skills such as note-taking, time management, outlining, reading, etc. It is my hope that we will both emerge more informed about the subject of English and each other. Ultimately, my goal is to introduce you to works of literature while establishing vital connections to your lives and the current events taking placing around us. Through activities, readings, writing assignments, and group work, I hope to instill in you the desire to learn alongside one another in a supportive and fun environment. Materials: All students are to come prepared daily with the following materials: 3 subject notebook with perforated paper and folder pockets a package of index cards, any size blue or black inked pens #2 pencil highlighter (any color) any required readings (these will be announced in advance) Required books and readings: Adventures in Reading Vocabulary Workshop Level D Of Mice and Men – John Steinbeck To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee A Shakespearian play Selections from The Odyssey – Homer A significant selection of short stories, poetry, and non-fiction works of literature (to be announced). All students are required to oblige by the Honor Code as explained in the General Rules section of the school calendar: Students at St. Francis Prep commit themselves to honesty in all their academic work. Academic dishonesty (cheating) is taking credit for work that is not one’s own. Cheating includes, but it not limited to, the following items: giving or receiving aid on an exam or attempting to do so; copying homework; not documenting sources (including the Internet); plagiarism; getting the answers for a test in advance; forgery; misusing calculators. *Please consult the General Rules section of the school calendar for further explanation of the Honor Code. **A thorough lesson on how to properly cite references will be given during class time prior to any researchbased assignments. Class Discussion Rules: During our time together, we will have many classroom discussions as they relate to the material in which we are currently studying. While these discussions are taking place it is imperative students: do not speak out of turn, unless directed to do so by the discussion leader. This leader may be the instructor or another member of our class. RESPECT each other and each other’s opinions; I cannot emphasize this rule enough! You must respect each person’s thoughts even if you disagree with this person or their ideas. Disagreements must (politely) be directed towards the idea as opposed to the person. Any comments deemed to be insulting or demeaning will be subject to detention or other disciplinary actions. listen while your classmate is talking, and try to KEEP AN OPEN MIND. We are here to learn from one another! Grading Policy: Grades will be based on students’ performances in class including written assignments, participation, test and quiz performance, and a notebook check. **Note: any student who is found guilty of cutting class will be given an automatic failing participation grade for the quarter and be subject to further disciplinary procedures. ** Absenteeism: In the event of an emergency, please see me and we can work something out regarding your late assignment. In some cases, documentation from home may be needed. I understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, but do not abuse this privilege. In the case of excessive class absences, a parent of guardian will be contacted. You will have one day to make up any assignments following a legal school absence. Any assignments handed in after that will have points deducted. Assignments will also be listed online. Extra Credit: Extra credit assignments will not always be available. If and when these assignments are available, they will be announced and explained in advance. *Students and parents or guardians should regularly check Parent Connect in order to monitor your academic progress. **Please check my website regularly for new announcements and reminders regarding assignments. Classroom Contacts: In the even of an absence, it is good practice to get in touch with a classmate to find out what you missed during that day’s lesson. Please copy down at least two classmate’s phone numbers and email addresses. Name:_____________________________ Email:_____________________________ Phone:_____________________________ Name:_______________________________ Email:_______________________________ Phone:_______________________________ After reading your course outlines students should sign below: Signature of Student: ________________________________