Regents review assignment sheet

Regents review assignment sheet
Directions: Complete the following Assignment for the date they are due. It is your choice
whether you want to type it or write it out. You will put all of your assignment in a folder
provided to you so you have an easy place to study from. You will be receiving a homework
grade for every assignment, as well as having your folder and its contents the day the
assignment is due. Take this seriously. Spend time identifying. You may end up writing an
essay or two on any of these concepts, terms or people on the Regents.
First Assignment Due: April 29th
Page 2: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Page 9: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Page 18: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Page 21: Outline the Belief Systems under THE BIG IDEA
(be sure to include the key people and terms in your outline )
Second Assignment Due: May 4th
Page 36: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Page 41: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Page 44: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Third Assignment Due: May 7th
Page 48: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Page 54: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Page 60: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Fourth Assignment Due: May 12th
Page 72: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Page 76: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Page 80: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Page 84: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Page 92: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Fifth Assignment Due: May 17th
Page 106: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Page 112: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Page 116: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Page 119: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Page 126: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Sixth Assignment Due: May 20th
Page 140: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Page 144: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Page 152: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Seventh Assignment Due: May 25th
Page 158: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Page 163: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Page 170: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Page 173: Complete Key Themes and Concepts & Key People and Terms
Eighth Assignment Due: May 28th
Do in the Review Book:
Page 216 – 218: Multiple Choice Questions
Page 220 – 224: DBQ questions only
Page 92: Section 5: African Civilizations
Key Themes and Concepts
How did the geography of Africa encourage the development of diverse civilizations?
Africa has a very varied geography. They have deserts, savannas, rainforests, and woodlands. Depending on
where a person lived, their way of life would be different. For example, a person living in a desert would have to rely
strictly on hunting and some gathering for food. However, a person living in a savanna can farm, hunt and gather.
Also there are many geographic barriers in Africa (deserts, plateaus, waterfalls, non-rugged coastline). This
prevented people from easily moving across the continent, thus preventing cultural diffusion.
What factors contributed to the rise and fall of powerful kingdoms in Africa?
Powerful kingdoms were able to rise in power depending on whether they controlled the trade routes. Whoever
dominated a majority of the trade routes, providing salt and goods for their people would rule.
Movement of people and goods
What links did Africa have with global trade routes?
In East Africa, the Mediterranean and Red Seas linked Africa to Europe, India and the Middle East. West Africa was
linked to Europe by the Mediterranean Sea.
How did traditional art and literary forms reflect the beliefs of African peoples?
The art and literacy show the African peoples pride in their heritage. Much of the art reflects their belief systems.
Many of the pieces are used for religious ceremonies and rituals, particularly to do with their ancestors.
Key people and terms
Savanna – grassy plains; make up most of Africa; good soil and enough rain for farming
Desert – dry, barren land; Sahara Desert
Ghana – West Africa; controls gold and salt trade; Islam introduced to West Africa
Mali – kingdom in West Africa; Timbuktu  center of Muslim learning and trade; controls gold trade
Mansa musa – most powerful Mali ruler: Mansa Musa went to Mecca (Islam) with much Money(trade)
Songhai – West Africa; trade routes; Sonni Ali (most powerful leader); Muslim dynasty begins
Swahili – language in East Africa  Arabic words and Bantu mixed
Axum – East Africa on Red Sea; Christian empire: trade between Africa, Mediterranean and Middle East; eventually
weakened because of introduction of Islam to neighboring areas
Assignment Checklist:
First Assignment (April 29th )
 Page 2
 Page 9
 Page 18
 Page 21
Second Assignment (May 4th)
 Page 36
 Page 41
 Page 44
Third Assignment (May 7th)
 Page 48
 Page 54
 Page 60
Fourth Assignment (May 12th)
 Page 72
 Page 76
 Page 80
 Page 84
 Page 92
Fifth Assignment (May 17th)
 Page 106
 Page 112
 Page 116
 Page 119
 Page 126
Sixth Assignment (May 20th)
 Page 140
 Page 144
 Page 152
Seventh Assignment (May 25th)
 Page 158
 Page 163
 Page 170
 Page 173
Eighth Assignment (May 28th)
 Multiple Choice Questions
 DBQ Essay Questions