¡Bienvenidos! Spanish II Ms. Pati Foreign Language Department

Spanish II
Ms. Pati
Foreign Language Department
(718) 423-8810 x227
The successful acquisition of a foreign language is not necessarily rote
memorization of verbs and their endings, nor grammatical concepts that cannot
be applied to everyday life. In line with The American Council of Teachers of
Foreign Languages and NYS Board of Regents, the Foreign Language
Department of Saint Francis Prep has undertaken the task of applying those
standards to our daily instruction in the classroom. It is through these widely
accepted standards that we endeavor to make the learning of a foreign language
in our society useful and enjoyable to all of our students.
This is a two-semester course that strives to provide a well-rounded learning
experience of studying Spanish by emphasizing the culture, art and music, in
addition to the grammar and vocabulary of the Spanish language. Learning
how to communicate in Spanish will be our primary focus on our journey
through this vast and exciting culture. In this class we aim to develop a solid
command of simple, conversational Spanish that would allow for
communicating in the everyday world in the target language.
Classroom Disposition: Professional courtesy and classroom decorum are
highly valued and will be expected of all students. Students will likely have
their ideas and positions challenged and should consider this an essential and
welcome part of the learning experience. In doing so, students should show the
same respect for others’ perspectives and ideas as they appreciate for their own.
Seats will be assigned by the teacher and shall not be changed unless
discussed with the teacher and approval is granted.
Attendance: To be successful in this course, students should attend all class
meetings and also always be on time. All school attendance policies will be
strictly followed.
Preparation: Students will maximize their learning experience if they are up to
date on all readings and assignments. All required materials are expected to be
in class every day. You must also sign up for MySFP and check our class page
regularly for the latest information on assignments, quizzes, exams and
Participation: The participation of each member of the class is important and
necessary to its success. Both the quality and the quantity of class
participation will be considered when determining the overall course grade.
Assignments: Homework assignments must be handed in on the assigned due
date. Late homework assignments will not be accepted. If you are absent when
homework is assigned, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed.
Any assignments missed due to absence must be handed in the day you return
to school unless an alternate date is discussed with the teacher prior to the
original due date.
Exams/Quizzes: If you are absent the day of a quiz or an exam, you must
reschedule a time within one cycle to make it up. It is your responsibility to
discuss a make up date with me. If you do not make the effort to make-up a
missed quiz or exam, it will be averaged in with a grade of zero.
Academic Integrity: Cheating will absolutely not be tolerated and will result in
an automatic failure of the quiz, exam, assignment, etc. Cheating includes
copying answers as well as providing them.
Each quarter grade
will be calculated with the following allotment:
20 %
Please feel comfortable discussing with me anything that needs clarification. All
graded material will be posted on the school website and can be viewed via
Parent Connect or on the class page.
Fill out bottom portion of this page and return to instructor.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I, ________________________________ , have read this syllabus and understand
what is expected of me in order to do well in this course. I feel as though I can
make a positive contribution to this class and I will do my best to follow the
guidelines listed above.
Signature of Student
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Contact Phone Number
Contact E-Mail