Global II Project [Second Quarter] Thursday Nov. 15

Global II Project
[Second Quarter]
Requirements :
1. Select one of the following topics. You must let me know who your partner is and you
Thursday Nov. 15th
topic by
2. You will be creating a power point presentation covering one of the following topics.
3. Create 15-20 slides on one of these topics or subtopics. For each topic, you will need to
include the following information:
 Dates of the Events
 Important People involved
 Background of Topic
 Historical Significance of the Topic
 Suitable Graphics should be used for each topic.
4. You must hand in your project on a CD or DVD with your name and your partner’s
name on it.
By Tuesday, December 11th.
5. Your final slide must include a bibliography of the sources used. - visit the SFP
library site if you are not sure how to do a bibliography.
** Maybe handed in anytime before the Dec. 11 , but not after the 11 without a late penalty **
5 pts. first two days ---------------------- 10pts. everyday after that
Topic List
I. The Enlightenment
Immanual Kant
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Charles de Montesquieu
II. The French Revolution
The Old Regime
The Royalty of France
The Financial Crisis
The Revolt of the Nobility
The Revolt of the Bourgeoisie
The National Assembly and the Rights of Man
The Bastille
The Storming of the Bastille
The Great Fear
The Women's March to Versailles
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
The Constitution of 1791
The Execution of Louis XVI
The Rise of the Jacobins
The Reign of Terror
The Directory
III. The Industrial Revolution
Life in the Cities of England
The Life of Workers
Karl Marx
IV. Revolutions In Latin America
Simon Bolivar
o Toussaint L’Overture
Mexico’s Independence
o Miguel Hidalgo
V. Imperialism
American Imperialism in Latin America
The Monroe Doctrine
The Spanish American War
The War in Cuba
America and the Panama Canal
The Boxer Rebellion
The Qing (Ch'ing) Dynasty
Imperialism in Africa
The Opium War
Due Date: Tuesday December 11th
Your topic and partner must be approved before submission.
The web should not be your only source; you must have other sources. {i.e. Books,
Websites, etc} Your textbook cannot be used as a source. Also do not use any
Wikipedia is not a valid source anyone using it for their projects will receive a grade of
Please remember that you must include a bibliography with your project listing any
websites, books, magazines, or other sources used. No projects will be accepted without
This is to be written in your own words, if you copy anything it will be considered an
honor code violation. Do not cut and paste.