The Jungle Chapters 14-17 Review

The Jungle
Chapters 14-17 Review
How has working in the meat processing factory taken a toll on the family? Give specific examples of
characters from the book.
Ona has begun to deteriorate both mentally and physically, describe what is happening to her.
What shocking discovery does Jurgis make about Ona? What happens that leads up to this discovery?
How does Ona explain what she has done? How does Jurgis react and what actions does he take?
What happens to Jurgis, where is he taken? What does Jurgis think/is concerned about ?
Who does Jurgis meet and how do they “educate” him about life and how things are in America?
What happens at Jurgis’ trial and how does the outcome affect his family?
What news does Stanislovas bring Jurgis about Ona and the family?