Name: ______________________________________ Period: ______ May 23

Name: ______________________________________
Period: ______
Due Date: May 23rd
The following question is based on the accompanying documents (1-7). Some of the documents have been
edited for the purposed of this exercise. The question is designed to test your ability to work with historical
documents. As you analyze the documents, take into account both the source of the document and the author’s point
of view.
 Write as well-organized essay that includes an introduction with a thesis statement, several paragraphs
explaining the thesis, and a conclusion.
 Analyze the documents.
 Use at least half of the documents.
 Use evidence from the documents to support your thesis position.
 Do not simply repeat the contents of the documents.
 Include specific related outside information.
For this assignment: Answer all questions directly on the lines provided after each question. Type your essay,
double-spaced. Attach your essay to the back of the questions. Documents are worth 40 points; the essay 60 points.
Historical Context:
The First Global Age (1415 – 1796 AD) was a time of radical change for Europeans, Asians, Africans and
Native Americans.
Explain how life changed for Europeans, Asians, Africans and Native Americans during this time. Be sure to
mention the causes of each of the changes.
Document 1
1. According to the map, by 1700, which European countries were involved in sea trade with Asia? [ 8 points ]
Document 2
“Presently, many of the inhabitants of the island assembled … thus your
highness should resolve to make them Christians, for I believe if the work
was begun, in a little time the multitude would be converted to our faith, with
the acquisition of great lordships, people, and riches for Spain.”
- Christopher Columbus to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella (1493)
1. Why did the Church support voyages of discovery? [ 6 points]
Document 3
1. What negative effect did the Atlantic trade have on Africans? How did the Atlantic trade benefit Europeans? [ 8 points ]
Document 4
“That which led the Spaniards to these terrible deeds was the desire for gold, to make themselves suddenly rich … In
a word their greed, their ambition gave occasion to their barbarism. For the Spaniards so little regarded the health of
their souls that they allowed this great multitude to die without the least light of religion. The Indians never gave
them the least cause to offer them violence until the excessive cruelties of the Spaniards, the torments and slaughters
of their countrymen, moved them to take arms against the Spaniards.”
- Bartolome de Las Casas, Brief Report on the Destruction of the Indians, 1542
1. Summarize the point of view this writer concerning the interaction between Spaniards and Native Americans in the
1500s. [ 5 points ]
Document 5
1. According to the chart, how many millions of people from central Mexico
died of disease and conquest between 1520 and 1608? [3 points ]
Document 6
Unlike the Chinese or Koreans, the Japanese at first welcomed western traders. In 1543, the Portuguese reached Japan. Later
came the Spanish, Dutch, and English. They arrived at the turbulent time when strong daimyo were struggling for power. The
Japanese quickly acquired western firearms and built castles modeled on European designs. In fact, the new weapons may
have helped the Tokugawa shoguns centralize power and impose order.
Japan was much more open to European missionaries than China. Jesuits, like the Spanish priest St. Francis Xavier,
found the Japanese curious and eager to learn about Christianity. The Tokugawa shoguns, however, became increasingly
hostile towards foreigners.
After learning how Spain had seized the Philippines, they may have seen the newcomers as agents of an invading
force. They also suspected that Japanese Christians – who may have numbered 300,000 – owed their allegiance to a foreign
power, the Pope. In response, the Tokugawa expelled foreign missionaries. They brutally persecuted Japanese Christians,
killing many thousands. The few Christians that survived practiced the religion in secret.
By 1638, the Tokugawa had barred all western merchants and forbidden Japanese to travel abroad.
1. Why were the Japanese, at first, accepting of western traders – why did they change their attitude? [ 8 points ]
Document 7
1. Which country in the Americas ranked highest in the importation of African slaves? [2 points ]