Arna Bontemps “A Black Man Talks of Reaping”

Arna Bontemps
“A Black Man Talks of Reaping”
1. Which poet was a friend of Arna Bontemps?
2. Where was he born?
3. How many children did he have?
Angelina Weld Grimke
“The Black Finger”
1. What was her occupation?
2. Identify theme.
Countee Cullen
1. What is the theme of the poem?
2. Cullen began writing poems at a very young age, but was not good at it. T/F
Langston Hughes
“Mother to Son” and “Dream Variations”
1. Langston Hughes moved to Mexico at the age of 13 to live with his grandmother. T/F
2. After high school he went to Mexico for a year and went to Lincoln University for a year. T/F
3. His first book of poetry The Weary Blues won the Harmon gold medal for literature. T/F
Claude McKay
“Harlem Shadows”
1. What was the theme of “Harlem Shadows”?
2. What was the understood role of the girls in “Harlem Shadows?”
Anne Spencer
“Letter to My Sister”
1. Anne Spencer wrote about respecting God’s earth in her poems. T/F
2. What is the theme of the poem?
3. Who is Anne Spencer warning in the poem?
Jean Toomer
“Georgia Dusk”
1. Identify Jean Toomer’s race and sex.
2. Where did this poem most likely take place?
3. Identify an example of personification in the poem.