St. Francis Preparatory School 6100 Francis Lewis Blvd. Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 (P) 718-423-8810 (F) 718-224-2108 2007-2008 Christian Service Course 2nd Quarter Site Supervisor Evaluation Dear Supervisor: Thank you for continuing to work with this student volunteer in your program. Your evaluation will be heavily considered in the determination of his/her quarterly grade. Completed evaluations may be returned to the student who needs to return it in class by Tuesday January 20th , 2009 Thank You for your time, Mr. William Vogelson Service Instructor Student’s Name: __________________________________________________ Agency: _________________________________________________________ According to your records what is the TOTAL number of hours served by this student from 11/8/08 – 1/22/09? This evaluation is due 1/20/09 so if the student will serve any time between 1/20/09 and 1/22/09 please credit them the hours. ________________________________ hours Please evaluate this volunteer by checking off the appropriate box. Excellent Very Good Good Average Fair Responsibility Cooperation Attitude Punctuality Attendance Please use this space or the back of the page to further comment on the contribution of this volunteer. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Supervisor’s Signature ______________________________________________________ Date_________________________