3 Quarter: Individual Assignments Homework and Projects are to be typed.

3rd Quarter: Individual Assignments
All homework listed here is to be done individually.
Homework and Projects are to be typed.
HW #1: Vocabulary words chapters 14-20.
DUE DATE: Week of February 4th . (Quiz 1 on vocabulary the week of 2/25)
HW # 2: Interview a person that you believe lives out one of the beatitudes (Matthew 5:1 – 12) by volunteering at an
organization that helps bring the kingdom of God to Earth. Include the following questions in your interview.
1. What is the organization and what does it do?
2. How and why did the person get involved with the organization?
3. What type of work do they do there and what is involved with that work?
4. How has their work influenced their own life?
5. How has their work influenced the lives of others?
6. How is their work connected to their faith?
After interviewing her/him ask yourself:
What beatitude do you believe the person you interviewed lives out the most and why?
Write a two page typed essay on the results of your interview and research.
DUE DATE: Due the week of March 3rd.
Parables of Jesus
Chose a parable of Jesus.
PART A. Choose one parable from the list of parables given out in class.
In your own words summarize the parable. Answer the following questions;
What are the symbols and images in the parable and what do they mean?
What is Jesus trying to teach us in this parable?
How does this teaching relate to our world today?
Hand in a one page typed summary of your response to the questions above.
PART B. Choose a creative way to share your findings with the class. Be certain that you answer the
questions above and use the creativity and talent of the group. Make your parable current and relevant
to today’s world.
· A SONG: Change the lyrics to a well known song
Play or perform the song in class and type up and hand in the lyrics to the song
· A CHILDREN’S STORYBOOK: make a storybook for a child (3 to 6 years old) to understand
the meaning of your parable. The storybook should be 16 to 20 pages in length and be ORIGINAL.
DUE DATE: The week of March 31st