Vocabulary Terms for Quiz 1 characterize Christians.

Vocabulary Terms for Quiz 1
Beatitudes – Teachings of Jesus in which he describes the actions and attitudes that should
characterize Christians.
Common Good – Social conditions that allow people to meet basic needs and achieve
Conversion – A profound change of heart, turning away from sin and toward God.
Conscience – A God-given internal sense of what is morally right and wrong.
Free Will – The gift of God for humans to make choices freely, for which we are held
Morality – The good or evil acts, attitudes, and values, it involves right judgment, decisionmaking skills personal freedom and responsibility.
Mortal Sin- A serious act (sin) that causes complete separation from God.
Prudence – A virtue that helps a person to choose good and avoid evil.
Temperance – The cardinal virtue where one moderates the appetites and passions in order to
achieve balance.
Venial Sin - A less serious offense against the will of God that diminishes one’s character and
weakens but does not rupture one’s relationship with God.
Vice – A practice or habit that leads a person to sin.
Virtue – A good habit.