Vocabulary Terms 1 Quarter

Vocabulary Terms
1st Quarter
Common Good
Free Will
Mortal Sin
Original Sin
Venial Sin
Common Good - Social Conditions that allow for all citizens of the earth, individuals and
families, to meet basic needs and achieve fulfillment.
Conversion - A profound change of heart, turning away from sin and toward good.
Free Will - The gift from God that allows human beings to choose from among various actions,
for which we are held accountable.
Grace - The free and undeserved of God’s loving and active presence in the universe and in our
Mortal Sin - An action so contrary to the will of God that it results in complete separation from
God and God’s grace.
Morality -Dealing with the goodness or evil of human acts, attitudes, and values; involves
matters such as right judgment, decision making skills, personal freedom and responsibility.
Original Sin - The sin by which the first humans disobeyed God, resulting in separation from
Prudence - The virtue by which a person is inclined toward choosing the moral good and
avoiding evil.
Temperance- The cardinal virtue by which one moderates her or his appetites and passions in
order to achieve balance in the use of created goods.
Venial Sin - A less serious offense against the will of God that diminishes one’s personal
character and weakens but does not rupture one’s relationship with God.
Vice - A practice or habit that leads a person to sin.
Virtue - A good habit.