2 Quarter: Individual Assignments

2nd Quarter: Individual Assignments
All homework listed here is to be done individually.
Homework is to be handwritten. Projects are to be typed.
HW #1: Spend some time reflecting on your relationship with God. Write a prayer/ reflection. This may be a prayer from
your own faith tradition or you may go to http://www.disciplesnow.com/catholic/html/prayer.html and choose a prayer that
reflects your spirituality. If you chose a formal prayer include a paragraph beneath the prayer explaining why this prayer
reflects your spirituality. In place of a prayer you may also write a one-paragraph question you have for God. Be sure to
explain why you are asking God this question. You may write this question in the form of a prayer. Each student will be asked
to lead our class with prayer this quarter.
DUE DATE:____________
HW #2: Read pages 78 – 99 of Understanding Catholic Christianity and answer the questions FOR REVIEW on page 84, 94,
and 99. Write a one-page reflection in your own words summarizing the reading. Include one main point you agreed with and
why and one main point you disagreed with and why.
DUE DATE:____________
2nd Quarter Project:
Read: Understanding Catholic Christianity pages 78-97
Gospel of Matthew: Chapters 1 & 2
Gospel of Luke: Chapters 1 & 2
Create an 8 to 10 minute news report video from the time Jesus was born. Each group member is responsible for two
minutes of the video.
Your news report should include:
A) A lead story and feature articles
B) Interviews with key persons
C) Editorials offering various perspectives
D) Miscellaneous items such as advertisements for products and other TV shows.
Everything in your news report video should reflect what you know about the culture and life at the time of Jesus,
social classes, expectations of the Messiah, stories of Jesus’ birth, etc…
Each person is responsible for: 1. One story, editorial or interview (90 seconds)
2. One advertisement. (30 seconds)
50 points of this project will be a group grade and the other 50 will be an individual grade on the work you submitted.
You will be graded on your ability to reflect an understanding of the assigned readings for this project and creative
Along with each video submitted, each group member needs to submit a typed transcript of each video segment they
created. After each transcript you submit you must include your name and a citation of what resource you used for
the content part of your video segment (be specific – what page? What chapter/verse?)
All videos should be recorded onto VHS 120 Tape.
HW #3: Read Chapter 7 of Understanding Catholic Christianity and answer questions FOR REVIEW on pages 183 and 191.
Write a one-page reflection in your own words summarizing the reading. Include one main point you agreed with and one main
point you disagreed with and explain why.
DUE DATE _____________
HW #4: Write a two-page reflection on what you have learned in the second quarter of this course. Include 2 main ideas
presented in class that you have found helpful and why. Also include 2 main points you found challenging and why. In your
final paragraph include what you think is going well in class and any suggestions you have for improving the class.
DUE DATE _____________